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Posts posted by Merrydeath

  1. A pirate boarded a ship, took it over and demanded everyone aboard it killed. On it were 3 women.

    The first one offered him a title and power if he would save her and marry her.

    The second one offered him money and a fabulous villa in Italia if he would save her and marry her.

    The last one offered love and companionship for ever, if he would save her and marry her.

    Which one did he pick?

    The one with the biggest treasure chest!

  2. I be in the CR area, as are a few other friends who may be needing a drink about mid December.

    Lets get a group invasion going, and we can see bare cabin boys on deck.

    You just missed the POC invasion at BillyJoes Pitcher show, where you can drink and eat at the tables while watching the movies. About 12 of me buddies made it there.

  3. Opens a cask of Rum for all those who serve and can't be home for Thanksgiving.

    Bows head and wishes them well to whatever power they believe in.

    Has a big wreath of Mistletoe for Ded Fred to wear.. sent t to the Royaliste with attached note-

    Love the Ded Fred, had one in my tree for Halloween last year. Thought Fred could use a little TLC, so here is a wreath for him. The wreath is from Johnny Depp. He was named Sexiest man of the Year from People magazine. He won't need it...

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