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Rumba Rue

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Posts posted by Rumba Rue

  1. Congradulations on your long marriage!

    I'm afraid the longest for me was the last one, 10 years.

    I have no intention of getting married again, unless there's a lottery win in the household. :ph34r:


    ** :ph34r: **

  2. Funny, I've used the same lines when I've been out playing with the public!

    Ah great minds think alike!

    I've even gone so far (when really under the influence of drinking) as to carry a whip and wander through the faire yelling for victims. :(


    ** :( **

  3. Within the last couple of years I've been seeing more and more people dressing in outfits other than the garb usually worn at faires. There are a couple who have gone to the Oriental look, with the peaked straw hats, the wooden shoes, kimonos, and the appropriete weaponry.

    I've also seen African, Indian, and lots of others represented. Most of the uninformed public, only usually think of the English, French, Spanish, German, and Italian as the people of the time.

    I think its wonderful to see such a great representation of other cultures at Ren-faires.

    So I say Phil, if you want to go the direction of the Asian look, go for it!

    I don't know if there are events like faires around, but hey, cruise the Internet, you'll never know what you'll find. And there certianly were Chinese pirates! :lol:


    ** :lol: **

  4. Hmm. When ever I used to read your name I would slur it together and come up with "Dee's Ass in Danger" Sort of like reading a personalized liscense plate and rather the opposite of what you intended I think.


    Baawaaahhaaaaaaa! Yup, Mr. Smith never had it so funny! (she uses the Smith title over at CB) :lol:


    ** :lol: **

  5. Aye, o'er the past weekend at the sci-fi con, I did meet up with some fine pirates that will be at Escondido Faire (I don't know which group they be from, but I hope ta find out). They be fine folk I do hope ta get ta know better.

    So I hope ta see many o' ye out there, so far there be no forecast fer rain. HOORAY - has the curse been broken? Let's hope so! (It's always rained the night before, the morning of, and sometimes during the day) Would love ta put that nickname o' the Escondido 'Rain' Faire ta rest- permanetly. :)


    ** :lol: **

  6. Nothing against the faire itself, but I refuse to go anywhere near anything that has the Patterson's hands on it. Not only very personal, but their mis-managing has cost more than one faire to go belly-up.


    ** :huh: **

  7. Yesterday I met up with Capt. Grey, down in Mission Valley (San Diego) for the sci-fi con, ConDor.

    She was manning the San Diego Star Wars Society table, so I kept her company off and on during the day, as we chatted away with each other and others who stopped by to say hi.

    We found out we were both doing the Costume Contest later on in the evening.

    She wore her beautiful grey frock coat she made and I wore my frock coat with all the beadwork that took me 6 months to make.

    While backstage looking at some of the other nifty costumes, we looked at each other and decided we were just in it for the fun, not expecting to win anything.

    Sue Dawe (yes that famous artist who is also a good friend of Capt. Grey's and mine) was doing the MCing for the night.

    I don't know quite what Capt. Grey did on stage, I'll let her tell you about her bit and her win.

    Anyways, the theme of my costume was the "Latest Fashion Trend".

    While I was on stage showing off my outfit just like you see models do, the following was read by Sue:

    The latest fashion trend is the frock coat.

    While there are many styles of frock coats, here we show an elegant design perfect for those discriminating tastes that may range from Royalty to Rogues.

    The beadwork is hand sewn on and the trim (came from a vessel that was recently raided and sunk by Privateers) are eye-catching details that a good person of expertise will recognize.

    (here I took off the coat)

    Along with this exquisite coat is a matching waistcoat, perfect for a more relaxed look while having tea.

    A fine pair of black breeches completes the look. Oh and let's not forget the red satin ties (tied at the bottom of the pant leg),

    are sure to be a big hit and gain favor of any gentleman or woman and of course the well dressed pirate will be equally pleased.

    We look forward to seeing more of these fashionable outfits in the coming season. This presentation has been brought to you by the House of Bloody Buckets.

    I can tell you I elicted quite a few laughs at what was being read, and the audiance really loved the last line. It was funny because Capt. Grey and I knew it was an inside joke, the audience thought it was just a funny line - course there may have been some in the audiance who come here to post at the Pub who might have caught the inside joke as well.

    In the end, I won for Best Presentation. I got a really cool trophy award, it looks like glass but it's really plastic and has the ConDor logo and 2005 Masqurade, Best Presentation on it.

    I walked around afterwards hugging it like precious treasure -well it was!

    I forgot to bring a camera, so when I got home I had Boats take some pictures, but they didn't come out very good.

    The ones that were taken at the Con aren't up on their website as of this post, but may be later.

    In any case here's where you can see pictures of the outfit after I finished it. Beaded Frock Coat

    Rumba Rue

    **Life is what you make it, so make it happy!** :lol:

  8. being Spanish meself though with "letters of marque" from Elizabeth herself I can only summize that as you say then American women do they fake it alot?

    To fake or not to fake that is the question. Well this woman will never tell. laughing1.gif


    ** B) **

  9. I give up. I've tried and tried to see the pictures, but for some reason my computer quits by the time number 16 is loaded.

    So if there are pictures to see, is there another site to go to where I can see them one at a time?

    Rumba Rue

    ** :ph34r: **

  10. You know, I think some of you ought to not put down Orlando.

    While he may like parading around in his pirate outfit, how many of you like doing the same thing?

    I know quite a few of us have gone restraunts, cruised through malls, and just be pictures to the general public (well I have done all those things) in pirate garb because we like to show off our outfits !

    So I don't care who the person is, famous or not, all are entitled to have our fun and we like the attention! :ph34r:

    Rumba Rue

    ** :ph34r: **

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