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Rumba Rue

Dearly Departed
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Posts posted by Rumba Rue

  1. First let me thank all of you who have responded with wonderful and insightful information.

    When I post here and in some of the other forums here, I play the character which can be clearly seen by my wording and the lack of words with letters missing. Such as "Aye ye be an' ol' salt o' the sea."

    But yet in other forums I am myself, my puncuation is correct and my spelling is almost always correct (I never won any spelling bees in school).

    When I use to post at the site for PRP on Yahoo it depended on what I was saying which would determine whether I used my character name or my real name to sign off with (I don't like my real name used here because it's a public forum, and I have been stalked in the past - as where PRP is a private forum- well to some extent).

    The fact is I am a single woman and though I may live with a guy, he too flirts with the lasses at events, just as I do here online with the guys and at events. It suits both of us well and there's no jealousy.

    But I question the ones that become so part of the character they are playing that they forget they have a real life. When shown that they do have a real life, the result is anger at the intrusion.

    This is where the problem lies. So how do we know that person is so compelely immersed with the character that they are the character, or just a person using the name in character (which seems to be the majority of us here)?

    We don't, but the person in question 'expects' you to know this. It's not possible.

    I would like to hear some of your thoughts on this.

    Rumba Rue

    ** :D **

  2. I had a long discussion last night with my companion and it's opened my eyes to what I wasn't seeing.

    Some of us here at the Pub play our parts as the characters in which we wish to be percieved - regardless of the reality of our real lives.

    I do it to a certian degree, but I can never forget my real life, and my problem seems to be forgetting that others do it to forget their real lives.

    So I'd like to ask the question here to you members of the Pub, when you come here, do you act like the character you wish to be seen as, or just be a name connected to you, but still in reality?

    Rumba Rue

    ** :P **

  3. Random thoughts....I have lots.

    Even though I try to take one day at a time, sometimes several days attack me all at once.

    Most women at the Pub are younger than me so you won't relate as well to this nasty thing that hits us in our older years. Hot flashes.

    To date, I seem to be overly flooded with them for the last week and continuing. It's not fun either. I get so hot and even sweat so bad that I must find a way to cool down. Whether it be sitting in front of a fan, taking a cold shower, or doing whatever it takes to bring relief. On top of that it makes me feel very uncomfortable with day to day life and just trying to cope. Even here, trying to concentrate on reading or even writing a post seems to come out badly.

    I'm sure most of you don't have this particular problem as much as I do. When you write something you think is ok, only to find out it's not. Then wonder yourself why the hell you wrote it in the first place. Honestly I can't explain it other than the mental disabilities I have. I do sometimes think disjointedly.

    I've probably offended more people here at the Pub then I am aware of, and God I'm sorry for that.

    Something else on my mind that was asked of me recently by a couple of people here, regarding Moderator duties.

    We Moderators don't get paid and we don't get any perks. What we do get is the job of handling unhappy people with someone else's post (not necessarily mine) and trying to keep the majority happy.

    We do have a 'rule book' we go by so we just can't make up our own rules and do as we please. Each Moderator is assigned to a particular forum in which only that forum which only that Moderator(s) can handle. We don't have free reign to go to whatever forum we like and do things.

    Well I guess I've got all my junk of my chest now. If you think I'm feeling bad about a lot of things, you are correct.

    Is there anything good I've done here? If so, please tell me.

    Rumba Rue

    ** :o **

  4. Ah the Iron Bess of all 'powers that be'.

    I sure missed seein' ye at the PRP meeting.

    I've got somethin' for ye so I guess I'll jest have ta call ye and come an' see ye at the studio so I can give it to ye.

    Perhaps Capt. Grey and I can come together since we live pretty close to each other.

    Rumba Rue

    ** :ph34r: **

  5. Naw Ded Bob ain't a parrot.

    Well almost had ye one o'er the weekend. Dang that Roger the Red, he t'was tryin' ta take Philistina's little parrot out o' the cage an' he did let the door drop down on the bird's neck. He could 'ave decapited poor Mr. Smee.

    Are ye sure ye don't want a human skeleton? I'm sure when I get done with ol' Roger he'll be wantin' to be dead. Now where did I put that feather teaser....

    Rumba Rue

    ** ;) **

  6. Well the rain has finally stopped and the sun is out.

    I've been trying my darndest to come up with what I want to write about how I'm feeling right now. Perhaps a bit sad that there are some people that feel I'm way overboard with an anchor tied to my feet. I never ever claimed to be perfect, nor do I want to be. Life is a learning experiance that never ends.

    All I can really say is, "I'm not bad, I'm just drawn that way." ;)

    Rumba Rue

    ** B) **

  7. African Grey Parrots are probably the smartest and have the largest vocabulary of any bird that speaks.

    My companion's daughter has one and he's quite a talker and virtually understands way too much.

    My little Senegal on the other hand is highly amusing, speaks lots of pirate language and I am so thankful I have him in my life. He has made me laugh daily, which sometimes is just what I needed.

    Rumba Rue

    ** :) **

  8. This reminds me of when I was still working Southern Faire and taking those dang workshops. I had a knife that had an interesting curve to it. The twit doing the class said I wouldn't be able to make a sheath for it.

    Well I showed him! Made a wonderful sheath and made him speechless.

    I have a friend in Las Vegas who did a fantastic sheath for a knife I had, complete with Celtic embossing. I've got two more that need sheaths, so I'll just draw an outline of the knife, (as Roylist said) and I'll send the drawings off to my friend to make them.

    I can't do that kind of work as my hands can't handle it anymore.

    Rumba Rue

    ** :D **

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