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Rumba Rue

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Posts posted by Rumba Rue

  1. Tale a trip to your local library and look for books on 'Textiles'.

    Unfortunately I can't answer your question about the material you have.

    But I'm sure someone here can.

    Rumba Rue

    **Mind is lost in a sand storm**

  2. Sorry mates, but there's already a group called "Marooned", they are out of Las Vegas. Very fun, good singing group.

    My suggestion, is takin' ol' Ben's name and just a tad of a change and come up with, "The Connecticut Bends".

    Rumba Rue

    **Somewhere over the rainbow lies my pot of gold**

  3. Unfortunatly, the pirate's weekend will be after I'm there!

    Well ne're mind, there be a group o' 4 o' us from PRP and California goin' and we be meetin' up with a fellow PRP'r who lives in Phoenix and his friends at the faire ta form a whole big group.

    I've been to the Arizony faire before- I absolutely love DED BOB!

    I'll be there (I be drivin' all o' us) on March 12, and visitin' the faire on the 13th if'n it be rainin' (it does rain occassionally in the desert), we'll try for the 14th. Headin' back ta California on the 15th.

    So if'n any o' ye in Arizona want ta get together for one heck of a party let me know in a private email.

    We be stayin' at the Holiday Inn on Apace Blvd in Tempe. Tentative plans are fer a big party at my friend Linda's house in Tempe after the faire. (Poor woman hasn't got a clue what will be invadin' her house- lol!) :ph34r:

    RUMba Rue

    **Rum, the drink o' a good pirate!** :ph34r:

  4. Hey I had to do a double take when I saw your family picture. You're the one with the blond hair? Gads I swear we almost look like we could be realated! Are we long lost twins or something?

    *I will be in Arizona (Tempe) from the 12th to the 15th to go to the Ren-fair there and visit some friends I have there. Are you going to the faire?

    Rumba Rue

    **Life is what you make it so make it happy** :unsure:

  5. Great pictures Donna!

    Uh, that's part of your office Iron Bess? Hmmm, where do you work? Or is there another skeleton there? LOL! :huh:

    Would have loved to see pictures of props and stuff! I love that kind of thing as I was never one to be in front of the camera. The stuff going on behind is what always interested me.

    Eisner is creating his own downfall that's pretty clear. I suspect it's just a matter of time before he's tossed out on his arse.

    Hmmmm, I've been trying to save some money up to go to Disneyland this month, as I haven't been in over 10 years.

    Makes me kind of wonder if I should go at all.....

    Rumba Rue

    **Shiver me timbers!** :huh:

  6. LOL Bess! Ah yes, the sticky finger approach from the props department.

    When I was working at Universal Studios way back when, when the Star Trek show was still going (I worked as a costumer/dresser), managed to save a bunch of Klingon head pieces and a couple of the orignal phasers out of wood from the trash bin. Sold everything for a nice price.

    Rumba Rue

    **Five-finger discounts are best!** :huh:

  7. <snicker>

    When some of us lucky people from PRP got to do the Disney picnic back last summer, we got the temp. tatoos for free. I ended up giving mine to a friend. Still have the black paper tablet and the gold pen with the POTC logo, and the watch/lock that were given to us as freebies. I suppose Miss Iron Bess could probably get her hands on a few....

    Rumba Rue

    **Yo ho yo ho a pirate's life for me!** :huh:

  8. No, no... don't kiss it. We already have one Michael Eisner.

    I have a good one for you Bess that was in our paper today:

    <Disney Secrets to be Unveiled

    Success, Disney style, is the topic Thursday at Escondido's California Center for the Arts. Bill Capodagli and Lynn Jackson two consultants who have studied Disney's business secrets will discuss them in a $249 workshop.

    The workshop includes a copy of the presenters' book "The Disney Way--Harnessing the Management Secrets of Disney in Your company.>

    Think this would work for the government? Ooops, wait a minute they've already taken the course!

    Rumba Rue

    **We're not pirates, we're indeptendently contracted marine slave specilists above the water line.** :huh:

  9. African Grey parrots are highly intellegent. My friend's daughter has one, which I've parrot sat a number of times, and he picks up words very quickly.

    But the number one rule in my home and in hers is no foul language (for they be fowl enough) where the birds can hear it ~ they will pick it up. I don't want my bird cussing and saying nasty things....that's for me to do...quietly. :)

    Rumba Rue

    ** B) **

  10. Is the Rose still docked at Shelter Island? 

    The ship is docked next to the antique ferry the Berkley, near the Star of India. (see pictures) I was on the Berkley for a few of the pictures that look down on the Surprise.


    **Nautical people have their ship together** :blink:

  11. Bess, I can truly believe it all! I've met some 'talent' that can't even use the coffee pots that come with the hotel rooms! LOL! Most likely they had the chauffer do it! :blink:


    **St. Errol of Flynn, Prey for us!** :ph34r:

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