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Rumba Rue

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Posts posted by Rumba Rue

  1. Sealegs? I get seasick! :ph34r:

    Ah, I have stepped into very VIRGIN territory. :ph34r:

    *For those who might not realize yet, there are different Moderators for each forum. So if you have a complaint, contact the people that are handling each of those forums.

    Rumba Rue

    ** :ph34r: **

  2. I think you'll find the majority of us are not SCA and don't want to be.

    SCA is ok for those willing to put up with the politics and such, but the rest of us lean more towards our own individual pirate groups in various states.

    Rumba Rue

    **I don't do SCA** :(

  3. I have numerous striped socks that I wear. Don't know if they are correct or not, but I don't care. They usually add 'character' to my character. :ph34r:

    Rumba Rue

    **Which one of my personalities do you find offensive?** :ph34r:

  4. I don't like Russell Crowe, but that didn't stop me from going to see the movie. It was very good and it gave a pretty darn good look at life at the time at sea. POTC it's not, but the movie itself depicts the reality while POTC depicts the fantasy.

    Having toured the HMS Rose/Surprise, I still remember touching the cannons and walking the decks and feeling the great admiration for such things. Every once in a while our local weathermen like to go down there with the ship in the background while giving reports on TV. Very nice indeed!

    Rumba Rue

    ** :ph34r: **

  5. One can never have enough garb! B)

    Half of my closet is costume stuff and I'm always making more! That is especially true as I get older and find that tight bodices don't feel so good anymore and I don't feel like I have to show off my boobs as much (Hey, I got 'em trust me) to the opposite sex.

    Rumba Rue

    **When Boo, isn't enough!** B)

  6. Good for you Hawkins! I do appreciate people who can truly get into true character. I unfortunately can't for very long - ah the truth of reality, I like my toilet paper. LOL! B)

    A survivalist I'm not, but I give big kudos to those that can.

    The important thing to remember though, is to be able to distinguish between when it's time to leave the facade behind and join the real world.

    I'll let you know as soon as I figure out what the real world is! B)

    Rumba Rue

    **Yes I am an owl, I give a hoot!** B)

  7. Well I'm certianly no expert, but me thinks by the way they feel would tell you. Also, are they lined? If so, I would think they would be silk.

    Silk comes in a variety of textures these days. But if they are antique, I would imagine they might have a 'nubby' texture to them, or be sort of 'rough' to the feel. But again, I'm no expert.

    *Embarrassing moment: The one time I go to the San Diego Star Wars Society meeting, and Capt. Grey calls me over to look at some material a guy brought in to make a costume with. To me it felt and looked like a polyester blend. I was indignatly corrected that it was silk. I sure felt stupid! :D

    Rumba Rue

    **I can screw up anything, just give me a chance** :D

  8. Aye, I've seen their site before and like what they do. Well at least they don't have ta swelter in high tempetures like the west coast does here in the states. So their costuming would be more appreciated.

    And on the real pluse side, they don't have to fake their accents either! :D

    Rumba Rue

    **I jest love a man with an English accent!** :D

  9. Hmmm, buildin' a house like that might require some revisions of archetic design, as ye'd be havin' all these people wantin' ta play golf there.

    It could be hard movin' about as them people with their little colored balls would be tryin' ta get them in the holes.

    Cooking- oopps, there's another one o' them buggers in my stew again!

    Cleaning- Oh crap, people are jest loosin' their balls all over the place

    Watching TV- Hey, don't break the TV set and my pirate paraphenlia!

    Bathroom- Hey the toilet ain't a hole fer yer balls! (Ok, maybe the pink ones) :lol:

    Rumba Rue

    **I don't do perky** :lol:

  10. This information was printed on Crossing Blades by Capt. Lulu and I thought the rest of you might be interested in reading it.


    Details I have noticed...

    Bandana is a sort of paisley print, and reminds me of an Indian type print on many pashmina scarves or an old west/Native American style print. It's very long, not typical bandana length so it leads me to believe it is a scarf. It's tied about his head and the excess hangs down the back or to the side depending on which way it flutters about his hair.Bandana 1Bandana 2

    Hair is a wig, there's a pony tail that sticks out on the side where the bone sticks in his hair. And the back of it looks messily pony tailed. There's tons of dreads and snaggy braids.

    - The big silver thing in Jack's hair is a kuchi pendant

    - The bone in Jack's hair is a Burmese bonestick bead

    - The scalloped coin on Jack's bandana is likely a Guinea or Muslim coin, though it could be a King George scalloped gold piece.

    Coat is NOT a normal "frock coat", it is not even a normal Captain's coat. Do not listen to anyone who tries selling you a colonial coat either, it is not like Jack's.

    Jack's coat is similar, but not identical. In fact, it is almost a cartoon of a captain's coat. Very stylized lines, very nice flare to it.

    The flair comes from the back. There are 3 pleats with about 9 folds of fabric total(you'd guess 3 folds each pleat eh?). Each pleat has its own button embellishment at the top.

    The buttons are extensive. There are five on each cuff, totaling ten. There are eight or ten on the front. There are a few on each pocket. In total there are about 28 buttons. Then the button holes are oversewn, typical look of the Captain's coat, you just sew with contrasting thread so it's easy to see, looks as if the buttonholes are way too big but they're not. Disney's version looks to have a cream colored contrast thread against the dark blue coat. Looks real good that way. Really reminiscent of Edward England(Long John Silver)'s coat from portraits and such.

    The coat is lined with some sort of lighter colored fabric, looks sort of shiny, might be a type of silk.

    The coat looks to be made of a rayon/wool blend, which makes sense to me because it would have been straight wool or linen back in the day. But rayon/wool is close to 100% wool, and a great deal lighter and more flexible.

    There are not big lapels on the coat, they are very very slight at the collar. The cuffs are huge and thus need the four or five buttons to hold them back. The buttons are quite big and silvery, round. They have a neat design to them and can be found through google somehow, though I don't remember at the moment.

    OH the coat is knee length, the pleats fall right to Johnny's knee. It is NOT navy blue, it is indigo, and well worn indigo.

    Vest and breeches are made of a soft, light linen material. Breeches are a dusky blue with green grey undertones. Vest is navy blue, maybe a bit heavier than the breeches. The breeches have four buttons at the knee. The vest is hip length and buttons all the way down, though Jack has it open and buttoned at different parts of the movie. It has pockets on the bottom, wide pockets.

    Shirt is an atypical poet's shirt. Atypical because I can not find the shirt in exactlica through any swashbuckling/pirate/costume sites. It is a v-necked shirt with bunched sleeves, and ruffled cuffs. The closest shirt I've seen to it is a swashbuckling/Musketeer shirt. The pirate shirts I've seen are a little too lacy/ruffly for Jack's.

    Sash is a very long piece of material, off white with odd red striping. Very tattered along the edges. Looks to be a linen/cotton type piece.

    Boots are the typical swashbuckler boots, round or square toed, suede, with boot foldover flaps. Those go about half down the calf. These are right expensive to purchase.

    Hat is of course a leather tricorn hat. It is not, however, black or reddish brown or brown. It is a well worn tan, with a lot of "wet spots", so you have about 1/3 black and 1/3 brown and 1/3 tan and like, a few spots of greyish blue. There are a lot of cheap imitations going around ebay... alot! I found about two that come close. One is almost exact. You'll dish out a lot of money on this hat at the moment though. I suggest taking pictures to a leathersmith locally if possible. They might give you a cut in price.

    Belt is worn brown leather, looks burnt along the edges to look "ragged", the buckle is large and square. It's metal, looks like bronze or something. Has a daisy or sunflower or sun embossed paisleyish pattern. THEN there's the sash or scabbard which goes across Jack's body, it's a black piece of leather with a big buckle on it. It holds the scabbard of his sword I believe.

    Effects like the pistol and the compass. The compass hangs from Jack's waist belt, the pistol is tucked in various places during the movie, such as the waist sash and under Jack's arm.

    Jack wears a silver ring on his hand, it has a green gem in the middle and the setting is very piratey, kinda skull things.

    There are a lot of beads and stuff in his hair, if you get a really good pic somewhere you could probably match them at a crafty shop.

    He has a cloth wrapped about one hand up through the fingers. And some other scarves about his person, up by his hair, in his sash, etc.

    If you want the stuff to look as worn as his, my suggestion is beating the **** out of the material before you make the clothes if you're sewing. Boil the lighter materials in a tea bath. Black tea, for about an hour! But remember this may shrink some fabrics. After you've boiled, rinse and then proceed to beat and pull the tar out of the fabric. If you want you can run the stuff through the washing machine with a load of sea salt. Or you can fill a wooden tub with a bunch of gravel and beat the living daylights out of the fabric. Don't put gravel in your washing machines though. That would suck and I'd feel really awful.

    My suggestion is find really great resolution pics of Jack in various poses, with both coat on and off, hat on and off. It really helps. You might want to print them out if you're working with someone on the costume.

    My other suggestion is get your trinkets and such off ebay or at local craft stores but don't go buy a prepackaged expensive thing off ebay because every single one I've seen looks off, and for the money they're asking I wouldn't want to see people disappointed.

    Um, of course, if any girls want to adapt the costume to be feminine, you could always dart in the coat(though I think its lines are pretty feminine already) in the bodice area, or wear tighter fitting shirts, or lower cut vests or instead of breeches a ragtag skirt(think scarves, as as skirt)... kuchi pendant jewelry... coins... etc etc. Something obvious to me is that they kind of took some bellydancing/Indian influence and mixed it up with some pirate constants and Old West style. If that helps you out I don't know.


    This gal has done some very extensive looking and I hope it helps others who might be wondering about certian things on the costume.

    Rumba Rue

    **Cecile B. DeMille wanna be** :rolleyes:

  11. Well I consider myself a re-enactor above anything else. I may not be totally 'period' in costuming, but I enjoy the interaction with the public. I've never considered myself a pirate per say, but more of a pick-pocket, get rich quick kind of wench, that enjoys what she can take for the fun and sense of excitment that it gives. :huh:

    The drinking and carousing around are the fringe benefits. :huh:

    Rumba Rue

    ** :huh: **

  12. I'm trying to look at the picture from both sides.

    There are a number of people who join, who either have an email address here (like my friend Boats does) or just would rather read the posts. That doesn't mean they shouldn't be allowed here. Many read the posts and do learn things about pirates that they didn't know before. Many are very shy and posting may be hard for them to do for that, be a bit more understanding. I know, I've been there too.

    Yes I understand the youngster problems, it happens on everyforum I go to where there are message boards. Don't worry, eventually the Trolls, as they are called will leave. Some tend to get rather nasty in posts that they make, the best is to ignore them or notify the moderators.

    All in all however, I think we have a fine Pub here and in a strange way we've become a 'family'. That's a good thing and when we need to get things out we've held in we go to the Beyond Pyracy forum to do so.

    I thoroughly enjoy the posts here, I've learned a hell of a lot, and I've made new friends. So from me, Thank You.

    Rumba Rue

    **Life is what you make it, so make it happy!** :)

  13. This will be very hard to do, as now the technology of phones that take pictures, small video cameras and such can be hidden well in ones clothing.

    What are they going to do? Pat down every patron that enters the theater? Take away their cell phones?

    Good luck, as I am rather a pro at switching theaters to see other movies. Ooops, gave away a trade secret! :P

    Rumba Rue

    ** :P **

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