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Rumba Rue

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Posts posted by Rumba Rue

  1. Uhmm, I have a real problem with sites that don't post their shipping/tax add ons. This means the owners can tack on anything they want and you don't know it until after the order is sent in!

    No way, never buy anything like that! When the cost of the shipping is equal or more than the product, forget it!

    Most of the materials I saw I've seen in lots of fabric stores, so there is nothing gained there.

    Just passing on a word to be wise before buying.

    Rumba Rue

    ** :lol: **

  2. The first year the Southern Ren-faire moved to Devore, I worked in the costume department. I had to 'judge' people's costumes for looks. I let a whole lot of people slide by cuz I didn't see anything wrong. I later got the crap thrown at me by Leslie Patterson who was then running things, who told me I wasn't doing my job right!

    The only time I said no to anyone that season was some gal who showed up in bright neon royal blue outfits for herself and her husband as peasants. The gal bitched left and right at me, but hey, neon blue ain't gonna pass anyone's judgement!

    I rarely say anything about anyone's costume anymore, as I ususally don't care. Though more than once I've offered suggestions on how to improve their look, which done properly are welcome ideas to the costume wearer.

    Though I do laugh at those who insist on wearing Nikes with their costumes, and Nobel gals whose hoops don't fit right with the skirts -you know, the ones you can see all the hoop ribbing or hanging below the skirt or the skirt itself is way too short and they look like someone who should have a cane and herding sheep.

    But you can bet, I'll never, ever wear Nikes with my costumes!

    Rumba Rue

    **You never learn to swear until you've learned to sew** :P

  3. Never mind Capt. Grey, I just got back from Yardage Town on Grand Ave, they had the pattern for 50% off of the $15.00 price tag! Got it for 8.00 (tax included).

    Ugh, the vest sucks, not right, but the coat pattern is usable, the pants, well, just cut them off from the length thats shown.

    Also, Yardage Town has the best selection of materials I've ever seen that can be used for pirate slops and bodices. Check it out Capt. Grey!

    Rumba Rue

    **Sew, sew happy** :lol:

  4. Slops are real easy to make. I usually charge $25.00 as long as the material and stuff is supplied. If I have to buy the material and buttons and whatever, it's the cost of those items plus my fee for sewing them together.

    As soon as I can, I'm going to get my stuff together that I'm selling and post it where all can see.

    Rumba Rue

    **Sew happy** ;)

  5. Well I guess I get the booby prize. ;);););););)

    Your name: Rumba Rue

    Occupation: Quartermaster

    Ship Name: The Salty Monkey

    # of ships you sacked: 41

    How you died: Peacefully....what kind of pirate were you?

    Rumba Rue

    **I'm the worst pirate ever** ;)

  6. I really had to laugh, I have a porno tape called "Swashbuckler". LOL! :D , and at first that's what I thought you were all talking about! :D

    Yup, even the X-rated is bad, really, really bad.

    Crimson Pirate is a hoot! Ya, badly done, but lots of fun.

    Rumba Rue

    **I wonder how much deeper the ocean would be without sponges?** :D

  7. Hey girlfriend! So ye wants ta wear the pants in the family do ye?

    Well I just made me some pants ta wear (black cotton twill) so I can be more comfortable. I'm gettin' tired o' wearin' tight bodices and skirts especially in the heat!

    I have quite a few peasant tops that work quite nicely with a nifty sash.

    Be creative, I know ye can do it! An' it never hurts ta entice the hubby with such creativity either. :D

    Rumba Rue

    **A lady takes off her diginity with her clothes** :D

  8. As said before, BUYER BEWARE !

    I have never bought anything off Ebay and never will. Too many fakes out there! And this particular person proves it!

    Perhaps someone should say something to Ebay....

    Rumba Rue

    **No blind person here** ;)

  9. Lunch ye say? Well if'n I wear me fine frock coat, do I get a cameo appearance in the movie?  :ph34r:

    Rumba Rue

    **The Cecil B. DeMille wannabe** :D

    No Rumba.

    Bad, BAD pirate!!! ;)

    Why thankee, cuz I didn't know there were any good pirates!

    Rumba Rue

    **Remember, burn last** ;)

  10. Shiver me timbers, shiver my soul

    Yo ho heave ho

    There are men whose hearts are balck as coal

    Yo ho heave ho

    And they sailed their ship acrtoss the ocean blue

    A bloodthirsty catain and a cutthroat crew

    It's as hard a tale as was ever told

    Of lust for treasure and the love of gold

    Shiver my timbers, shiver my sides

    Yo ho heave oh

    There are hungers as strong as the wind and tides

    Yo oh heave ho

    And those buccaneers drowned their sins in rum

    The devil himslef would have to call them scum

    Every man aboard would have killed mate

    For a bag of guineas or a piece of eight

    A piece of eight

    A piece of eight

    Five, six, seven, eight

    Hulla wacka ulla wacka something not right

    Many wicked icky things gonna happen tonight

    Hulla wacka moolah wacka sailor man beware

    When de money in de ground dere's murder in de air

    Murder in de air

    Shiver my timbersw, shiver my bones

    Yo oh heave ho

    There are secrets that sleep with old Davy Jones

    Yo oh heave oh

    When the mainsail's set and the anchor's weighed

    There's no turning back from any course that's laid

    And when greed and villainy sail the sea

    You can bet your boots there'll be treachery

    Shiver my timbers, shiver my sails

    Dead men tell no tales!

    Ah one o' me favorite movies, jest love it!

    Rumba Rue

    **Shiver me timbers** :ph34r:

  11. Hey Christine, you should have seen the forks of lightning! Really cool!

    We don't get thunder and lightning storms here very often, so I think it's really nifty when we do.

    I just happen to be up at the time to witness most of it.

    Rumba Rue

    ** :huh: **

  12. <So Bess, you're makin' the move up north to the Montery area?

    My brother use to live there until marriage ended. He just bought a house in some place called Aptos, near Santa Cruz. But he still works in Salinas.>

    Sorry, I admit I'm not up on the lore of stuff, (ok whip me with a wet noodle), can't help you out.

    As for hurricanes, I'm glad I don't live on east coast. You people have to deal with them every year! Here on the west coast we only get earthquakes once in a while.

    Tell me, as it floods all the time in Florida areas, do you people all have throw-away furniture? Seems like the furniture companies are making a mint there!

    Rumba Rue

    **West coast gal to the end!** :rolleyes:

  13. Uh, it figures, the guys are lovin' it, the women are jest rollin' their eyes. :lol:

    Who needs that kind of stuff, when most o' the women here can jest wear a billowy shirt and partial costume, does the same trick.

    Well in me younger years o' life, say age 16, I could 'ave fit inta somethin' like that....but alas, time has taken it's toll on me figure, and at my age, I've earned it! I just calls it "The handles o' time."

    Rumba Rue

    ** :lol: **

  14. Well I'm not moving to Floreeda!!! Sorry I wouldn't trade my west coast paradise digs for humid weather that would melt me where I stood and look like a wet dishrag all the time!

    More power to ye Paisely for takin' the leap like ol' Nigel did.

    Rumba Rue

    **I'm too smart ta be caught** :lol:

  15. I guess I must be 'special' to have two threads for my birthday. It really was a surprise to me also!

    Thank you Iron Bess and all the rest of you fine people for such a wonderful rememberance!

    Rumba Rue

    **Life is what you make it so make it happy!** :blink:

  16. Surprisingly enough, I've found great buys on linen cloths at Wal-Mart!

    I picked up 6 yards of nuteral a few months back for $1.99 a yard compared to 6.99 at JoAnns!

    Got a Wal-Mart nearby, check them out for good buys on materials!

    Rumba Rue

    **We are the Best dressed Pirates around!** :rolleyes:

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