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Posts posted by Merrydeath

  1. How bout enough treasue to make my wishes come true? And enough to solve my family's problems



    and I can just see one of the kids saying.. ARE we THERE yet?

  2. Merry puts her head up to blow a raspberry at Paisley, give a quick hard kiss to Scupper, and swoon again in his arms..

    I am a delicate flower, not meant for the beefy strong arms and kisses that handsome and suave Scupper is giving me.. WOW what a kisser.

    Looks to see if he is buying it.

  3. Turns around.. OH! he means me!

    Why Scupper, you Irish hunk of male wonderful...

    if all the young laddies were pies full of gooo..

    I would turn them all down to have one bite of you.

  4. Lifts nose in the air... ruuuummmmmmmmmmm!

    and the weapons have been tended to with tenderness, Captain of mine. They are all spit shined whether they need to be or not. I just needed all the rum to make sure I had enough spit!

    (thank ya Aminal, ya are a good matey)

  5. Since I work with kids books, I can filch a few ideas..

    a place where X marks the spot.

    A treasure of golden candy or gold fish.

    a parrot

    an island for theirself and a beach to make sandcastles

    an octopus to play ball with

    a tall mast to see far from

    a ride on a whale

    A near naked lass with a lot of gold, and for him a barrel of rum, a tattoo of a skull and crossbones, and his enemies hung.

    oh wait, that is Doc's idea of a good pirate wish..

  6. Hey Bess, how can you keep up with the chaos if you are gone all the time??

    Ye---up, pierced thingies, nekkid peoples, peepholes and was that something about a hand-fasting??

    Menagery a tois?

    snoopy dance to the tune of "Peanuts' (gets me in a happy mood no matter what)

  7. Merry takes a piece to share to Scupoper, and finds him asleep on the blanket. She makes sure he is warm, then puts the pie away for later. She snuggles up with him, her hands on his long hair..mmmmmm. His deep breathing relaxes her and she goes to sleep to dream of them.

  8. well I would like to hold something of Scuppers.. but its not his HAND... 6 months anniversary.. sigh..

    gets a big water balloon and goes after Scupper to play Submarine in the harbor.

    thank you lasses!! She is a cheeky lass, and one of the first witches I heard about. I am not one but some of me freinds are wiccan.

    Love that Merry who popps in.

    or Merry Popouts.

  9. The way I remeber it the lasses won

    *Morgan, all soggy, lobs a couple of balloons at the lasses, knowing his aim is true*

    No no no, ladies... no matter what happens, I still win! HA HA HA!! Thats the beauty of it all!

    *grins evilly again, and reaches for the garden hose*

    FOUL!! no garden house in the house...

    watches Morgan shuffle around like a tan penguin..

    (Every day is a holiday with Merry!!)

  10. smiling evilly, thinking of yahoo and pc's..she takes the volleyball an bounces it off Scupper's head. Laughing, she dives into the water to join Morgan and Siren and to cool off from the heat. Scupper does that to her.

    The water is fun, then she comes ashore to dry off before she catches her death and to "Kiss the Guy'.

    She finds the boom box and starts it at Kokomo.

  11. Who needs them white gooey things love. You, me and a fire. We can find our own snacks darling

    Butt butt..I LIKE gooey white things.

    oh you mean marshmellies.. :blink:

    Finds the basket they brought with food and drink in it, burgers and salad, chips and dip, carrots and apples. A feast for everyone... and then Herseyes for later.

  12. Merry takes the spray noxzzle from the sink and hits MOrgan with it in the seat of his pants.. so they get baggy and make him walk like Hammer.. You can't touch this.. and sloooooows him down..

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