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Rumba Rue

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Posts posted by Rumba Rue

  1. Hey take a picture of the dolls and post them here. Would like to see the 'real' dolls. :ph34r:

    Hope you're having a great time. There's pictures from the Con on the news here just about every night. :)

    Unfortunately, Comic books just ain't my thing... :ph34r: But I must say, I've seen better costumes at that Con than even the Sci-fi ones I go to! :ph34r:

    Have fun! :ph34r:

    Rumba Rue

    **Smile and make people around you smile too!** :ph34r:

  2. Yup, the Pearl was built on a barge according to those who were in the movie. Only half was built.

    Funny how that first picture put up by Black Hearted Pearl looks like it came right out of the ride at Disneyland....hmmmm.....

    Rumba Rue

    **Welcome to the Carribean, Luv** :lol:

  3. Excuse me while I go gaa-gaa over all this wonderful wealth of information that I will probably never use. LOL! Being a person who has way too much difficulty reading how to put things together (I have A.D.D.) I just end up doing what looks like it's suppose to, though not always by the exact pattern.

    I do appreciate the value of those who can do things I can't- bless you!

    Rumba Rue

    **To infinity and beyond!** :huh:

  4. We (Port Royal Privateers) were lucky enough to have Louie Lambie grab a couple of really nice big black lanterns that were used on the barge (Black Pearl) set and a few other things that apparently were just being thrown out!

    Disney didn't realize what a wonderful movie they had on their hands (until after it raked in the money) and just got rid of stuff. Now I'm sure they'd love to have a lot of stuff back. Oh well....

    Rumba Rue

    **Smile and Let Your Spirit Soar** :(

  5. So Scarlett, did ye get captured by pirates at the faire? Did some fine lad sweep ye off yer feet? Hope so.

    Meanwhile I'll pass on a HAPPY BIRTHDAY to ye ! May ye be plunderin' with the best o' them.

    Rumba Rue

    **Deadly, lovable, cutthroat, well two out three ain't bad** :(

  6. Bow-legged? Uh, not the last time I looked! I kind o' take that as an insult! I haven't been bow-legged fer awhile, cuz I ain't be straddlin' any cannons o' late. An' trust me if'n I do, I won't be tellin' you about it! :ph34r:

    So where ye be from?

    Rumba Rue

    **My job is to comfort the disturbed and disturb the comfortable** :ph34r:

  7. I thought it was interesting that the Keith Richards thing had come up again, as I thought it was dead and buried. Perhaps not... Also filming starting this fall/winter? Hmmm, I don't think things are happening that fast, but I could be wrong....

    My personal take is things wouldn't even begin to get under way until next year at the earliest. Sets have to be built, locations found, actors must be available....the list goes on.

    Rumba Rue

    **Someone who thinks logically provides a nice contrast to the real world** :blink:

  8. I came across this while reading an articale on Ioan Gruffudd doing another Hornblower series. Here's the article.


    Producer Jerry Bruckheimer hopes to begin filming the sequel to his runaway hit Pirates of the Caribbean this fall.

    "Johnny (Depp), Orlando (Bloom) and Keira (Knightley) are all committed to the sequel emotionally but not financially. That's something we have to start working out," says Bruckheimer. "All three are busy, expensive stars now. Johnny's a $20-million man."

    Depp has said he wants Keith Richards to play Depp's father in the sequel.

    "Johnny loves the idea of having Keith in the movie because he used Keith as an inspiration for his performance, but the part isn't in the script yet. If Johnny insists and Keith agrees, I think it's safe to say it will be written in."

    I found the information at:

    The Winnepeg Sun

    Rumba Rue

    ** :ph34r: **

  9. While crusin' the local K-Mart, I found a cloth type steering wheel cover with skulls and crossbones all over it. Well of course I had to buy it.

    I tried a search on the Internet to try and find it, but so far no luck. The only company name on it is Habitat. Good luck to anyone who has better luck than me trying to find it.

    Rumba Rue

    **Life is a bowl full of cherries complete with pits** :ph34r:

  10. (chuckle) Well Rumba, that's you all over.

    Quiet, shy and retiring.  :P   Blending in with the crowd.  :P

    Awesome lass, just AWESOME!!!  :P


    <cleaning up coffee spurted out>

    Hey do you think if I stand in the Disney Studios lot with that outfit on, people will want my autograph, even though they haven't got a clue as to who I am? Hahahaaaaa! laughing1.gif

    Rumba Rue

    **I can imagine quite a bit!** :P

  11. Reminds me o' a pirate in PRP, Capt. Ned. She's got this coat with threads and stuff hangin' out on purpose. Not only 'ave I been fooled, but many others too when we told her the coat t'was fallin' apart or tryin ta take the 'loose' threads off. She did inform us that's the way it's suppose ta be. Oh...

    I think a patchwork coat t'would be rather amusin', so I say, 'Go for it!'

    Rumba Rue

    **In the crowd there is place for the individual** :P

  12. Well like any good pirate, I saved the picture an' I'll make me own t-shirt transfere! I absolutely love it!

    (Ye can buy the transfere stuff at any good computer place/stationary place)

    Rumba Rue

    **Always plunder when possible** B)

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