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Posts posted by Merrydeath

  1. The sound was getting into my head, the breathing sound loud in my ears. Old Baptista was murmuring prayers in Spanish, but they seemed to get sucked into the quiet..

    As Marley walked forward, a round bead fell from his shirt tie, and stopped as soon as it hit the deck. No roll, no spin, no bounce. All eyes were on it, expecting it to roll under a coil of rope or to an edge.

    His hair stood up on his neck, as the ship rolled a bit, but the buttton stayed put. He gulped, then stepped over it. It belonged to the ship now..

  2. "Souls be in short supply on that ship, I think, and any thing moving is not of this world.."

    Old Baptista kissed his medal, while a few of the mates mumbled long forgotten prayers to their gods.

    The oddest thing about the ship was the silence. Even the gulls and waves seemed to mind it being here. The only sounds were of our ship, the creak of the wood, the rustle of the sails.

  3. I really liked my Excaliber Tricorn (sparrow version) but after seeing Nigels Hat! I decided to try to buy one also from costumes period as well. He was right "its awesome". the great heads up on the new hat.

    Do you have a link for this site? Costumes Period. I tried a search and came up with 1,000's of hits.


  4. I can scarcely believe it! YOU in the 1700s? Pah!  :P   :lol:

    Captain Wolfy Wench

    Aww, what be three hunnert years, give er take, amongst friends? :P

    Phil, very funny and worth a virtual drink! Keep em coming, matey!

    Infernal Revenue Services.

  5. A cold green fog trailed 'long the deck, curled round me boots, then played in the shadows o' the doorway. Watching the whisps, me eyes burned trying to see the figures dancing around.

    There in the moonlight stood a figure, with ribs of cobwebs an eyes o burnin coals. I wished me blade was in me hand, or least a 'lock..

  6. my oh my duncan....

    you are a 'andsome pirate, ya are!

    sorry i missed it....BUT....

    (speaking of butts)...i sat on mine for 80 miles that weekend, couldn't quite do 100...

    the good news is that out of all the people that volunteered to ride (about 400) and raise $ for the maryland lung assoc....

    the grand total raised was.....


    Huzzah, Paisley!! Grand ride you had, and on a fair looking rump too!

    Did ya get to wear your piratey gear too? Them pink pirates are so cute!

  7. I'm 5' 2'', I'm about as wee as they go. or would that be wheeeeeeee! :lol:

    Dang Phil, ya got a good way with words. That is just the thing I been looking for. I thank ya fer the glimpse into your little nest.

  8. Cap't-

    Bein' a newbie and recluse and such on this here board, fergive me ignorance, but it be soundin' like a fearsome adventure a'comin' yer way...

    Our sweet and sassy Morgan is tranporting soon to the sunny vacation spot of Iraq.. There are a few pics of us with a flag we gave him in Chicago in the pirate gallery

    Us pirates will miss him, and me especially! He's been a true matey..

  9. What IS it with libraries and sassy lasses around these parts?!? Mebbe I oughta re-new my library card! <_<

    hey Ian, you know what they say about library books and pirate lasses?

    you should check one out..

    they make novel lovers...

    they are good to have late night in bed...

    you should read one from cover to cover.

    Paisley,, you are soooooooo good! Mwah, GF.

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