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Posts posted by Merrydeath

  1. *pulls out the Guinness and a bowl of bagels and strawberry and apple sauce. Then holds out her tankard for a drink*

    give me a drink love, and aye its hard to be at work and know that your love is out being a pirate. BUT, its getting better as time goes on. I love ya, Scupper and Kevin, everyday. Even when I wonder about myself, there you are.

    oh and.. (sssssssshhh see you in a few weeks)

  2. The fire flares up as Merrydeath spits Morgan's after Doc's comment.

    Wipes off chin, then takes another swig for medicinal purposes.

    "Okay, you got me on that one... "

    *flips a gold coin at the gimpy pirate for that one*

  3. *Waves back and brings her wet and frozen arse to the fire.*

    He said he would be online tonight and give me the hugs I been waiting for...dang pirate!

    *opens the rum and has a good guzzle, then offers them her bag of Cheddar Fishies. Looks back at the East with a sigh....*

  4. Olaf laddy, same here, I'll help where I can. I miss my gran, even tho she died when I was 12. She was the only one to survive from 6 of them (she had a tendancy to kill them off ) from both sides.

    She used to make rock hard molasses cookies, cut my hair so bad I hid for a week, made me kill a mouse in her closet, and everyone says I have her smile. Can't beat that for a legacy.

    Remember your grands now, and when you gather, WRITE down the stories for later. I lost a bunch of my past information when I didn't pay attention.

    Good luck to you and strength to you and kin.

  5. Thanks Hurricane, but I have my ticket now, and its a steep charge to change it. I guess I am going come hell or high water, and KW has had both!

    Thanks for the tips, and I am sure others can use them also. I did look at the airtravel tips. I might just leave my blades at home but mail my hat. Its a pretty thing that is hard to pack. :)

  6. wow.. good information! Thanks to all of you who helped. Its been 20 some years since I traveled by air, so this is going to be weird. I am a bit nervous about all of this, but you have helped. I just hope I can get there early enough. I have a bad habit of not allowing enough time.

    My bodice has wide metal panels in it, heavy ones. I think it will be okay, and I might just leave my daggers behind. No sense losing something to show off.

    BTW, my ticket went up $100 from last week, and another $20 while I was looking at the flights. It's now $407 from small city Ia to KW round trip.

  7. Hurricane dear, I need help with the airlines and what we can take clothes wise. Is there a problem with metal boning in my bodice? and what about my daggers? Do I lock them in a box or just send them ahead of me? Can any one let me know what to do?

    would appreciate so I don't have to deal with the airlines.

  8. Bad joke of the day..

    An old man sees a Scotsman playing the bagpipes. He is angry as hell an starts to hit the Scotsman.

    Why, you ask?

    The old man thought the Scots was having sex with an octopus and the poor thing was dying..

  9. Merry watches the horse ride in, a wild as the wind horse. The lass on its back is just as wild, but we love her for it, and the quiet she brings too.

    "thank ya, Siren, its been a hard time for me, but its been so much better knowing someone cares. Between all of you and Scupper, I feel like the luckiest woman in the harbor!! Thanks...

    thank ya Tito, its been nice to know I have friends.. VERY nice.

  10. Scupper stares into the flames nursing a bottle of jamersons. wondering how he can do more. Sighs and drinks more

    A small hand reaches out and takes the bottle from him, takes a swig and then kisses him..

    "Love you, Scupper, even when things are difficult. Just tell me you love me everyday and kiss me like you do now. Be my lighthouse when its dark and stormy, and I'll be your shelter when the spring rains come. "

    sets her head on Scupper's shoulder, then holds his hand, clauddaghs touching..

  11. Looks into the fire, thinking about arms she longs to feel, a quiet whisper she wants to hear...

    decides to have some smores instead, but still wishes he was close.

    (ACK Christine is nekkid!! jus kidding )

  12. I like to post and add to the discussions and so am guilty of posting alot on the pyracy board. But I like to see this as a way to meet and greet others too. A rennie board I was on took all the intros and Role play areas off the board and the board died. It went from 20 posts an hour to 20 a week.

    I do worry about all the kids on the internet. There is a meat market sense of some of the boards. (mom sense kicking in)

    And the stuff that is extra posting and is mainly 'talking' to someone is called Poop Trails. I try to add something..but I am guilty of it.

    (hangs head in shame, then goes for a fill of rum)

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