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Posts posted by Merrydeath

  1. LOLOLOL.. I love it Nige! You sure about the Jesus thingy?

    you will love this.. I used a tranlating site to do the French (thinks about that a moment) translation for pyracy.

    This is what I said to you:

    You have the butt of an angel and lips to die for! If I was not bound to my laddy I would give you such a kiss!

    This is what it reversed it too:

    My dear Nigel, you have the end of an angel, and a lips to die for. If I did not be the limit to my boy, I would give you a such to kiss!

    gotta love PC's and the internet!

    and BTW, paisley's music for her phone messages is the Adams Family.. did you know they were cartoons by Addams? Hilarious!! you may want to look them up sometime.

  2. It's MY sides that be broad... ;)

    oh dang..and here I was hoping that a bit of hip caught your eye.. but then I see your lass, and I can see why ya smile so broad! She's luverly to be sure.

    sigh.. the good ones are all taken. (good thing I have one already)

  3. when I was there last Spring, it was in shirt sleeves. Sayiing that, I am sure to doom us all to 6 inches of snow!

    April is very rarely snowy.. ice and rain yes. I was hoping for March since that would be special for me.

    We can talk about it some, since there would not be any special thing to organize.. just a pub.

  4. *Merry sees the far horizon beckoning to her, but she hears a voice calling from the shore. Which way to go? New things to see and people to do, or... with a mind full of wishes and promises she turns back to the shore and to her friends and loves. Her boat lands on the sand, and she steps ashore, lifting her skirts from the waves.*

    Tito, I hope your trip is fun and full of good times.

    Mary, good luck with your problems. I hope you find out what you need to be happy. We all deserve happiness, as long as we don't hurt anyone else. Cheers sweety.

    Gets the bag of magoes and plantains she had in the boat, and makes up some mango passion juice to add to the rum, and some raosted plantains.

  5. As for holding fast at 39?.. I don't know any pirate named Fast, but I hope you brought pics.  :o


    "Fast" be code, Merry...there are young'un afoot.

    ::raises her tankard to all the fit, good lookin, wise and sassy ladies on deck::

    Aye lassy, I am in agreement, but I did wonder about anyone who you could hold fast..

    refills her tankard with a smile and a wink.

  6. I sometimes walk up to women in costume and ask if they, "might ye be carrying any other weapons other than these which God has so graciously adorned thee with" whilst staring at a most glourious valley of bounceable flesh.

    I've used a similar line.. but I want a pin that says it..

    My Weapons are concealed but peace-tied.

  7. To futures, families and friends

    Aye.. to all of those!

    She raises a glass of rum to them, and thinks about PIP in December.. warm sand, no tan lines, and drinks with funny names... Cheers!

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