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Rumba Rue

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Posts posted by Rumba Rue

  1. Most amazing pictures I've seen in a long time. Too bad they are not of the years in which us pirate types would have seen- but no one had cameras back then.

    Not only are the pictures great, but it's wonderful to have an explanation of the ship's name and what they were used for.

    Thank you so much for sharing!

    Rumba Rue

  2. I know that PRP just got a heads up about it, but unknown if the group itself will be there. The first time it happened there were numerous problems that the Powers that Be, got dumped on PRP. In the following year(s) the Powers weren't going to compensate PRP for anything, not even a place to stowe our stuff. So PRP decided not to do it again. I believe our Event Cordinator is in the process of finding out the situation.

    HOWEVER, since I live in the San Diego area, I'd be more than happy ta come down in costume ta meet ye. An' if'n yer kind, give me and my companion a fine ride on yer ship. (Hopefully not havin' ta pay for the ride)

    Not likely to get seasick while cannon battles are going on in the bay.

    Rumba Rue

    ** :lol: **

  3. Hi, I'd like to pass on some helpful information.

    There is no rule saying you must fill out your bio, and there is no rule saying you have to post here in The Crow's Nest first. You can post in any forum you want.

    However if you do fill out your bio, it lets members know who you are. We love to see pictures of members (especially in garb), as it's always nice to put a face to the post.

    We do understand if you have privacy issues at hand and don't want to give out information, that be perfectly fine.

    Humbly yours,

    Rumba Rue

  4. Well I t'was lookin' forward to a nice weekend with nothin' ta do, an' then I gets information I need ta be at the PRP workshop tomorrow ta deal with the play we's preform at some venues. I'm the narrator.

    So much fer me lazin' back. :lol:

    Rumba Rue

    ** :lol: **

  5. Well I don't think like JB......

    However Alice in Wonderland partyin' with the catapillar, and a bunch o' dancin' flowers, an' other strange critters, is more ta me likin'. ^_^

    Oh wow...the colors....


    ** :rolleyes: **

  6. I agree with ye Christine. Tis a shame that some here be so jealous that there be bad juju bein' said behind our backs ta others who have no business stickin' their noses where they don't belong. It be one o' the many reason's I've pulled back from the group I am a member of. Someone here at the Pub seems ta find nothin' but pleasure in tellin' lies 'bout me without a shred o' evidence ta back them up. :P

    Rumba Rue :P

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