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Posts posted by Merrydeath

  1. Greetings,

    there is an informal invasion planned April 30 or May 1 in Chicago Ill, either Friday or Saturday (Friday is the prefered night so far)

    If you are around that area then, join us for some drinks and songs at the Kerry Piper in Downers Grove! Last time we had a blast, with Irish pipers and singers and lots of ale.

    Please email me or PM me about it ASAP so we can plan it better. There is a chance that if there is not enough interest, we may cancel it. So don't plan on just showing up!

    BTW, this is a going away pirate party for Capt. Morgan, since he is shoving off June 1 for a long sea cruise to Iraq.


  2. In the Rennie world, medium blue was a cheap color; even the servants wore it. Tan or linen color was also cheap and used by commoners.

    Gray was also cheap, but true black was expensive, since it faded so quick.

    Purple was not that expensive to have, since its gotten from berries, shells, and flowers. The purple thing was mostly for theater, because the Romans and Greeks used it for Emperors. Its more just very identifable as a power color.

    Red was also expensive, because it was hard to get and keep that color. White was also expensive, since it got dirty so fast.

    from The Tangled Web clothing source:

    Colors were muted to our modern eyes, comparatively deep or bright tones were taxed and expensive to purchase. Colors that might be expected are earth tones: browns, yellows, golds, bronze & orange. Greens and blues were also worn (remember muted-no electric blue!). The color blue obtained from woad (cheap) was often used to dye apprentices' clothing, so it was avoided by those with social pretensions. (Incidentally, the process of making woad dye involved fermentation so unpleasant to the nose that Elizabeth banned it in the city limits.)

    Middle class olors would be deeper greens and blues, richer earth tones, crimson, wine reds, oranges, yellows and some black—more often as trim or stitchery. They would be able to have matching wardrobe pieces.

  3. Here is my FREE advice to new parents:

    1. MOM does not mean Made Of Money.

    2. NO is a complete sentence. Period.

    3. You are trying to grow a good adult, you are not there to entertain or spoil them.

    4. Life is NOT fair, deal with it when they are young.

    5. If you have to count to three for them to listen to you, then they will get hit when they are in the street.

    6. Discipline is not a bad word; it means you will behave in one way...and you expect them to behave that way too.

    7. A punishment should only last as long as the age/per minute. 3 minutes for a three year old is maximum.

  4. Love the comic strip too,

    and me mother used to let me make Barbie walk the plank into the tub. Many a time she didn't come up in time and became a resident of Davy Jones's Locker. Did ya know a picket fence is a good source of sword-like wood shapes? I don't think me neighbor ever found out who sto.. pilfered his fencing.

    I LIKE cute!

  5. When I was at Target the other day, I found shower curtains, towels, rugs, and other things with sail boats on them.. and not bad prices. Also Hobby Lobby has some great sales on things like that for decorating..

  6. Join me one and all in raisin' a glass to the finest pirate lass who e'er sailed the Land o' 10,000 Lakes! She be celebratin her 45th today. Drinks are on me mates! Whate'er ye want, I be pourin all day!


    Damn..she be my age! (oops.. ah don't pay any attention to the lass with the big mouff)

    Happy Birthday, Red Bess, and iffen I was as bright and good with words as you, I would have a poem fer ya too! Since I am not, I'll by a keg fer ya..and a wish for many more!

  7. *pulls out knife, and whittles lines (both vertical and horizontal) in different sizes and widths, so no one will suffer "waffle ass", but "plaid arse" instead...*


    So Morgan, are ya saying you are a Scottish arse? :lol:

    A man escapes from a prison where he had been kept for 15 years. As he runs away, he finds a house and breaks into it looking for money and guns but only finds a young couple in bed.

    He orders the guy out of bed and ties him up in a chair. While tying the girl up to the bed he gets on top of her, kisses her on the neck, then gets up, and goes to the bathroom.

    While he's in there, the husband tells his wife: "Listen, this guy is an escaped prisoner, look at his clothes! He probably spent lots of time in jail, and hasn't seen a woman in years. I saw how he kissed your neck. If he wants sex, don't resist, don't complain, just do what he tells you, just give him satisfaction, no matter how much he ravages you. This guy must be dangerous, if he gets angry, he'll kill us. Be strong, honey. I love you"

    To which the wife responds, "He was not kissing my neck. He was whispering in my ear. He told me he was gay, thought you were cute, and asked if we keep any Vaseline in the bathroom. Be strong, honey. I love you, too."

  8. *Starts carving waffle patterns in the seat so everyone gets "waffle ass"*

    *Snickers and sneaks back out* :lol:

    *finds out that Black Skot likes waffle arse, decides her arse wouldn't be to pretty with waffle wit syrup on it..

  9. there be a few things that might help... non drowsy Dramamine and its generic twin, ear wraps that you pinch when queezy and wrist bands that have a bead on your nerve spot to stop mal de mer.

    I have used the dramine when my kids were young.. (car on hot day, windy, pudding for lunch, and a pillow I threw out of the car, nuff said.) and the non-drowsy works fine.

    another thing I heard works is to look far out, so the horizon is even..not close up. Good luck matey.

  10. On a side note here, Me buddy Robert, seen in me personnal photo.. was fired for not being dressed as the elegant Robert Lord Phuff, but rather Bhuff, the daring and hairy Lady at MNRF.

    After a rather tearful weekend (he missed his 10 year anniversary party since it was on grounds and he was ordered offsite) he was asked to come back since the gay community in Minneapolis was going to go to the faire as fairies..all they could muster.

    There is a group out there, the hard part is to find them. Try a bigger city paper, with an eye to the groups or community meetings. If little dinky Iowa towns have them, Texas should..

  11. I hated The Quiet Man, and the scenes in Mclintock too. But I do love to see her. She was everything a woman should be..in one nice package.

    Put two notes in the box about her, if you could.. I can see herself tugging his ear, making remarks about his hair and the stuff in it...

  12. As long as there be a sail on the mast..there can be powder in the cannons..

    tis possible you are the da.. but who is the ma?

    an as me ma said..if you are going to get wet..wear your rubbers..

  13. Good luck to ya Morrick, there be a few gay pirates in the Minnesota region, but not sure about Dallas..

    there is something called Pirate hookup weekends.. that is nationally advertised.. not sure if that would help, but might.. will look for site..lol

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