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Posts posted by Merrydeath

  1. Even if me Birthday is a few days off, I can already feeeeeeeeeeeeeel the love... do ya feel it?!! do ya feel it in your guts?!! do ya feel the healing power of rum and love??!!

    (holds up her hat so no one sees her wipe a tear from her eyes)

    Gods know I feel someting for all you scallywags! Ya be the best mateys a fellow pirate EVER had..

    me thinks I better open a keg fer ya, an SeaRover, tell me when the Depp in chocolate gets here. CAn't wait to eat it.. :ph34r:

  2. I suppose a man with that much to say should get an award. I'd be checkin' Merry or Ida's pockets fer your trophy, if it's anything they could trade for grog, powder, and the like.

    "Hey! I resent tha statement! I wouldn'a steal that award, unless a cash prize goes wit it... :D

    as fer posting, I would like to see who posted the most in the shortest amount of time. but..dat is just me asking..

  3. okay.. get the corset on, tie it very tight sucking in.

    move your boobage to the top of your corset or use a bra to keep the lift up. After you have the chest part ready, have someone (pirates are great for this) retie your corset smaller. Then rearange your boobage again so its cumfy.

    Just remember, if you can breathe, its not tight enough.

  4. Well, DMTNT, I was askin the fair lass with the firey hair, but iffen you think ya want to be treatin me to a bowl of chow mein.. your on!

    gets into postition fer a rassle, arms lined up, wrists together, and GO!

    Merryd gets started early wit a good haul.. then DMTNT gets a second wind.. ( oooo chili fer lunch??) and starts to get her keel over. Merry decides not lose, uses the short pike, clunks DMTNT on tha snozzz, and wins by a nose.

    A bowl o chow it is!!

    (Never been to Singapore, at least not sobr enough to know.)

  5. Damn.. i love chow mein..

    Okay, I'll stand ya a bowl of it, Red.... arm rassle ya for it?

    Gets her short pike under the table to make sure she wins.

    (note to male pirates. arm rassling does not have the need of the removal of clothes in anyway, nor does it require pudding, creamed corn, or oil in any way)

  6. Harbor Master, Happy Berfday ta ya, an many more. Your website is a getting a good workout,since its temp closed for over use.

    That be a good thing...

    Rolls a keg down to the table, pops the top on it.and offers it ta the Pub for his day..

    so HarborMaster, ya be wearing your berfday suit yet??

  7. Quill, I love the ones in blue or green. I can't wait to see more of her dresses..

    Are the chemises and dresses sewn together? or seperate, and what kind of boning does she use?

    If you could let me know I would appreciate it.

    *looks over her shoulder at Scupper, makes sure he uses the ten foot pole.. wink!*

  8. *Plops a few pillowers on the ground so Bilge can have his spanks and eat his cake too.*

    Agreed there, Topaz. You are xactly right! Whats a little pain fer your birfday when you can enjoy them over and over later. Smart lassy!

  9. Aye, 'appy Birfday, mate!!
    Many more to ya ZOrg!

    Uh, Merry, darlin'... *hands her his tankard* ... have some a me grog...it sounds like ya have a frog in yer throat...

    *cough cough*,

    aye, I needs something wet and hot today..

    HOT TUB!

    *scuttles off to the tub, after handing Zorg a box of Krispy Kremes she KNOWS she can't have. *

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