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Posts posted by Merrydeath

  1. Well now. i not be a willing to put on a show but maybe some dancing on the tables later.

    I be wondering who was the first lad in here capt morgan. You scots scallywag mate!

    Kini Merry? mmm I was hoping for less


    he wants me in less??? in public???

    wow, has he changed! and I love his piratey pants..or less. Isn't he cute?!! I just love a man who can make Godivas sound like sex toys.. :)

    Siren, I ain't going to fight being taken off somewhere..as long as its Scupper and not Christine..she would make me clean house or somptin..

  2. well now. If it isn't two of me favotite mates. here love. (scupper spreads his coat on the damp sand) There ye go. wouldn't want ye bottom to get chaffed. have some BlackStrap rum or jamersons irish if ye wish.  How be ye this fine evening?

    Merry sits on the coat, but makes sure there is enough room for her mate, Scupper. Because what would a beach be, without someone to share it with? Merry leans over and kisses him, till the stars in his eyes out shine the ones in the sky.

    Love ya madly, Scupper. I see your tattoo is coming alone nicely!

    She opens the little bag she brought, with Ritz and donuts in it.

    (Hums How Do I LIve Without You by Trisha Yearwood.)

  3. For now, I will be there only in spirit and in your hearts. Raise a tankard to me an sing a bawdy song. Or sing a love song and get sniffly. I miss all my mateys, and would love to see any pictures you may get. PM me with the info.

    Either way, I would be there if at all possible.. New job, very little time off.. bummer. But I will try to call you, and wish my friends and love a good night!

    Tiny, be there and say hi to me!


  4. ello me poppets. Anyone seen merry about? Ah thar you be love. I have a case of godivas for your party love. Where would you like them?


    Hello Blossum!

    lets see, you can put a candy in your hand..and I will lick it off, then maybe your shoulder, then your chest... then.. I take you back to our room.

  5. You lost her??? :ph34r:

    So SORRY Lass!!! :ph34r:

    Aye, she was sharp enough to cut when needed, but still able to eat with. Fancy one too, but I may have a replacemnt on the way. I need to check Ebay again.

    she were named for Loreena Bobbit.. my hero.

  6. This is going to be a fun pirate weekend....I,m going to try to find some small metel "P" pins for my Baldrick or my hat

    This would work well at the PA weekend too. Please pass the idea on. Someone may have have to tools or equipment to make pins or patches to order. I would even put a decale on my pirate jeep,might me another pirate in a parking lot or something.

    I can tast the ale now MMMMMM :ph34r:

    if you go to Hot Topic, the goth store, they have LOTS of pirate stuff. Its for a punk band called.. Floggin Molly! I have the 'kiss me i'm a pirate' sticker, and the 'another pirate chasing booty" sticker.

    Look there and at Sam Goodys too.

  7. dang.. anyone know where the picture of pirate Dick is? He was on a topic a while ago, old movie type picture of how to stuff a fun pirate..

    anyone remember it??

    and I call thongs pirate eyepatches. Cause by the time you see it, you are usually eye to eye about a bunch of things...

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