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Rumba Rue

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Posts posted by Rumba Rue

  1. Well it be that time o' the year again fer the Escondido Ren-faire. This year it be two weekends- April 2-3, 9-10.

    I'll be there sellin' me fine feathered hat pins, sharin' a space with Dream Lizard. Ye can find me (us) right along that cement walkway, sorta diagonal from the beer garden.

    I'm bringin' a trunk o' fine costumes, $5.00 dubloons fer anything in it!

    Some are brand new goodies. (I reeally had ta clear me closet out)

    I'm hopin' ta see some o' ye fine people and get ta know ye better. Perhaps share a fine drink with ye.

    Rumba Rue

    **A balanced diet is a mug of rum in each hand** :ph34r:

  2. Morgan thelimey Grimway, I am soooooo jealous! You have the accent that most of us pirates crave! And to others across the 'pond', you are so damn lucky with your accents. Us Americans have to fake it! <_<

    Rumba Rue

    ** ;) **

  3. I was saying "Arrrggghhhh" before I ever got into the pirate scene. ;)

    I say "Arrgggghhhh" a lot instead of cussing. That's because I have a parrot that can pick up words and repeat them. I don't want him cussing, though I admit some words have slipped through my lips. (That dang bird surprised me one day when he said 'Hey stupid' :huh: )

    As for other words, not really much.

    Rumba Rue

    ** ;) **

  4. I guess I will always be an old Pong player at heart. I loved that game. There was also one on the old Atari games something called Bomb drop or something, where bombs dropped and you had to move your character out of the way. They came faster and faster as the game went on. I was terrific at that.

    There's another game I can't remember which company puts it out, but it's a pinball type where you had to get the ball to hit different areas of the dragon face for points and it had color changes and other nifty things. But the electronic music that is with it drove me nuts and I would turn off the sound when I played it. The game wasn't mine it belonged to my former roomate who took it with him when he moved to Kentucky.

    That's the kind of games I like when it comes to computer games, fairly easy. I just can't seem to process harder stuff.

    Rumba Rue

    ** :) **

  5. I'd just like to add, that when a question pops up on the Initiates Forum I have to use a judgement call as to whether I should let it stay or put it where it could be answered better elsewhere. In the case of this question I thought it best answered by the Moderators of Plunder than me.

    Please don't take any offense, I just felt Blackjohn or Capt. Grey could help more than I could.

    Rumba Rue

    **For every action there is an equal and opposite critisim** B)

  6. First I had to move this to Plunder, sorry the Initates Forum ain't the place for this question.

    Hmmmm, I understand your point, but I really think discussable costume subjects can still be done in Plunder. The Plunder section is not limited to sales of things. In fact I'd love to see more discussions about costumes here.

    Rumba Rue

    **Cecile B. DeMille wannabe** :lol:

  7. I'll be in Vegas in June at the TI.

    I was in Vegas last August (stayed at the Luxor) and of course had to check out TI. I was thoroughly dismayed at only one gift shop in the whole place sold pirate stuff. In fact pirate themed things weren't even seen anywhere else. I did pick up some cute pirate boxer shorts and a cute top to wear for bedtime.

    I don't gamble except for an occassional slot machine to use up coin.

    I didn't get to see the outside show. I've heard some really dislike it, others seem to like it. So when I go this summer I will make a point of watching it.

    Anyone else seen the show there? Thoughts on it?

    Any chance any of you might be in Vegas mid June?

    Rumba Rue

    ** :ph34r: **

  8. I'd like to say that being a Moderator is no easy job.

    There is no way I will ever be able to make everyone happy with editing or removing posts. (Thank you Pyrate Phil and Mission for your help in this)

    I absolutely hate having to delete anyone's post. Yup, I get complaints from others a lot, about posts that other members have done. Sometimes I ignore them as just someone getting something out of their system.

    But there is a fine line of what's acceptable and what's not. It's not a question of imposing my morals or values on anyone, or intruding on one's private life. It's a question of how far the poster has gone that makes me finally step in and say something (though I admit I'm not the best at writing it).

    Yes, we do have a few here that have become so immersed into the character and start posting as such, that it is especially hard for me as a Moderator to determine whether or not they they are just playing or actually thinking it.

    That is why I asked the questions I have asked about whether one is the character or just playing the name.

    It's to help me understand where you are coming from and I think it's also helped others here see that too.

    As it's been stated we cannot tell what the person is trying to express behind a computer screen.

    I'd like to tell you something that Boats told me recently. I'm sure some of you may of heard of this study, so I'll try and do the short version of it.

    Two groups of law students were given an assignment. One group could only use the Internet to confer with, the other group could only use the phone to confer with.

    Can you guess what happened? I bet you can. The group that could use the phone to talk to each other did their assignment well. The group that had only the Internet to use, created bickering and fighting because proper emotions couldn't be conveyed the right way. They of course failed the assignment.

    Truly something to think about. I sure have.

    Sometimes I think I'd be better at stacking cats. :)

    Rumba Rue

    **I got lost in thought, it was uncharted territory** :lol:

    Carry on :P

  9. Thank you Rouge Mermaid!

    Sometimes I just kind of worry that maybe I've said something that's hurt a lot of people and I don't know it until I get a nasty write back post or a PM.

    My worst fault is writing before thinking, or thinking it's ok and it's not.

    Rumba Rue

    ** :ph34r: **

  10. First let me say I am not venting.

    I think that we have a wonderful group of people here whose replies have made us understand how we precieve each other. The majority of us have a clear understanding of the reality and fantasy and when it's appropriete to use.

    I hope that the few who prefer to push the reality away and live the fantasy, read the comments here that you've all written and understand we are not mind readers and can't always post in a way that you might like.

    I think one of the things here at the Pub that would be more helpful is to have more smiley's that can show our emotions better.

    If there's anyone here who can create or garner smiley's to put here at the Pub, send a message to Bloody Buckets (pyracy@graysail) about it.

    (sorry no pay or perks, but lot's of thank you's)

    Humbly yours,

    Rumba Rue :ph34r:

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