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Rumba Rue

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Posts posted by Rumba Rue

  1. Go Rupert! He's got my vote! He's the only one who didn't backstab, tell lies, cheat, or get on people's nerves ---but he sure knows how to steal and make a deal! :ph34r:

    Rumba Rue

    **A balance diet is a mug of rum in each hand** :ph34r:

  2. Well I suppose I could make it, but after pricin' material, I think it might be cheaper just to buy one ready made.

    What I need is a fancy shirt with a good lace ruffled front and sleeve cuffs to go with my frock coat.

    Anyone got a good site to go to for that and under $65.00 ?

    Rumba Rue

    **I had a mind once, but it's wandered off** :lol:

  3. Ye did not say where in Canada, or when.

    Perhaps more info would be helpful.

    Unfortunately, because of passport regulations, and such, finding pirates on the US side will be difficult.

    I personally couldn't even begin to imagine bringing the PRP trailer across such a border - yikes!

    I myself will be up in the Toronto area Sept. 20- 27.

    Rumba Rue

    **You there, go hoist something!** :huh:

  4. Oh geesh, I've gotten hundreds of goodies. But the best is my big black Victorian trunk I found at a Thrift Store. The owner of the store just put it out on the floor and told me he bought it at the MGM close-out movie lot sale a few years before. I think it was probably used in several old movies, but so far I haven't seen it in any. It's got fantastic silver type ornamentation all over it. I got it for $150. It's been appraised at $850., so I got a good deal.

    I have taken it out to a few events, but concerned that weather might start to wreck it, I usually don't anymore. But I do bring it to Tall Ships in Dana Point, cuz it gets a whole lot of attention and makes for good pictures.

    Rumba Rue

    **Life is what you make it, so make it happy** :lol:

  5. Ah still in recovery mode from Ojai. Glad ta see ye made it. See I mention the Pub boards to ye and viola! Ye jest had ta see if it was still there. See it is, and so am I an' a whole lot o' others. We remember ye.

    So with that I wish ye a Happy Birthday!

    Rumba Rue

    **Deadly, kissable, cutthroat, well two out of three ain't bad** :lol:

  6. The bird was fine, it's his 'Masters' that were dyin'.

    Ya should have seen Phillistina's, green cheeked conure, Mr. Smee swimming in his bowl of water and squawking at the ice cubes that Blind Jeff put in. That was funny.

    Rumba Rue

    ** :ph34r: **

  7. Can you say HOT HOT HOT? Saturday in Ojai wasn't too bad, but Sunday ye could have fried an egg on the dirt!

    Aye it was a grand time despite the heat. Black Hearted Pearl and her smart alec sis Jenny, came all the way from Phoenix, Arizona ta join PRP. I can tell ye they had one fine time, and I must say after Capn. Jac 'corked' Pearl,her, life for her may never be the same! LOL! :huh:

    Well, I'll be lettin' her tell ye about that interestin' manuever....it ain't what ye think! So get yer thoughts above ground....

    We ooolged the men, an' o' course they oolged back. :ph34r: Threw insults and a few peanuts across the way to Robin St. Graves who t'was runnin' his booth, Medieval Fantasies right across from us. But I must say the young buck runnin' 'round in leather buckskins, sans shirt, great muscles, uh great body, (uh, oh yea, bring him to my cabin) deliverin' ice ta people who needed it. Oh yea, I need ice ta cool off me eyeballs....

    Later on Sunday, Touring Gentleman and Mad Gracie showed up, aye they just managed ta come late enough ta get in half price.... pirates...

    We all had a right fine time. Though most everybody was home in their respective bunks aboard their ships most likely by 10:00 pm, me who 'twas pullin' the trailer for the group, and my companion Boats, we didn't get back ta San Deigo area and home till after 1:30 in the mornin', an' didn't get to our bunk until almost 2:30 in the wee hours of mornin' darkness. Aye dead pirates are we.

    Rumba Rue

    ** :huh: **

  8. Well it's the spring Ojai Renaissance Faire this weekend, April 24-25. Weather should be absolutely perfect, PRP will be there. I'm planning on bringing my parrot, Gilligan.

    Perhaps some of you should make it out there. Would love to meet some more of my fellow pirates from these boards.

    (I won't be at the fall one, as I will be out of the country at the time)

    Rumba Rue

    **Smile and make people wonder what you're up to** :lol:

  9. I must have tried a hundred plus names for my parrot when I got him. He didn't respond to any of them. Then just for laughs I said, "Gilligan", and he perked right up and gave a cute squawk. So I tried it again, and again he squawked. So it seems he not only picked his own name, but when I bought him, I took him around the store to see which cage would be suited for him, and held him out and he picked the one he liked the best (he didn't want to leave it!). That little bird truly has surprised me!

    Another gal I know, bought a green cheeked conjure and named him "Smee". He's just a really sweet lovable little guy and hasn't bitten anyone!

    Best bet, just try lots of different names and see if you get a reaction from your little bird to any of them.

    Unfortunately Conjures don't talk. My little Senegal is talking up a storm!

    Rumba Rue

    **Polly want a carcass?** :rolleyes:

  10. Many years ago at the S. Ren faire in Devore, CA. there was a small booth selling some very unusual pipes (didn't see them there when I went a couple of years ago). Just had to buy me a wooden one with the shaft looking like a penis. Aye, tis my favorite pipe. :huh:

    Great for that 'practicin'. Aye, what every good wench needs! :huh::huh:

    Rumba Rue

    **The best thing about sucking is the results** :huh:

  11. I strongly suspect the material was gotten at Michael Levine's in Los Angeles. It's the biggest material outlet there is, and it's where just about every Hollywood costumer goes to. The place is located in the garment district of Los Angles. I haven't been there in ages, but they've got two stores, one across the street that carries the biggest supply of tapestry fabrics there is, and the other one carries a huge selection of other materials.

    If you have an outlet store that carries large quantities of fabrics used for furniture, you might find it.

    Here in San Diego county I discovered UFO Fabric outlet in Vista. Tons and tons of fabrics on rolls used for furniture and stuff.

    I bought 1 yard (at 7.00 a yard), that was large enough to get a good bodice and other things I made out of it.

    Rumba Rue

    **Ladies Sewing Circle and Terriost Society** :ph34r:

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