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Rumba Rue

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Posts posted by Rumba Rue

  1. I haven't seen too many of the Hornblower episodes (keep missing them), but there were pirates, privateers, or buccaneers on the show?  I must up my efforts to see more of the show!

    As a person who practically 'lives' at the A & E Hornblower message boards, I love the shows. Sure there's questions about things, but I find them entertaining and interesting.

    I also have all the tapes -VHS, not DVD.

    Unfortunatly I can't make copies. But if you're really interested you can go to their site and buy the shows or I believe if you check at Barnes and Nobel or Amazon you might get them cheaper.

    In any case the site for Hornblower is http://www.aande.com/tv/shows/horatio/

    BTW- you can bypass all the front stuff and just hit 'Discussions' on the bar above.

    There's different sections of Hornblower discussions you can choose. Either from drooling over Cast members, to Historical talk. Whatever suits your fancy. And yes, there are a few guys that participate.

    Those of us posting there have become quite a 'family' of sorts, and now we have Horatio Hornblower Gatherings. The last one was in Norfolk, Virgina this year. Next year it will be in Toronto, Canada the end of Sept. Hopefully I'll be going. The other board posters there who have met me have begged me to put on a Gathering here on the West Coast, but since I'm the only one in the San Diego area - it takes more work than one person can possibly do. So it hasn't happened yet anyway...

    Rumba Rue

    **I have shared a berth with Mr. Bush and I considered it an honor - yup, this wench knows how to party!** :)

  2. Rumba, M'dear...... who be this Robin Grattige ye speaks of?

    Uh, he's postin' as Robin St.Graves. He's got a post down the way here, for Aztec coins. Interesting that a double sided coin would bring more money I would think. Hmmmm, now this is something I hadn't considered. I'll have to ask, as the price was pretty steep for a coin signed by the artist. If it is only one sided, then I'd definatly go for the cheaper model.

    BTW- The email I got back from Indy stated they sold for $35.00 each.


    **I can imagine quite a lot**

  3. Hmmmmm, sure is cheaper than what Robin Grattige offered to me. (Sorry Robin, but gotta go with the money saving copy) Hence he has a post here somewhere about them.

    In any case, I've sent the guy an email already.


    **The bigger my eyes, the greater my want** :P

  4. Ok, now I don't feel so bad! Gee, someone who can do green as well as me!

    Ya gotta wonder 'bout them sailors in waves like that or even bigger like storms --feeding the fishes, and then havin' it wash back on deck all o'er ye!

    LOL! <Bad brain - bad brain>


    **Forget the yo ho ho, just gimme the Dramamine** :P

  5. Great! WOW, this really is an amazing event. Who would have thought that pirates would have been so popular? Well thanks to POTC, we have the world at our pleasure and treasure!

    Now the interesting thing is, a lot of people who've joined up here, don't post, just read the goodies.

    How sad, so I'm sayin' ta all ye Stowaways get postin' and enjoy yerself!!!!


    **A day without sunshine is like night** :P

  6. I have to admit I'm a little bewildered at the whole idea that you either have to be fun OR accurate... would that guy over there singing the pirate song be less fun if his shirt was linen? Or his hat wool, not acetate felt? Would he be less entertaining with leather soles on his shoes?? Would he be less fun if he were singing a funny song from the period??

    No, no, and no.... that's my take on it, anyway....

    I think the more important question to ask is:

    "Would that pirate be more entertainng if he were more historically accurate?"

    Well that depends, are ye handin' out candy with the tip o' yer sword, cuz ye been drinkin' so's there's acohol on yer breath, or are ye handin' out swigs o' rum cuz there's acohol in yer mug?

    Actually, I don't think the public really cares one way or the other whether yer costume be historically correct or blinding hot pink. What they see is a fantasy to them, and that's what they enjoy.

    Just remember these famous words I heard at S. Faire the last year I twas there,

    "In costume, we are Gods and Goddesses, out of costume, we're just fat." :)


    **The bigger my eyes, the greater my want** :P

  7. Blood? Oh dear, I'd have ta be blind folded fer that! Otherwise ye be pickin' me up off the floor after I've passed out from the sight!

    Me ears be pierced twice, and that be enough, as the second peircing hurt like hell. I hate pain.

    Rumba Rue

    **Compared to the rest o' ye, I'm normal, oh S**t, now I DO need a drink** :rolleyes:

  8. I really like Cutthroat Island! Well Geena Davis ain't the greatest, (provides eye candy for the males), but it's a lot of fun, some great lines, amusing adventure and in fact I have a copy - though it's VHS.

    Worth getting in my humble opinion.

    Rumba Rue

    **Another smooth escape disguised as a dramatic exit!** :D

  9. What a bunch of B***S**T! Now I've never gone there but that is the biggest bag of crap I've heard since way back when, Southern Faire and Phyllis Patterson tried to run off all the other faires starting up, cuz she wanted to be the only one!

    Well I for one say, "Baloney! There's nothing stopping one from dressing up as a pirate and participating! Even if it's only standing and watching! What are they going to do, sue?"

    The people that are saying that no one else can do it but them, are going to learn a very hard lesson, when people rebel! Trust me, it will happen.

    Notice how many Renaissance Faires there are now in just about every state? You cannot mandate that only one group can do what others can't. Those people may have started the parade, but they cannot tell people what they can and cannot wear! The end result will be, no one will participate at all!

    If nothing else, wear yer pirate costumes and carry STRIKE signs! :lol:

    Rumba Rue

    ** B) **

  10. Well unfortunatly at this time I don't own a digital camera (it's on the list for next year), but I made the most tremendeous haul I've ever had for a Christmas!

    My companion Boats gave me a Celtic rubber stamp set I've been wanting for a long time. He also gave me a beautiful Celtic hair clip, and it's no small thing either!

    From my friend Bob, he gave me a really cute Christmas train snow globe goodies - there's the engine with Santa, and three small train cars, one with a bear, one with a penguin, and the last with a moose. All can be shaken to make the 'snow' move.

    But the real haul came from my companion's family. They gave me a card to Target for a good size amount of money, a check for $100.00, and some nice smelling vanilla body lotion.

    From their daughter and her husband I got a book on Celtic stuff and a cd for the computer - all to make my needlepoint that much eaiser to transfer!

    But the real treat and the best of all, came from my companion's daughter and her mother who went to Ireland last summer. They gave us a beautiful Waterford crystal Clippership! It's absolutely gorgeous! I saw it in a catalog a couple of years ago, so I know how seriously expensive it was. It measures roughly 7 inches, by 7 inches. It's just outstanding! I don't think a picture could do it justice!

    I'm grateful for the things I have gotten this year, and I am grateful for the family of my companion who has taken me in as one of their own.

    Blessed be.

    Rumba Rue

    **Smile and Let Your Spirit Soar!** :lol:

  11. Well several years ago, the Port Royal Privateers were doing a ship battle in Long Beach for the promotion of the Horatio Hornblower show that was soon to debut on A & E.

    Afterwards, we trooped over to a local restraunt to eat. No one was expectin' us that's for sure.

    Besides taking up almost six tables set up in a row, when it came time to eat, a few pulled out their pointy-sticky weapons to do so. Nothing like seeing Louie Lambie pull out his big sword to stab a roll he couldn't reach. You should have seen the looks on the normal people watching us, totally priceless!

    After one of the Sea Shantey Festivals in San Diego, we trooped over to Seaport Village to eat at the Jolly Roger Restaraunt (too bad it's not there anymore). Some poor ol' lady with her older lady friends was celebrating her birthday. Ah, nothing like a bunch o' pirates getting up and surrounding her and singing at the top of our lungs the Mongolian Birthday Song. Poor lady almost had a heart attack she was laughing so hard!

    All I can say is when the Port Royal Privateers are out to eat (and in costume of course) watch out, cuz we're the biggest RABBBLE ROUSERS THERE ARE! :D

    Rumba Rue

    **By the swish o' me sword and swoosh o' me cape,

    May yer ships be laden with fanciful treasure,

    Which may be a pirates wonderous fate,

    Oh but by the dawn and the sea's green measure,

    Tis the love of the ship and a timely date.

    For us to gather together, we truly are the best darn crew mates!** :D

    (an orginal poem by yours truly)

  12. Panther Primitives be the absolute best of the best. I don't have their web address off hand, but I'm sure if you do a search ye'll find them.

    However, their mailing address and phone number are:

    Panther Primitives

    P.O. Box 32

    Normantown, West Virginia 25287


    They have a terrific catalog and all their tents are fire-proofed as required by law (in any state) and a requirement for all faire type pavillions.

    PRP got a Marquee tent from them that has been great!

    Rumba Rue

    **You there, go hoist something**

  13. Booby? I got those! Ooops, sorry wrong thing, ya mean BOOTY! I got that too!

    But since I ain't opened any o' me giftys yet, ye'll have ta wait.

    Rumba Rue

    **Forget the yo ho ho, just gimme the rum** :D

  14. I'm thoroughly enjoying the pictures! Ah, near the end I spotted Jeff Steele (titled contitusiants -sic) Also spotted Dawn Berry Bradley and Tony Kopec, all PRP'rs.

    Well, you guys looked like you all were havin' way too much fun. Tell me, were you ever sober?

    Rumba Rue

    ** <_< **

  15. Try a cotton duct material. It's a bit thicker, a little stiffer, and is machine washable.

    One of the more creative pants I've made was for Louie Lambe. He gave me a couple of laundry type bags, and I turned them into sailor pants for him. He loves them!

    Rumba Rue

    **Partridge in a pear tree? Where? Ooooh, dinner!** :ph34r:

  16. Didn't feel a thing, zip, nada. The only things movin' at the time were me fingers typing on the keyboard, and me eyes watchin' the computer screen.

    Too far south, and besides, this here location happens ta be on granite....hard stuff to rumble.


    **Partridge in a pear tree? Where? Ooooh, dinner!!!!** :ph34r:

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