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Rumba Rue

Dearly Departed
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Posts posted by Rumba Rue

  1. Well I swore I'd never wear a sword, but on Friday while visiting a friend, we traversed the Tyler Mall in Riverside, and came across one I had to have. I swear it 'called' to me. Found it at the Tinderbox store.

    It's a bit heavy, certainly not for fighting, as the tang doesn't go into the handle very far, nor does it have an 'edge'(geez if it did, I'd be the first one to get hurt with it!). I think the only thing it could fight against would be small wooden toothpicks! LOL!

    It's strictly for looks (I don't do fighting anyway), but I saw it and just fell in love with it. Bit pricey, well over a hundred bucks, it's made in Spain.

    I love the hilt and the scabbard, but the scabbard is not real leather.

    Here's a link to see it:


    Rumba Rue

    **Plunderin' is good for the soul** :P

  2. Here's a picture of the back of the coat after adjustments.

    I understand about how triangular peices would be inserted to make the bottom flare. I honestly didn't know there was a pattern labeled Jack Sparrow, pirate coat.

    I saw the Butterick pattern and assumed it was the one you were all talking about, that's why I got it.

    Well f**k me!

    Oh well, at least the pulling together of the back did the trick and actually it looks better now on than before.

    I'm working on a shirt for Boats to wear. As soon as it's done I want him to put the whole costume on and I'll take a picture or two and post it here.


    Rumba Rue

    **Hey I'm blond, I can walk into any wall** :P

  3. I'm not sure, but I think Robert meant not replace Jack or Barbossa, but to move on away from Barbossa, Will and Elizabeth. Their part for right now at least for movie 2, should not be as forefront, as to going elsewhere and introducing new characters in another port.

    Then should Will's father actually still be alive, that character could be found in movie 2, and then re-united in movie 3 with the characters of Barbossa, Will and Elizabeth.

    Rumba Rue

    **Peering into her tarot cards**censored.gif

  4. Arrrgghhhh! No wonder, it's not that pattern! Duh me, mine's a Butterick pattern.

    Oh well, I've reworked the back, and it looks much better now. I took pictures, but for some reason after an hour of trying to upload two pictures to Village photos site, I gave up. So at some point I will try and get the pictures here.

    Rumba Rue

    **Not sew happy** :huh:

  5. I swear, my pattern doesn't have 3 triangular pieces! I had to buy the largest size pattern there was, so maybe it is different from yours!

    Oh poop! :P

    Well I'm going to go ahead and fiddle with the back and it should work. When I'm done, I'll take a picture of the back and see what you all think.

    Rumba Rue

    **I had a mind once....** :P

  6. I did use that pattern. I didn't see any gores. So I'm going to get a bit creative.

    Well last night I had Boats put it back on, what I'm going to do is pull the material just a bit on each side of the back seam a bit, sort of like this )( and that will create my form fitting look I wanted.

    See I told you I can't read patterns!

    Rumba Rue

    ** :ph34r: **

  7. Well here's the finished product of using the Capt. coat pattern. Unfortunately, I couldn't afford to buy black lining (hey you try and live on $700.00 a month on Government disability!), but I had some expensive linen lining I found at the Thrift store, so I used that.

    I had to use elastic in the waist of the breeches, because the outfit not only has to fit me, but my companion too, as we both have parts in the skit PRP does (not at the same time!).

    My concern is that the coat came out looking like an oversized well...uh coat. With frock coat patterns there's somewhat of a body form fit.

    Did anyone else have a problem with this?


    (Geez with this new digital camera, everything in the background comes out clear too!)

    Rumba Rue

    ** :lol: **

  8. Ye be callin' me a vixen and a minx? Well gosh what is the world coming too? :lol:

    Here let me stroke some more... :lol: Oooooh the hair on yer arms is standin' up.... an' I'm seein' a wee bit o' chills runnin' down yer back, an' yer eyes wide open with sort of a glazed look (too much rum I suppose), and yer mouth sort a smilin' open, and yer tongue hangin' out, kind of like this :P

    And geez, all I'm doin' is strokin' me hair. :lol::lol::lol:

    Rumba Rue

    **Men are like bagpipes, no sound comes from them until they are full** :lol:

  9. Well I'm single an' ne'er again shall I marry! (three times down is enough for me).

    Tho' I be livin' with Boats, he be fine with me frolickin' ways, an' I be fine with his. (If 'n ye think I'm a fiesty wench, watch out women, ol' Boats be lickin' yer cheek or more if'n ye don't watch him!)

    So fill me mug up please, it be 'one o' those days'. Thankee.

    RUMba Rue

    ** :huh: **

  10. I understand the problem you're having. Solution, use the button hole setting on your sewing maching to do them.

    Also, I checked all my patterns I have, (2 frock coat, and 1 Capt. coat patterns) and all the button hole spaces varied from 2 inches apart to almost 3 inches apart.

    I think your 1 inch apart is part of your biggest problem, which causes the material to be pulled up tighter. There is no solution other than cutting the other side to match. Also, when doing buttonholes by hand (and I have), the thread doesn't lie flat like it should when using a satin stitch of the machine, and instead becomes bunched.

    I absolutely hate doing button holes! It's my worst sewing, but even though they never come out looking good, I still do them on my sewing machine.

    Before I went into serious costume sewing I asked all the people I know what kind of machine I should buy and everyone of them said Bernina. So that's what I have, but not the most expensive one, mine's a 1010, it's all I could afford at the time. But it does the job and that's all that matters to me! BTW- I got a bit of a discount on the machine because I bought it at the county fair in Los Angeles many years ago. You can still get discounts today at the county fairs around.

    I hope I have been of some help to you.

    Rumba Rue

    **Sew happy**

  11. hey hey hey... I just saw this, and you are not getting out without a present from me..

    here is Ray to say, Happy Birthday in a BIG way..

    Ray who pours me ale.

    Hey I want Ray too! My oh my, what a guy! Leaves nothing secret to the eyes! :P:lol::lol::P


    Aye dear Siren tis a grand day for ye. After lookin' at that fine gift o' Merrydeath's I'm not sure that can be topped, but I'm sure she will.

    In any case HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YE!

    Rumba Rue

    **Dreamin' o' Ray o' Vac** :P

  12. Ok, here's what I have:

    1. Men/Women's matching waistcoat and breeches. Waistcoat size 48/52

    Breeches, waist size 44, length, 31, with hidden pockets. $120.00

    2. Blue bodice, size 18, $20.00

    3. Fun bloomers, sizes small to large $15.00 ea.

    4. Blue satin bloomers, size large $15.oo

    5. Two pairs of breeches out of black suedo suede, one all black, one with blue side inset and hidden pockets. $25.00

    6. Red overskirt with colorful ribbon bottom, waist size 42, can be made smaller, $25.00

    7. Black underskirt with colorful ribbon bottom, waist size 36, can be made smaller, with hidden pockets $25.00

    8. Short scarf with beaded fringe edge, 8ft. 2" $20.00

    9. Long scarf with beaded fringe edge, 11 ft. 8" $25.00

    All prices include shipping.

    See: http://www.villagephotos.com/pubbrowse.asp...selected=992710

    If interested, please email me off-line, thank you.

    Rumba Rue

    **Cecil B. DeMille wanna be** :lol:

  13. I found two maps at two different Thrift stores, several years apart; both are framed and perfect for hanging on the the PRP encampment posts for people to see. Both are of the Carribean, one shows Jamaica and I have a small arrow that says 'You are here' pointing to Port Royal, and the other map is more of the east coast of the USA showing shipping lanes. Both are done 'old' to make them look that way.

    You just never know where you're going to find things!

    Rumba Rue

    **Queen of Treasures at Thrift Stores** :lol:

  14. Aye they be cheatin' us! I already got the DVD that was on sale before.

    Well it be the true reason why I ain't bought the LOTR DVD's. I figure they'll be put together as a grouping for Xmas sales (I hope), an' then I'll buy the set! I 'spect it's goin' ta be pricey, but hey, I'm spectin' it.

    Rumba Rue

    **No surprises here** :lol:

  15. OMG! You mean he sells fakes?? I bought this avatar from him! It isn't fake, it CAN'T be! :huh:


    I love it!

    Rumba Rue

    **I like a good twisted sense of humor, 'tis like me own** :lol:

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