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Rumba Rue

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Posts posted by Rumba Rue

  1. Me recommendation, based on years o' trial n' error, be that wenches call upon their favored pirate fer a healthful massage o' said achey areas, fer there be numerous health benefits, to both said parrrrrties....

    Well gee, the parts a man can get to, are those two that do grow miraculously into two budding melons when a woman wears a nice bodice; they could always use a good massage. :ph34r:

    It's the only time they get ta make an appearance, course occasionally, one or both get a bit ansy, and want ta make a break for freedom, thereby indulging the males with a nice treat or teat, dependin' on what one be thinkin' at the time.

    Course I must say, wearin' a bodice does well for me back, and supports me throughout the day, but when I take the thing off- the pain then does set in, givin' me a nasty backache. Ah but that's due to me medical problems (my spine is completely fused all the way up and down - scoliosis), so unfortunately there be no cure, 'cept for a hefty pain pill and (some nice herbal if'n I got it) rest.


    ** :ph34r: **

  2. I've bought a lot of stuff from Hot Topic. Also Torrid, but lately Torrid doesn't have hardly anything pirety.

    There's also a Hot Topic store in the North County Fair Mall here in Escondido, but they don't always have some of the things on line in the store.

    Rumba Rue

    **Lead me not to temptation, for I can find it myself** :ph34r:

  3. Good boning goes before the grommets, so that when lacing, nothing gets scrunched up.

    I still saw thin boning used in those bodices that are made by Claires Bodices.

    I might add, a bodice that someone gave me was real tight too, like the one Claire was talking about on her site. I too ended up with a fractured rib because of it. Comfort is the key. If you can't breath, or move easily about, it's too tight!

    The metal boning shouldn't rust if it's been properly covered with the white coating it comes with.


    **Eyes like an eagle** :huh:

  4. Zorg seems ta be off planet at the moment, but when he comes back, he's gonna see all these nice people me included have said, "Happy Birthday".

    Rumba Rue

    **You never learn to swear until ye learn ta dock the ship** :huh:

  5. HAPPY BIRTHDAY, but I'll just take pictures o' yer bottom as the spankin' continues. That way I can send it as spam that reads,'Turn yer bottom red whilst tryin' to enlarge yer other parts.'



    **Nothing is foolproof to a talented fool** B)

  6. One of the things I noticed (being a seamstress I see these things), is that all the bodices I saw on those sites are made with that real thin boning that bends too easily, and some didn't have any boning whatsoever so there is no support at all.

    This may be fine for someone like you Tales who is thin and shapely, but for us gals with gravity on our side, it won't work.

    I always use half inch wide, spring steel boning not only where the gromets are for lacing, but I also use a diagonal piece of boning on each side of the bodice for support, so that the material won't crunch up and be uncomfortable.


    **Two wrongs are only the beginning**

  7. Conner, yer hat be fine, since ye are an Irishman.

    And fer the rest o' ye, don't werry 'bout material types, ye use what ye can use, so's long as the idea comes across.

    I have ta admit the material I'm usin' fer me frock coat isn't real tapestry stuff (I couldn't afford such pleasures), and is a much cheaper stuff with a rubberized backing. I'm usin' two layers o' cotton linin' fer it. Pretty sure it'll keep me warm on them 100 degree faires I be doin'. LOL! ^_^

    Ah, but it be fer more than just pirate wear anyway.

    Rumba Rue

    **The means by which we live have outdistanced the ends for which we live**~ Martin Luther King :)

  8. Pirates looked like crispy (for lack of a better word for 'extremely tanned') pesants. Not guys with standard issue striped shirts and eyepatches complete with parrot that says 8 classic pirate phrases. That's even irritating at a Renny.

    'Cuse me, but I'm damn proud o' me little parrot saying 'those eight phrases' ye speak of! It's taken a bit o' time fer him ta learn those. Bet ye couldn't say those at two years o' age! (that's how old me parrot be)

    In any case, most o' the pirates ye see, are the 'storybook' kind, simply cuz if'n we just dressed like the plain scurvy types we is, then nobody would have a friggin' clue as ta what we were! Besides them frock coats/Capt.coats, and other fancy wear, attract o' lot o' attention which we just love! Ah yes one o' them Kodac moments, where we fight our way ta have our picture taken. :D

    Besides if'n ye hold yer empty mug out, someone's bound ta fill it with rum or even better money! Works fer me! :D

    Rumba Rue

    **The best part of valor is descretion** :lol:

  9. Wow !!!..., Speechless really..., its a big ship..,

    The reason I took a picture of the Californian was to show the difference in immense size (I have sailed on the Californian a couple of times), between the small schooner to a huge war ship.

    Honestly would have took more pictures down below deck, but the darn ship was moving up and down pretty good (storm at sea- big waves coming in), and so was my stomach... :ph34r:

    Rumba Rue

    **The ship, the sea, ooooh the Porcelin God!** :ph34r:

  10. Can't read a lick o' music, but been playin' me 12 string guitar since 1970. Unfornuately, me fingers be a bit short, so's I can't play a lot o' stuff and have ta improvise quite a bit. Me voice use ta be real good back then too, but age and vices have changed that.


    **Lead me not to temptation for I can find it myself** :)

  11. Well when it comes to corrupting one to the best of my ability, I'd have ta take Will. B)

    Ah yes, me job would be well done, the lad would have a whole new outlook on life after I got done with him. B)

    Rumba Rue

    **Nine out of ten men who have tried camels prefer women** B)

  12. Oh, and by the by, I was lookin' at yer fotograf, and you are right. The cavalier hat looks downright stunning on ye.


    Actually the hat I'm wearin' in the picture isn't the cavalier hat I had orginally. I had one o' those big fancy ones in a beautiful burgandy color. Unfortunatly, my dumb friend left his window open on his car, and someone came along and stole it. Trust me, if I see it, I'll know it's mine, I know every mark and wear spot on it.

    The one I'm wearin' in the picture is a hat I found at a thrift store for $1.99, that I simply decorated and pined a side up.

    Rumba Rue

    **Ladies Sewing Circle and Terrorist Society** :blink:

  13. Too bad about that gal loosing her hat. Just ask Jamacia Rose about that one...as it happened to her, but she got her hat back thanks to some quick thinking sailors. I don't know how long it took to dry or even if it ever looked the same again...

    I had let a good friend borrow my cavalier hat for a party we went to. He put it on the floor under a table so it wouldn't get destroyed, and what happens, some twit spilled his drink and it went all over the hat! I can tell you my fluffy feathers were totally ruined, the hat took some real serious cleaning, but was never really the same again.

    I don't tend to wear tricorns as a one-side up looks better on me. Alas, at a recent event the wind tried to take it from my head, but I held on fast. I'm going to attach ties to the thing so I can tie it under my chin so to prevent that from happening again. I also might add, that my friend who was with me who had a tricorn also had her hat blown off. That happens when your hat tends to be bigger than your head. I wear a very small hat size as did she, so our hats tend to be loose on our heads. Unfortnatly, I have yet to find a hat small enough without going to a child's size that will stay on my head!

    Rumba Rue

    **Blowin' in the wind** :unsure:

  14. Well let me be the first to stand tall and say,"I LIKE SURVIVOR!!

    Everyone is entitiled to their own opion. But I have watched every show since in came on. Yes some are dumber than others, but for the most part, I've enjoyed the situations, the idiots, the sneaks, the backstabbers, and the good people. Personally, the guy who opted to quit and leave on the last show, in my opinion did a good thing. You see, he is correct, one's health and well being are far more important than any amount of money, and that I do agree with.

    What I have learned from these shows are that one must consider what is truly important in life, regardless of the onslaught of corrupt minds.

    I think the people coming back for the new show on Feb. 1, will have a better understanding of what they are doing and how to go about it then they did the first time. And yes, I will watch it!

    Rumba Rue

    **Stand tall and proud** :unsure:

  15. Well I finally made the trip down to downtown San Diego to see the HMS Surprise used in Master and Commander (I know, I live in N. San Diego county, but finding the time to get there was another problem).

    WOW! That has to be the most beautiful ship I have ever seen!

    The ship's real name, HMS Rose, hasn't been replaced and the Surprise is still on her stern. Nothing has been touched up (just in case they need to use it again for a sequel), it's absoluetly gorgeous!

    On deck to touch a cannon, to feel the helms (there's two wheels), that darwf me, to hear the groaning and the creaking of the ship as she rocked up and down with the tide at her moorings ...heaven! Down below there's all kinds of pictures from the movie, there's a TV monitor showing clips from how the ship was built and used in the movie. The Captian's cabin is all set up just like it was in the movie, including the instruments, cello and violin, uniforms from the movie and the cabin where the doctor stayed with all his stuff out.

    Oh yes I took pictures! LOTS OF PICTURES!!!!!

    I'll turn in the film by Friday and as soon as I see how they came out I'll post them!

    I am sooooo excited to have seen this magnificent ship!

    Rumba Rue

    **Fair Winds and Following Seas** :ph34r:

  16. It's not really a question of how well the garment is made, but the price that seem to be a bit scary for those who live on very limited budgets. Yes, a fine garment can cost hundreds of dollars - I know, the frock coat I'm working on (still) with all it's time consuming beadwork I'm doing would probably sell for well over $700.00 easy, and after one saw the work involved one wouldn't really question the price. But again that brings us back to the the poor souls who need to pay their debts that are owed, then for those who have the ability to spurlge whenever their hearts want to. Trust me, there are far mor poor souls about then the spurlgers who are into the Ren-faire/pirate events!


    **Reality is what happens when life gets in the way** :)

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