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Posts posted by Merrydeath

  1. Verra Verra sweet lassy, appreciate her while ya can, since they grow up despite us. Mine are both over 16.

    Gods I need the hugs. None here, and havn't had an indecent one for months. Considers how much a plane ticket is..and then thinks its cheap.

  2. I hear VD is the social event of the season! And we can wear little gloves when we shake hands. I do mean Val Day of course..

    Opens the bottle of rum and spits out the cork..

    Aminal, ya are a good man, er matey, er... QM! Master of Quarters ya are!

  3. Looks out from the safety of the bedroom, where she has been watching it all, including the dog tugging on Morgan's towel. She's been trying to clean up her closet from where it leaked this morning.. damn.

  4. you can get a temp tattoo at any Claires too, the kind you get wet and stick on, then use lotion to take off.

    As for the henna, get a sun around your belly button. or somewhere you can hide it.

  5. n by thee by, Merry...whar did ye say that thar friend wit thee jewelry be stayin? hahar

    Georgia, and her new husband likes to collect guns and target shoot. Be my guest Scurvy! Braver and deader men then you have tried!

    Once when she was jogging about the St Louis Arch, she noticed a man in his car looking at her, as he was parked in the ARch circle. As she rounded another curve, she noticed he had exposed himself for all nature to see, and was showing her he appreciated her form.

    She ran close enough to get his license number and then shouted.. "that looks like a (weiner) but smaller. "

  6. welcome Beloved and Coastie!! may ya have a good time here and many drinks..and speaking of that, Care to make an introduction and buy us all a round??

    You'll make a grand addition to tha group. Hopefully I can make it to the coast afore I am old and gray... like 2005.


    Aminal, the party intro did NOT say come as you are, NOR wear your birthday suit. However, ya are carrying a blunder buss, so all is forgiven.

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