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Posts posted by Merrydeath

  1. It seems a man had a tree that got sick and needed some major trimming. His wife suggested his 2 favorite things to him be joined and made into the tree.

    they were fishing and women!

    He hired a man to carve into the tree a 30 foot high mermaid with no top on, and only legs below.

    See the rest of the story here..

    meanwhile, I say we offer him a get in free card to Pyracy.. I did pay to get in..didn't I???

    mermaid tale

  2. Aye rest stops can be fun. Sorry bout your leg cramps LOl

    "walks behing Merry and holds her close watching the lagoon and the night sky. Kisses her head gently as he holds her tight."

    From Merry to Scupper, the leg cramps were worth it. You made use of that.

    Holds him close to her back, knowing there was no one she wanted. She can feel the kiss to her head, and the beat of his heart against her..

  3. thank ya all fer the congrats. I can see I will need to save me soverings for toasting with.

    I hope I get to go too, and that all of you who want to come to PIP can..

    taps boot's heels three times. There's no place like PIP..

  4. Christine.. just when you thought it was safe to go back into the COLD water.. here she comes! Spinners hummm? :)

    What not? There were some things you did NOT do?? Cheryl me lass, I find that hard to believe.

    Scupper laddy, we did fine with steps and stones to step on.. or else I can just find a car seat to sit on.. (mwah)

  5. Merrydeath kept in line???

    are you both mad? that would be like Sheila being chaste..and not chased like me. Or like Siren being saintly. Or Nigel being humble.. :)

    Do ya mean ta say me Scupper is on board too?? woohoooo! I gots me a cabin boy!

  6. Scupper, it would be me pleasure and hornor ter be yer second best man. Dey only ting is me gets first dibs on kissing de betroghed after ye get done. Dere will be a 30 min time limit on ye fer dey first kiss. After everyone else gets a turn, dere be no time limit on. Let it be so, let it be said.



    Merrydeath puts her best chapstick in her pouch, and prepares for some puckering..

  7. aye.. Scupper is the best man, as far as I am concerned! He does need a second tho, in case he becomes woozy and faints at the sight of cake and rice. This won't be quite a WEDDING, but I think of it as a long engagement.

    I am also signing up for the Freemen of the sea, Scupper's home crew. Can you think of anywhere else I would be..then around pyrates OR Free men? or next to me Scupper?

  8. Hammock hunh... breaks open a new can of ginger ale, and sits at the PC with a smile.. and a kiss upon her lips, if only in memory.

    I noticed the handsome pirate I love has added to his signture.. Isn't he cute!! and Studly! :lol:

  9. Sheila!! glad ta see ya and have a drink wit ya, and dinner too. Sorry ya missed the binding, but we had a nice time anyway.

    SeaRover, wish I could see ya matey, and if you be needing them, I have 2 tickets I prolly can't use and could sell at a great price. MNRF..

    WE got to see Candy and Julius, Emerald Shaunessy, a few others and some who may join us here..

    Wish we could go again, and not just next year.

  10. Billy is a new crew member?? ye gods.. our ship will certainly be rocking in the seas.

    Ya have any weapons, Billy? I am the weapons tender, only mine be concealed. :ph34r:

    waves to Sheila, I gots home okay but tired and poor. I need to raid something for more gold... and I got me a pirate to keep for a year or so. Sorry you missed the party for it. Guinness was flowing.

  11. Scupper love, you have too much pride to be a pet. I wouldn't want you to be one either..

    a companion at my side, helping the other over life's hurdles. There when the other falls and needs to be jumped on. Kissed til the other smiles all day...

    and Mistress Sheila, I know ya are a teasing me about it. But I won't share me SCupper. He is rare and precious to me, a true gift of the sea.

  12. **knees weaken slightly** Rum and a hug from da beautiful lass. Me can die an go ter me maker now.



    thank ya Aminal, but ya may want to see if I get to PIP in person..then you can get to lots of things that, and with a smile on your face.

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