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Posts posted by Merrydeath

  1. Man when I saw Nigel's back I thought you all were into some ah weapons of pleasure or something.... then it was explained to me what had happened.... I still think your crew rocks..way....

    You crazy like me, yes you all are!

    Wait til next year, he he he evil laugh....

    best regards I mean Argh and two halfs more, D.L. :(

    back at ya too! I loved talking to the crews, and seeing everyone. It was the vacation of my life!

  2. drinks a bit of the nog, then realizes he spiked it with some fine old rum about 200 proof.. Dang!!

    I can tell we are loved virtually, me dear, but damn iffen a hard hug wouldn't do wonders about now. Nothing like having the stuffen hugged right out of ya to cure the hang-dog (no relation to youse, Scurvy) blues...

  3. thank you Sir! I look forward to the next journey I can make with the crew.

    If I ever find my camera, it has a movie cam in it. I can take short movies like the guns firing, Sheila's splash, Nigel drunk, Paisleys snoring.. etc.. damn I miss that camera..

    (sacrifices little bars of chocolate to the gods to find it.)

  4. let me buy you a drink and we can sit and get drunk together.. I was sure I had a knight, but after many days of no contact, I think I got the dragon instead.

    well anyway, I just want to get drunk once in a while n think about the presents I took back.. and listen to Elvis and Blue Christmas.

  5. thanks Rogue Mermaid and Privateer, I just don't know what is going on... he is gone for weeks and doens't contact me much, then acts surprised when I change my signature..makes a big deal of his signature about his signature when its his fault.. boys are dumb. Boy pirates are dumber.. sniff. Christmas sucks big time. (gets another Buttershots coffee)

  6. I think its time to repost an old fav of mine.. This is one I pilfered and wrote. I hope someone will make a video of it someday, and give me a bit of credit for it. Its been updated since I wrote it in August.

    My version of Save a Horse Ride a cowboy

    save a ship, ride a pirate....

    Well I stroll into the room passin out gold dubloons

    and it kills and it thrills like the figurehead on my ship.

    and I buy the bar a double round of rum from Doc's blue pouch,

    and this town ain't never gonna be the same.

    Cause I raise the sails on my ship an' I sail into the city.

    I make a lot of noise 'cause the lads, they are so pretty.

    Ridin' up an' down the harbor on my tall ship, Foole's Gold,

    And my girls say: "Save a ship, ride a pirate."

    Everybody says: "Save a ship, ride a pirate."

    Well I don't give a damm about nothing, I'm sailing and high tailing,

    While the lads are sucking them Blushing Lasses down!

    And I wouldn't trade my Ung Foy or my Brethern

    for your Galleon or your pirate parade!

    I'm the only Jack Sparrow in this town!! (not true but it sounds good)

    Well I'm a legend, (now a pirate legend)

    Thats what Rich said on the deck of my ship,

    As I was gettin buzzed on Rum out on some back tropical key.

    We were flying high, fine as wine,

    Having ourselves a time against the walls

    an I was going, just as far as he would let me go...

    But his evaluation of my pirate reputation

    Had me begging for salvation all night long.

    So I let him play with my booty and treasures

    Introduced him to my old parrot One Eye

    an sang every Jolly Roger song I could think of.

    and we made love..

    An' I raise the sails on my ship an' I sail into the city.

    I make a lot of noise 'cause the lads, they are so pretty.

    Ridin' up an' down the harbor on my tall ship, Foole's Gold,

    And my girls say: "Save a ship, ride a pirate."

    Everybody says: "Save a ship, ride a pirate."

  7. How much do you think a slightly worn jingly top of mine will go for?? (chews nail and frowns)

    Well, lass, here be the question... are ye askin the price of the top empty, or with yer fine self in it?

    If it be filled, I would say.... what were the price we established earlier? Oh, yeah -- $1.50 a pound.

    Double occupancy room in Key West: Ninety-eight dollers per night.

    Custom-made velvet pirate jacket: One hundred twenty-five dollars.

    Guinness from the tap: Four dollars and fifty cents.

    Getting to see Merrydeath in her jingly top: Priceless.

    Wipes her keyboard from the Buttershots she spit..

    Oh Pete!! you wrote a FINE posting. Got me to smile and laugh and spit! Thank ya fer the giggles and the ego fluffing. You do your lass proud, and a lucky lass she is!! Tell her Merry says ta give ya a wet one fer me!

    As fer your prices, ya are a bit low for them.. and a bit high for me jingly top. Full or not. I'm hoping I have a pic of me in my santa suit. It was a bit warm fer Key West.

    still.. $1.50 a pound.. I'm worth at least the same as shrimp. Then again, sugar, throw in a beach and I'm worth every cent. Not quite Christine fine, (wooozers) but still good enough to snuggle and have a lobster dinner with.

  8. I'm sorry Merry Death, but I can't help but think of you without that top. Sigh.

    Billy!! Nice ta hear from you! How is your handsome hide? I hope things are going great for you, and that you can get back on here once in while.

    Hugs to you, you furry pirate.

    As for thinking of me without the top.. :huh: I think I know how Pamela Anderson felt after her nude pics came out.. ;)

  9. Siren hun.. you don't need a top like that to look good.. and you know it! You are so pretty you make Nigel look like .. well Nigel.

    Christine, I still have to get it back from Animal. I hear they put it into an auction.. (Aminal, I WILL pay for the postage, never fear)

    How much do you think a slightly worn jingly top of mine will go for?? (chews nail and frowns)

    Hurricane, the idea of Nigel in MY top is sorta like the idea of TBM in Diosa's new coat.. something not to think about hard or there would be years of therapy. :)

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