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Posts posted by Merrydeath

  1. Aye Animal she be having a lovely stern. Course her bows aren't bad either.

    LOl Sorry luv. I'll give you a box of godivas for punishment


    takes the Godivas, and then melts them for some Scupper sauce.

    LAdyb.. you are a tease with them chocolates.. someday I will taste one.

    I hear they are good.. almost better than sex,

  2. does that mean I get to grape dive and have a wench walk?

    yes you may, as long as I get rogued.. and as long as Sheila is NOT one of those wenching you.. but the grape dive is a given, from me. My peaks and valleys are yours, to plunder and pillage at will.

    Sheila, ask a few of your pirate buddies to find us there, we may have a need for a crowd of people. wink.

  3. nay i say carmel corn rules!

    Want to share some merry? We can eat it with out our hands and then help each other "clean up" after?

    Carmel corn?? nay.. I'll wrestle ya for it.. and the one on top wins. And yes my love, we can have the carmel corn, have a bit of rum, then take hours cleaning up! I'll start at the top and work me way down. Way down.. and I won't stop til ya be clean as a whistle. Even if it takes days...

    and speaking of whales.. you guys blow!

    *ducks out of sight with Scupper, before the water gets them*

  4. and the dessert, Sheila dear. The delightful dish full of sinful tidbits that tempts and lasts all night long, filling your mouth with a taste of heaven..

    or the last drink of the night that makes you giggle and fall asleep.. nods.

    Looks back at Aminal, an sees Doc Wanna eyeing him.. oops.

  5. Scupper loks at the front of his slops. "INVISIBLE!" "Was the water that cold?"

    Merry darling, perhaps you should render aid my love.

    Merry pulls Scupper behind an outcropping of rock, where a lot of giggling and laughing is heard, then silence... more silence,,, still more silence.

    Then a shower of fireworks are set off, ala Love American Style. ooos and ahhhhs are heard on BOTH sides of the rocks..

  6. I am going to the Kansas City ren Faire the weekend of Sept 11th- 12th. I will be around at least one of the pubs, prolly the one with the two stories.. ( town hall pub??)

    I would love to meet up with some of the Pirates of the Plains while there. Let me know if you will be there..

  7. Nice night for leather ...

    And don't you worry your little head Merry... I will have your panties there so at least a part of you will be at the raid...


    well I like leather, and I like undies, an I guess I did call Scupper from Victorias a few times.. okay lots.

    go fer it!

    *sits twirling a pair of leopard print men's on her finger, size XXL.*

  8. big swords and cannon going off every hour.

    Still, lasses, size is nice, but I'll trade em all for the laddy who can make me sigh and smile.

    Looks around fer him out the window, then remembers she has on her jammies.

    sorry lads.. anyone land in the bushes?

  9. (removes his hat and hangs his head low)

    I have missed yer birthday and for that I am sorry.  Aye.  I shall make it up to ye with the following belated gifts.  I have brought these four keg bearing slave boys and a bronze tub from Spain for yer private quarters.

    (bows low)

    Can she keep the four guys carrying the keg too?? :)

  10. Happy Birthday blenderwench! Today we all should whip up your favorite drink for ye. On this day, you're not supposed to do anything but just kick back and relax. :lol:

    she said.. whip.. lol..

    Happy Berthday to ya BlenderW! May all your bottles be full and your tips big ens..

  11. Merry sashays in with her flogger..

    "Now who's birthday is it?? and why did you start drinking without me??

    As a tribute to your berthday, I will now give the 21 bunny salute!"

    shows off her hip where Hunny Bunny will be one day.. when Connecticut Pirates fly!

    Around of drinks on me.. especially if they make the men drunk and tipsey.. my SCupper included.

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