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Rumba Rue

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Posts posted by Rumba Rue

  1. Anything in cotton is good. Don't use bright colors. Nuterals are best. For skirts, try a not too heavy cotton duct (it will hold up quite nicely over the years) if doing gored skirt type. If not and just gathering material at waist, use something lighter weight.

    Did you leave your costume in your hotel room? If so, call the hotel and ask. There should be a lost and found and if there, they can probably mail it back to you.

    If you left it at the con itself, it's gone.

    I'll send you a PM.

    Rumba Rue

    **I'd rather be in a boat with a drink on the rocks, then on the rocks with a boat in the drink** :ph34r:

  2. I don't know about back east but here on the west coast if you go into just about any PetCo/aquarium stores you can find those skelton band figures and more that are used for aquariums fairly cheap!

    Rumba Rue

    **Here fishy, fishy, fishy, ...hop into my fryin' pan** :ph34r:

  3. Thanks for your write up. It's totally amazing how many great costumes show up for that convention and never at a regular sci-fi con.

    Great pictures, though some didn't have an explanation as to who they were.

    Anyway, glad to hear you had a busy, but fun time.

    Rumba Rue

    **To Infinity and Beyond!** :P

  4. Happy berfday to ye, lass!  I'll buy ye a tankard, and let ye row in me boat, the Surly Mermaid if ye like... just 'ave her back by nightfall, luv! :D

    Ah, it would be nice, but unless I'm high on Dramamine, I will be fillin' the boat with me insides.... :D

    An' to everyone else who has been so kind to remember me, I thank ye from the soul of me heart.

    (Is that a waitin' list I see o' men?) :D

    Rumba Rue

    **You there, go hoist something** :D

  5. Happy birthday girl! Stop by our camp at Ojai this year!

    I'd love ta meet ye all, but I won't be at Ojai, I'll be in Canada.

    Perhaps next time!

    To everyone who has been so kind to remember me, I hoist a tankard to ye fine hearts! :D

    Rumba Rue

    **To Infinity and Beyond!**

  6. <blush>

    (Good Gawd, I've got a fan club! :ph34r: )

    Thank you for your rather charming and sauve, smooth, appealing, delicious, words of wonderous, magical, enveloping, and risin' to the occasion censored.gif.......

    I'm glad I can make people laugh, it makes me feel good too. My motto that I live by:

    Those who can laugh at themselves shall never cease to be amused. B)

    Rumba Rue


    Entitled to

    Nights of



  7. Aye ye all be most welcome for kind thoughts and wishes.

    I spent the day o'er at my compion's sister's house meetin' more o' the extended family (Geesh ye'd think I t'was gonna marry the guy!) A fine brunch of food. But mostly recoverin' from a long day and night o' partyin' at the PRP Anniversary party yesterday. Unfortunately since I was steerin' the ship, I couldn't drink.....much.

    Ah but I be makin' up for it NOW! B)

    Bring on the dancin' men, I want a SHOW!!!!!! B)B):ph34r:

    Rumba Rue

    **Smile and Let Your Spirit Soar** B)

  8. Elivis Stormtrooper, Uncle Davver(who ever that is), awww and cute Puss N' Boots, me thinks Jack is certianly the best.

    Thanks for the picture sharing.

    BTW - Who or what is Uncle Davver and company suppose to be ? Never seen anything like 'em before. Are the characters from a comic book?

    Rumba Rue

    **And I thought I was weird!!! B)

  9. Well now if'n it ain't that Bloody Buckets birthday! Ah another Leo, good man! Us Leo's know how ta have a good time!

    So with that I be WISHIN' YE A HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!

    Rumba Rue

    **The best kept secrets are in my bloomers** :lol:

  10. Guilds usually have the line-up of President, vice- pres. etc. that members must look up to and follow a very strict guideline of what's expected. ;)

    PRP doesn't have that kind of stuff. As a group we aren't beholding to any higher ups. While we do have Board members, they are there to get our events, encampment and money in place, not to police us. We act as a whole group and are 'suppose' to follow the guidelines set up for the group. Well as it's been said before, 'the majority of us have more than once broken the rules.' :lol: I can most certianly attest to that myself. :lol:

    We also have a standing rule you must be 18 to be in the group. If a young person under that age wants to join, then a parent must join too. We aren't babysitters and we do have 'ahem' liquor in the encampment (hidden from the event organisers as it's not usually accepted).

    Hope this information has been helpful.

    I'm sure if I've missed anything, PyrateQueen/Loretta can tell you.

    Rumba Rue

    **I had a mind once....I'm still looking for it** :lol:

  11. I recieved a PM a few days back on why PRP - Port Royal Privateers wasn't listed in the Crew section.

    Though I'm not a current Board member, I have been in the past so I can tell you this information.

    PRP has never once had to solicte anyone to join us. People see us at events, like what they see and inquire.

    PRP is also one of the longest Privateer groups around (11 years and still going strong), and most likely the most laid-back group of people too.

    The majority of our members are well into their 30's and up. Our main goal is to interact with members of the public, hence we are an 'acting' group. We don't consider ourselves a Guild like other groups do. We are a private club.

    For more information on PRP, go to: http://www.portroyalprivateers.org

    Rumba Rue

    **We're not pirates, we're independently contracted marine salvage specialists above the water line** B)

  12. Jeeeze, they're breeding like rabbits!!  B)


    Wait, I see two Elizabeth Swanns coming in Sept. to Tall Ships! LOL! B)

    I wonder how many POTC clones are out there? Probably LOTS! Oh this is too funny!

    Rumba Rue

    **Who needs a clone costume when all you have to do is be yourself?** B)

  13. I bought one of those coins from Dead Men Tell No Tales (fomerly Fern Canyon Press), and while it's ok, it's no where near even a close likeness to the POTC ones. I tied it to the handle of one of my mugs.

    I got one of the coins from Indy Magnoli Props, and love it! Double sided skull one, cost me $35.00, and I got the cheaper chain for $15.00.

    The guy lives in New Zealand, according to the envelope it came in.

    Rumba Rue

    **LIfe is what you make it so make it happy** :)

  14. So sorry I'm very late, but trust me I had a good excuse. On this past Sunday, the 25th was the wedding of a long-time girlfriend in Buena Park at Knotts Berry Farm.

    So Boats and I decided to stay at a hotel across from Disneyland for 2 nights and went to California Adventure - which we really liked.

    Will post more on this on the Beyond Piracy section.


    Rumba Rue

    **Wheeeeeeeee!** :huh:

  15. BTW I watned to tell ye When ye posted your pics...I swear ye like just like me aunt Patricia.  Ill have to see if I have a recent pic of her to post..you could pass fer twins.

    Good gawd! I look like yer Aunt Patricia-paperbag3.gif

    I'm sure there's a cure for that somewhere....sick.JPG

    Rumba Rue

    ** :ph34r: **

  16. Hahaaaaahaaaaaa! My dancing bananas! Bawahaaaa! Sorry it's just hilarious to me! I never knew my bananas were making people so happy or horny or whatever.... :ph34r:

    Yikes a post of mine pulled up so others could see my bananas?laughing1.gif

    My bananas will be signing autographs in the local supermarket. :ph34r:

    *Anyone is welcome to steal any little gif goody I put up. Heck I steal them from other places! :ph34r:

    Rumba Rue

    **banana-vi.gifbanana-vi.gifbanana-vi.gif **

  17. Have you met up with Capt. Grey yet? (San Diego Star Wars Society booth)

    Did you get to see the U.S.S. Ronald Regan come into the harbor on Friday? Did you get to see the fireworks show?

    Rumba Rue

    **Just full of questions today** :)

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