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Posts posted by Merrydeath

  1. if you allow yourself to grow up that is when you grow old

    I guess Peter Pan has the right idea huh? :huh:

    Do ya mean, BJ, that ya should wear green tights and make friends wit fairies an Lost Boys?

    or like me too,, never grow up, never grow old!

    MerryD just put another Pirate decal on her new car..says.. Kiss me I'm a pirate.

  2. The seasonal theme.

    Each Haiku must contain a kigo, a season word, which indicate in which season the Haiku is set. For example, cherry blossoms indicate spring, snow indicate winter, and mosquitoes indicate summer, but the season word isn't always that obvious.

    No blossoms and no moon,

    and he is drinking sake

    all alone!

    could tranlate to:

    No sails and no moon

    and he is drinking rum

    all alone!

  3. As I've Matured...

    I've learned that you cannot make someone love you. All you can do is stalk them and hope they panic and give in.

    I've l earned that one good turn gets most of the blankets.

    I've learned that no matter how much I care, some people are just jack asses.

    I've learned that whatever hits the fan will not be evenly distributed.

    I've learned that you shouldn't compare yourself to others - they are more screwed up than you think.

    I've learned that depression is merely anger without enthusiasm.

    I've learned that it is not what you wear, it is how you take it off.

    I've learned that you can keep vomiting long after you think you're finished.

    I've learned to not sweat the petty things, and not pet the sweaty things.

    I've learned that ex's are like fungus, and keep coming back.

    I've learned age is a very high price to pay for maturity.

    I've learned that I don't suffer from insanity, I enjoy it.

    I've learned that we are responsible for what we do, unless we are celebrities.

    I've learned that artificial intelligence is no match for natural stupidity.

    I've learned that 99% of the time when something isn't working in your house, one of your kids did it.

    I've learned that there is a fine line between genius and insanity.

    I've learned that the people you care most about in life are taken from you too soon and all the less important

    ones just never go away. And the real pains in the ass are permanent.


  4. *shakes head... *

    'an here I missed that! and I see the evil grin on yur face, missy! Do we agree on it, or is it a free show fer the men of a kitten fight?

    *winks to show, no worries mate!*

    *doffs cap an wiggles eye brows*

    ..well I do have a date fer later from a scallywagging Irish man.. "

  5. *elaborate, Bird-like bow*

    Thank ya, luv. Heh, me an' th' Shark now 'ave an understandin'...I won' hit 'er if she don' hit me.


    Good understanding to have.. works wit ships, animals, and some pirates.

    *offers Penny a drink for her pain-killer, wonders if Everclear would do the job*

  6. Mad Mab, anytime a drink is offered, tis rude to turn it down...Thankee.

    Lucky Penny, glad ta see ya up and taking fluids. Heard about your bout wit tha ship, an I wanted ta offer me hand to anyone who ken take on a Land Shark and win!

    Next drink is on me tab, matey.

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