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Posts posted by Merrydeath

  1. Hands drinks around to the wiser and sexier lasses (all of us who know what nylons were before pantyhose), a bag of marbles to Red Bess, and a cane fer Addams.

    Me? I'm 45 going on 25. I am in the best shape since I was 25, and I give a run fer the money to the younger workers..

    of course me knees are those of a 60 year old and make rice crispie noises..

    As for holding fast at 39?.. I don't know any pirate named Fast, but I hope you brought pics. :lol:

  2. I tried something different, this time, I used my small carryon with my hat wedged in tight, with soft stuff under it, and things packed in around it. It traveled well, as Hawkyns said. I got the idea from him!

    there maybe a few changes coming, a different wind blowing thru the sails. We'll see about it in just a few weeks.

    Skot, we'll see who has the last laugh.. or yo ho.

  3. *hugs Siren and Tito,*

    missed you both..and all of you. I know my time online will be shorter once the holidays are close. From what I hear, I'll be on roller skates and cloning myself to get it all done at work.

    *bites a ripe strawberry from Tito and adds a mmmmmmmm*

  4. *taps Tito on the back, then quickly moves around so he misses her.*

    Tito, laddy, I'll take a strawberry too. A friend of mine says that Baileys and Berries is grand, and I do like a berry dipped in Godiva!! le sigh!

  5. Changed to just one night, Friday the 22nd. but there will be a general meet for the Freemen on Sat.

    and Kathryn.. I can't wait to meet you. You have been a great friend and rennie sister to me. I can't begin to say how much your support has meant to me. And I already named my first born after you. He likes it. :)

  6. Tito laddy, be care full of the mermaids around here, for they do like to play!

    And going under a waterfall is not my idea of fun now.. I had a fist fight with my 18 year old, and I think she won. I have bruises all over, and I accidently caught her earring but it was that or not breath. She finally figured out she outweighed me. It wasn't all her fault, but I would never have hit my mom. Ever. Her... she thinks she can do what she wants, and gets help from her dad.

    Takes 4 ibuprophine and decides to go for a snooze early.

  7. sits next to Chris and Laura, quick hug to Tito.

    I had a bad fight with my Evil Child, we both got hurt by it. Scupper had a disappointing day too, but a few things did go right.

    drops some fishy food in the water.. watches the fishies gobble it all.

  8. Finds the keg labeled Private Reserve of Merrydeath, opens it for her and Doc, since everyone else is out having fun. I have a headache the size of Montezuma's gold pile, worked today 8 to 4:30, then have to go back at 6 to 2.. am. I can't find my stuff cause my blasted kids moved it, and just found my leather hat under a suitcase.

    Finds a can of soup, puts it on the fire in a pot for supper. Again.

    "I know he's out at an Oyster Fest, but I do wish he had said goodbye."

  9. Nice Stuff matey.. but get rid of the cute mouse chaser.. gods i hate them!

    How about

    "My booty box"

    "Bones of Enemies"


    "Ale funds"

    Make a bigger one for blades (with a rreal lock for travel) and offer to personalize it.

    Just a few ideas..

  10. *sits and watches the others dunk and play in the water, while she sits writing a letter.

    Dear Scupper, I know you are busy as hell, but I do miss you. Your smile is what makes my day brighter, my nights less lonely. When I hear your voice, all my fears are gone. I try to be a brave pirate, but time and tide are against us for now. I know you love me, as I do you. That is what makes all this worth while.

    Til I hold you again,

    Merrydeath A.

  11. About boning, if you have any boobage at all, plastic or 'fake whale bone' will bend like a pretzel when you bend over. and it can break if it gets very hot like in a dryer.

    Most good bodices have metal pieces for the boning. And if you want good cleavage, wear a bra under the chemise.

  12. "Holy Bung Holes "

    Just a comment, but isn't that redundant?

    and Scupper is in and out like the wind lately, here for a few posts and then out for a while. I keep wondering if I am attached to a ghost. :)

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