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Posts posted by Merrydeath

  1. I have a wet 6 inches in my hand.. and I mean SNOW!!

    we had a winter storm and its not done yet. 10 to 14 inches total by tomorrow night... the land of sun and fun looks better ALL the time.

    its frekcing 14 degrees with a wind chill of -1... brrrrrrrrr.

  2. Out from the cornfields, a sinister shape approaches. The shadow sucks the life from all it covers, and so on it goes on. It seeks life, it demands gold.. will you be willing to sail with her?

    Welcome to our post for a ship's crew in the Midwest. We don't do much singing and dancing, but we do know how to pour Guinness. Captain Morgan is the ship's rum choice, and gold is the treasure we search for.

    If you live around the Chicago/Minnesota/Iowa, email me or ask about it here.

    This 'ship' is mainly for invasions to faires and Festivals, but it could be expanded in the future.

    Join the crew of the ship, Fool's Gold.

  3. But but.. what will I do without the green wench at me ren faires??!! It just won't be the same without ya lass.. Still, then I have a place to visit when the cold and snow gets too much. I could look up someone wicked too.

  4. Cappy Pete, thanks for the update on the dinner menu. April is better than May for me, and March would be wonderful but I won't push it. (me berthday is that month)

    As for your kitty, I am very sorry for the loss of your pet. Having buried 2 cats, I understand what you are going thru.

    BIg hugs and a shot of rum.

  5. looks at an inch of ice on her car, then at the last post.. than at the ice on the ground..than at Aminal.. damn. If i had a few less things I think I would be tempted to just chuck it all and bolt for the sunny lands of Portlando. Nothing here to keep me..and not sure about anyone else. (sniff)

  6. so Joe, you are in Kuwait, but where do you hail from in the states? and do you have little pirates and a lass who whips you into shape? or just whips you?

    welcome to the crew, we put the FUN back into Dysfunctional.

  7. Tito, be careful with your boom booms.. no getting hurt over a few rockets!

    Mary, if its troubling you so, then walk away from it. BUT it maybe just a buddy cuddle. I like to hug, and not with any intent than to give a quick You're a Friend hug to someone. What you have to decide is.. can you trust him, has he done this before, and will you let it bother you enough..

    good luck lass. (gives her a hug)

    Doc, why not use it was wadding fer a big cannon blow on the first? Just one good round and BOOOOM, there it goes into confetti.

  8. "Oh SantaAminal, you brought me a leather corset!! Just what I wanted! The flintlock goes great with it, so then I can play with my big barrel, and you know me with the chocolates.. "

    "you are the most kind and generous old elf I know, even knowing some from the renfaires.. (finds a big jug of elixir and gives it to SantaA to make his raindear fly)

    Sees him fall over the side..

    SantaAminal!! you broke your big dinghy!!

    Her list to the rest of the crew--

    To Sheila, a ticket to Florida to be used with no sense what so ever and just fer fun.

    To Diosa, a leather coat to match the one from Nissa, but with blue cuffs and trim on it

    To Captain Hurricane, a whirlpool tub deep enough so's he can hide in it when the winds blow down to 40 degrees.

    To Aminal, a new set of chains with monkey faces on em, so's he can have fun with the kiddies.

    To Doc, a key to the padlock around Aminal's.. ah neck. :)

    To Olaf, 90 plus sunblock so's he dont' turn red from the sun, Now if he blushes, he's on his own.

    To Studley, a big chest of his own.. to play with and lock up all the treausre he can from one pirate lass.. its a bright green one, naturly.

    To Nigel, new pencils so's he can have fun drawing the crew and also fer weapons when the Flogger visits.. and a catalogue from Victorias just fer himself so's he can have a piratey eyepatch of his own.

    To Skot, another ticket to Florida, one in first class so he can drink Mojitos and rum till he smiles again.

    To Deadly Aim, a fancy aminal print top for when she goes out dancing.. woohooo!

    To Patrick Hand, a blow up palm tree to sleep under and dream of warm beaches.

    and lastly to Paisley, a set of pink markers, and a whole handful of tanks from Hot Topic with leeetle piratey faces on em. and a camera and PC that works great so's they can share pics.

    Merry Christmas, mateys.. I miss you already, and not just cause we got snow here.

  9. after reading the posts, I may have read MerryDeath all wrong! lol We need to chat more...! Animal...your an... ANIMAL!

    not sure what that means, but it sounds like fun. *wink*

    If you know of anyone who has pics they want to share, let us know.. I need more pics!! especially of the parade.. *blush*

    Captain, could that be fair women, fast drinks and full winds.. ah.. maybe not.

  10. the tickets for Bristol are on sale now, for early orders. I won't know what my schedule is for a while, so I won't be buying them.

    The invasion for Bristol could be fun, but they are more for Elizabethan garb and not pirates... however, there was one gent who had the papers for some garb from POC.

    Can I see a hand count for anyone interested in the faire at all?

    Bristol ren faire

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