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Posts posted by Merrydeath

  1. splashes back at Siren and calls her 'chicken of the sea' for swimming off.. gets a beach ball and plays volleyball with her.. using the blow up (eat your heart out Doc!!) as a net.

    My pleasure Scupper. Anytime...

  2. *finds a nice quiet place to think about a ren faire and an Irish pub invasion..and then gets the giggles thinking about walls and potions.. *

    Laddy, someday I will be able to think about plasterboard without blushing but I think its a lost cause for a while... and I thank ya for that everyeday..

  3. Pulls out the blow up pirate ship blowup she had hidden in the cove, and goes after Siren in it..

    Squirts her with the super soaker fire nozzle, after attaching the blow up parrot to her shoulder.

  4. Being under you is not a problem.. unless ya be flinging your charges around! I do like the idea of being the hand in charge of the weapons tho..

    and thank ya about me stern.. it needs a good rub down every so often to stay nice and smooth. Yours be nice too..but it needs a good lickin.

  5. Lets see: we snuggle all day, don't eat, get dizzy, fall down, can't get up again, and ... stay snuggled even more.

    works for me.

    The AQUA one was cute, and naked can be fun.

    Okay very fun, but if you want me naked or even nekkid, you will have to be head Merrydeath warmer. Think you can do the job? Its mostly night shift and a dirty job, but I think you will like the job at hand.

  6. just to keep count--

    naked Doc, and Scupper with a nasty cold. Both need to take a lass and call work in the morning.

    smiles in her sleep, thinking of Aqua and tiger print and black, oh my.

  7. Comes out in towel, notices Scupper has a cold too. Takes fone off the hook, gets a glass of juice for him, then proceeds to make him warm and sleepy. She takes him in with her to soak, wrapped in her arms..

    looks to the present, for the future is so uncertain.

    Light comes in the windows, softly shining on the couple in the quiet snuggle.

  8. clear throat..

    I asked again about PIP and got an okay from the bilge rat.. as long as I pay most of it.. I can go to PIP!! one less fight. sigh.

    Rubs her hands with glee and an evil grin..

    watch out Scupper and Nigel and Aminal.. I am on the loose!

  9. Your name Merrydeath

    Occupation Quartermaster

    Ship Name The Rushing Rogue

    # of ships you sacked 235

    How you died Syphilis

    Tried Melissa.. same thing..

    tried Mercy, and again its syphillis..

    Syphillis??? Scupper!! I want a word with you. :o

  10. Wakes up with sand on her butt, and a dry mouth. looks at the sea and thinks of those far away.. blows a kiss on the wind..

    goes to take a shower and her gas line has been cut by destruction crew.. damn! No hot shower for me.. sigh. Head hurts, nose stuffy, hands hurt.. thank the gods for ibuprophin.

  11. They are saying goodbye in their own way. Playing outlawed tunes on outlawed pipes.

    I love you. Always have. I want to marry you.

    English Commander : I hope you washed your ass this morning, it's about to be kissed by a king.

    Every man dies, not every man really lives.

    Ach nobles! nest o' schemin' bastards; they canny agree oan the colour o' shite.

    What movie are these from? and I think they all would fit in POC.

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