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Posts posted by Merrydeath

  1. Cristean, I like Scupper too, but his heart is wrapped in mine, and I promised I would fight for him to the ends of the earth. I am his for the next 100 years. It would be cowardly of me to drop him over another.

    My path is tied to his, whether I want it to be or not. His life is mixed in mine. When he laughs, it goes to my heart.

  2. I guess the words are pointless, but know that he was mine as of last night, when he talked of marriage and handfasting. If he is in your heart, then you were wrong to let him in. His signature and words to me say it.

    You might be close, but I am his and he is mine.

  3. two weeks ago it was a game, now it is not... if you passed on it then you passed.

    If you are playiing, you are doing a bad job of it. but you have my apologies if all you thought it was fun.

    A whole week ago you replied to my email with the message:


    There is one who has stolen my heart, but tale be told, his heart once belonged to you. I plan to change that, if I already hadn't.

    So.....play on the pub might get ugly, so I think I will pass.

    Lady Cristean


    try again, why did you think this was play?

  4. Aye lass, Scupper be one with the gentle touch alright. But, I meant a private floggin in the Captain's quaters alone. :rolleyes:

    poaching is considered a bad trait,, unless you are a low tart. Why go after someone who says he is in love with another??

    I would run you through lass, but you seem to have some problems if you need to go after a taken man... He says he loves me! There are names for lasses that do that.. but I am too well brought up to say them here.

    shakes head and wonders about Scupper not telling her.. wipes a tear.

    I love Scupper, and my heart is torn. I will love him til my last breath.

    If you are just playing then I hope you get what you deserve, Lady Cristrean. If its more than that, you are low to post it here.

  5. For any of you pirates of the plains, I will be at MNRF the weekend of August 28-29 ( i hope)

    Anyone who can go, contact me for a place to meet. I think that is the wine tasting weekend.

    last year, I had 8 glasses of wine in about an hour.... i think.

    The Faire runs August 14 to Sept 26th in Shakopee MN

  6. Nay lass, yer needs not de dagger. Yerwit and sharpe tounge serves ye well.**holds his empty mug up in the air** I be 'aven another dark rum iffen anyone be near de cask.



    Aminal laddy, I'm very short and fer some reason men get a kick from picking me up, literally. I"ve been bitten (yes bitten) twice now, and almost got taken off to a car that was not mine. That is why I want another Loreena and I carry mace.

    As fer Sheila's grapes, they are a nice firm bunch, easy on the eyes and a handful for most. It would tickle me (literaly) ta share them with ya, but this time I hope I get the rogue of my choice ta do the honors of degrapeflowering me improperly.

  7. Isn't that th' gents usual way? Get us drunk so's they can 'ave their way? An' all they hafta do is ask....

    Glad you like the pics. We did have a grand time. In fact, when we started doing the Lady Marmalade bit, I watched Bob O'Reilly's expression. His jaw hit the ground when he realized what we were doing. I think that was while he was still sober. Needless to say, all three actors were impressed.

    I can just see it now..and fall off my chair! I've met a few klingons and the idea of them vamping is great!!

    as I like to say, Women are from Venus, Men are from Klingon.

    and to comment on men and just asking... most of the time it takes dinner, a pub, a long talk in front of a fire.

    than again, a wink can go far with me..

  8. I love the pics!! Looks like you had a grand time.

    and i am starting ti think all these nice gents wit rum kegs are trying ta get us all drunk...

    not that there be nothing wrong with drunk lasses.

  9. Mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm grapes. and yes they be topside. and overflowing. I am still tchnically a grape virgin, even if me cherry has a bite or two out of it. It were soaked in rum. :)

    Don't know any Grapes of Wrath, but Rath Meat Packers have been around for years. Grapes of Math?, well I have trouble adding one plus one plus one.

    as fer me dagger??? well someone else has me Loreena. She fell from my boot at the last fest, and well, she is making someone else smile.

    I need a new one to eat with. or just intimidate men with.

  10. hey MD, good to have you traveling with us.

    Look forward to seeing you at IRF.

    Oh yeah..... orders a case of grapes.

    for each side of her bodice.. IRF rules!! can wait to go since July is pretty much no faires.. I'll save a few handfuls of grapes fer ya!

    hey!! how did she get to be the plunder bunny??

  11. Merry woke up bleary-eyed after a wonderful night of dreams. She sighs, thinks about a 10 hour work day, then thinks about a jet plane, and how much she would like to travel today.

    *All my bags are packed, I'm ready to go.

    I'm standing here, outside my door.

    Already I'm so happy I could cry.

    Going on a jet plane, don't know when I can go again.

    Oh babe, I miss you so..

    (oh lordy, I am a sight. I"ll just take me self off to work, fix some lunch later, and then get ready for 6 hours tomorrow. She covers Siren since it was 50 degrees last night here.)

  12. Kinda like the running of the bulls, only a lot more fun, longer ears, and (almost) nobody gets hurt...unless, of course...

    Nibbles on carrot, a long delicious wet carrot, with the green leaves attached. Delicately smells it, nibbles the end, then partakes in a piratey way..


  13. Comes in to lock up the extra cabinets, sees the roses and bagels. She turns quickly but not fast enough. She misses the red-haired man from Camp P, and hopes to get something to him soon.

    she gets a bagel and some coffee, then sits with a big smile on her face comtemplating a whole 60 years of bagels and cream cheese.

  14. BIG GROUP HUG, and we all get great squshies..

    as fer me, I am a merry Merry, I've been Scupper-recharged and my heart is glad. Now if I can just find a way to make a ST transporter, I am tip topper! :huh:

  15. Why, thank you both.

    And I must comment what an excellent judge of character you are.

    Yes, bunnies rule. but be careful when ya gets them together...tis a dangerous thing..first ya got two, then ya got four, next thing ya know..... yer overrun with the cute little things.

    *looks around at the pyrate band.. *

    "ya there a bunch of cuties here! Little things hopping all over, twitching whiskers and leaving Raisenettes around."

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