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Rumba Rue

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Posts posted by Rumba Rue

  1. So you come to the Escondido faire?

    I know I'll be there, maybe not with PRP however. I will be selling stuff with my friend Dawn who runs 'Dream Lizard'. She sells beautiful freshwater pearls necklaces she puts together herself.

    Most likely I'll have my feather hat pins and mis. stuff. I'll also have a bin of costume things for $5.00 for any garment (I had to clear my closet out).

    Would love to meet you!

    Rumba Rue

    ** ;) **

  2. I occasionally carry one on my belt. It's pretty lightweight (compared to some others I've hefted) and was made by a wonderful craftsman at the Tall Ships Festival in Dana Point one year (a long time ago). The same craftsman has taken to making miniture ones that he gave out to PRP members one year - many of us have attached pin backings and have them attached to our outfits.

    If someone were to say something about the large belaying pin I carry, I just smile and say nothing. Let their imaginations run wild. ;)

    Rumba Rue

    **Wench, carries unusual stick** ;)

  3. Ok I finally finished the coat I had two friends fighting over who was going to get it.

    The material is a lightweight brocade with a matching lining, complete and useful pockets. Since the gal I decided that should have it is a wee bit smaller than me in height (I'm 5'3"), it will be perfect for her frame.

    The length of the coat isn't as long as some, because I was making it for a woman. I had a little bit of left over trim and made a small matching pouch to go with it (something I do a lot for people- no charge), using some of the black cotton velvet I used in the front.

    I have 5 different frock coat pattern designs, so far I've used three to make three different kind of coats. In a way I like this, it makes the coat more individual to the wearer and doesn't look like a clone of others.

    Frock coat

    Rumba Rue

    **Cecile B. DeMille wannabe** :lol:

  4. Nope haven't seen that picture. Great though.

    I'm loving this wonderful information here. It's fascinating other people's take on things.

    My question though is, anyone who does sailing would know, it can get pretty darn cold out on the sea. I find it hard to believe that sailors still went around in the simpilest of clothes, especially in storms. Anyone care to answer that?

    Rumba Rue

    **I'm not cold, yet...** ;)

  5. Hey Christine, I remember those faires! I too thought I was in the wrong place when the crowd of Klingons showed up.

    Did you know there's a pirate group (now located in San Diego) that does the local faire here that use to be the Klingon group? Just look at the emblem on their sign, it's the Klingon seal. LOL! But they do seem to be a friendly bunch of scallywags.

    I still haven't figured out the "Wilds" yet. For those who don't know that the "Wilds" are, they are bunch of teen types who paint their bodies black and white colors and wear leather or fur type clothing and act like cavemen/women. They have their own 'fort' too.

    I still can't figure out what they are doing at a Renaissance faire! If you happen to know, please clue me in.


    In any case we all seem to have gotten off track here. This thread was suppose to be about Bloody Mary's outfit.

    I can't wait to see your pictures Mary! I bet you look great!

    Rumba Rue

    ** :) **

    Rumba Rue

    **I got lost in thought, it was new territory** ;)

  6. Yea, we get the 'fairy crowd' here at the local faire. They color themselves up with make-up and flit about the faire with their wings.

    With the exception of S. Faire that tries to make itself 'historical' adnausem, the rest of the faires are pretty 'loose' which I actually prefer. However, after doing years of working S. Faire, I have it drilled into me what's period and what isn't. I've tried my darndest to get away from that, but sometimes I still wear two skirts, and the bodices I make tend to be of a more historical view.

    The group that does the Queen bit here at the local faires,

    St. Elizabeth's Guild is very, very strict on what they allow for costuming, but then that's understandable as they are presenting their version of Royalty .

    I've got my wonderful beaded frock coat, will I wear that to an event? Yikes, I'd probably die of heat stroke because it's such a heavy material!

    I really feel for the Nobles here wearing their heavy velvets, as temps at some of these events can get into the triple digits!

    Rumba Rue

    ** ;) **

  7. Sounds really great! But alas unless I can get money for airfare and food, and lodging, I'm out of luck.

    All the PRP'rs that went said they had a great time, and a few said they'd like to go back. I believe there might be some interest in sending a group of us there to represent PRP, but that has yet to be decided. Our general meeting is coming up so I think it will be talked about then.

    *Note: One thing that concerns me is smoking. I understand there are no laws against smoking in the bars and eating places. I cannot be in such areas, as cigarette/cigar smoking doesn't make me feel well and I hate the smell on my clothes and hair. Now on the other hand, that herb does wonders for me and my back pains.


    Rumba Rue

    **Sailin' on the big blue wet thing**POTCrowing.GIF

  8. Which faire is that Mary? Ye be from California too, trying to think which faire thinks that.  Hmmm..... :lol:

    i think it were a joke set on by some one i knew way back and i think he told me that to make me stop wearing bells.... they really anoyed him.

    Me, I'd wear the dang bells just to annoy on purpose!

    Well gosh, I'd also tell him that the dress he's wearin' doesn't do much for his complexion either! :lol:

    Rumba Rue

    ** :lol: **

  9. Men and their toys...... :lol:

    Personally I'd like to mount a swivel gun to my balcony railing....damn those twits who must play their friggin' music loud in their cars at 11:30 at night! :lol:

    Rumba Rue

    ** sleep deprived.... :lol: **

  10. I've been doing faires for many a year in my lifetime so far and have never heard the prostitue stuff. I've worn bells occasionally for the fun of it and the nice tinkling noise from them.

    As for animal tails, geez I think some gals just enjoy the fun of it too.

    I will continue to look at these things as a fun thing the wearer wants to do and not some stupid conotation like the wearing of those rubber colored bracelets the young girls do in school that are suppose to mean something else.

    Geez people think of the most negative stuff when it comes to clothing and accessories.

    Rumba Rue

    **I don't need accessories, I can flirt just fine without them** ^_^

  11. Gee, I wanna look like those pirate women! ---NOT!

    Well on the other hand, my cats would think they'd be great play toys too.

    Too pricey, but well done. I too use to paint those little friggin' figures when I use to be a gamer (in a galaxy long ago).

    Rumba Rue

    **Two wrongs are only the beginning**

  12. Probably good for those back east events, but out here in the west, arrgggghhh- too hot.

    Besides, I couldn't possibly wear something made from a horse's hide, tail etc. - that's sacrilige to me! I use to own and show horses in my younger years.

    Rumba Rue

    ** :blink: **

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