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Rumba Rue

Dearly Departed
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Posts posted by Rumba Rue

  1. A wise word here from me:

    If you don't want secrets or things known, don't tell others..

    I agree with Christine, me thinks it t'was someone else. Unless of course you told someone things that even I didn't know until you said them in your posting here.

    Rumba Rue

    **Friends help friends move, real friends help move the bodies** :lol:

  2. Well, I can tell ye it wasn't me! I t'weren't at any pirate events since the June 5th PRP event. I've done kept my mouth closed!

    So it had ta have been the event o'er this past weekend at the Heritage Regatta, which I was not at.


    Rumba Rue

    **My lips are sealed with duct tape** :rolleyes:

  3. ...but what if ye WERE just keelhauled in a ligthnin' storm...

    ...and there be no blow dryer aroun'...

    Well, judging by your picture Phil, I doubt that's a problem for you. :ph34r:

    An' if'n ye still can't keep it together, use yer best pirate sash/bandana, or else ye could tar the stuff tagether. :ph34r:

    Rumba Rue

    **No problem that can't be solved by the proper application of silliness** :ph34r:

  4. I WANT IT! I WANT IT! I WANT IT!!!! :lol::lol::lol::lol:

    Unfortunately my interest in comic books is nill. I went to the San Diego Comic Con, once. Just didn't capture my interest, but I will most eagerly await that Jack Sparrow doll!

    Rumba Rue

    **Welcome to the Carribean luv** :lol:

  5. Interesting sites, unfortunately, I won't be getting to Chicago anytime soon, probably never.

    Curiosity, I read all the character stuff and other things, but what the heck is the play about? Is there a plot?

    Rumba Rue

    ** ;) **

  6. I be the proud owner of two sets o' Bald Mountian Moccasins. I bought my half black boots when I t'was still workin' S. Faire in Devore many years ago at a discount($400.00) since I t'was working at the fair, the other pair t'was given to me by a good friend. Nice tall tan ones (I know they cost over $800.00) that I occassionaly wear.

    I've had ta replace the soles on me black boots three times since owning them. I wear out shoe bottoms pretty good.

    They be comfortable, but very expensive, I certianly couldn't afford them now.

    Rumba Rue

    **If at first ye don't succeed, then walkin' the plank isn't for you** :lol:

  7. I certianly agree with you Iron Bess! The cost of gas here in Calif. is sky high! More than the rest of the states! T'was edging pretty close to $3.00 a gallon a week ago at least here in San Diego! My last look is t'was down to $2.21 this week, at the owner stations, the major ones were still hitting $2.49.

    I try not to let the gas gauge on my truck get below half, cuz otherwise it will cost me probably over $40.00 to fill it up!

    As for traveling about like 'Ded Heads' of the Grateful Dead, sorry, I'm not with it or for it. Most places won't let you set up 'shop' and sell without a seller's permit/license required by each city/state. It gets way too complicated to bother with. And forget selling in parking lots of fairs, you'll get your butt kicked off quickly.

    Rumba Rue

    **Older and Wiser** :ph34r:

  8. Aw, the best pantaloons are the ones I have made for some gals out of Budwieser cotton material! :ph34r:

    I mean come on, who's gonna see 'em under a skirt? I've made all kinds of fun ones for gals. :)

    Especially at Halloween you can get really cute materials with skulls and stuff - great for pantaloons! Great for conversation after hours. :ph34r:

    Rumba Rue

    **Deadly, lovable, cutthroat, well two out three ain't bad** :ph34r:

  9. I ended up as a Box Pirate- say whaaat?

    You are a BOX PIRATE. What is a box pirate, you ask? In short, you're a bored college student who enjoys "stealing" boxes from Wal-mart employees so that you can pack up your stuff at the end of the year. You're basically harmless, although sporting an eyepatch, sneaking up on people, and screaming "ARRRGH!!!" are required. You're weird, but you wouldn't hurt anyone.


    Rumba Rue

    **Obviously, I need another drink** :ph34r:

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