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Posts posted by Merrydeath

  1. The French... inventors of mayonaise... obsessed with raisins... humilated grapes, really...


    Ah.. but MOrgan, don't forget the best invention the French ever took credit for...

    The French Kiss!

    (M'embrasser jusqu'à j'appartiens à vos bras. )

    William, a wonderful place indeed. My warm and smelly fridge is yours if you need it.... (considers having Tito tickled by 100 chiwawas.)

  2. Um...Did I mention that I do laundry..... and cook!! ^_^

    I have 3 cats I can give for him..I already know he doesn't snore.. badly like Pais does, nor talks to the furniture like Nigel.

    Okay I will up the bid from 3 cats to 3 cats and my printer..

  3. ...An a large purse of gold crowns  might also be  atractive as well . Oh yeah  teeth ,, good teeth are also an asset .

    Whazzat? GOLD teeth are also an asset? Oh, I read that one a bit too fast, perhaps.

    LOL.. I read THAT one too fast..

    very funny, Pete!

  4. I met them.. they were not lesbians but bi.. and they liked my boobs AND his booty. I got a drink from them too, and the guy who wanted to join them.. ( what goes where?? :ph34r: )

    and the chances are good. They loved the pirates.. individually and as a group.

  5. you have more bottles of Rum and Ale then wine and Tums.

    Shouldn't that have been ....... Empty Bottles of rum............ :ph34r:

    All in good time, there Patrick. First they have to be bought and brought home.

    You hear the word Parrot an think Pirate.

    You hear the word balloons and think Doubloons.

    Pieces of Eight mean money and not what some kid did after too much pizza.

  6. Did get a bit "poached" at the last one though. The heat from the fire started to steam me inside my gear. Got back to the station and was a luvly shade of pink.

    Cranberry juice, my favorite.

    PINK?? I would pay to see that!

    Glad you are ok, hun. Hate to think of losing anyone from here, especially in a painful way like a fire.

    Opens a case of Cranberry Juice, warms it and pours a bit into her rum.

  7. Been outside workin in the infernal sleet/rain/ice, Soaked through both sets of gear, had to work the third fire in a wet set. Had icesicles hanging from my helmet. Where's the heat?

    well you could try the HOT tub.. :) nice to know you are ok, and not a marshmellow. Even though you are sweet.. sorta.. not.. hmm

    to the others shivering in the cold, its only about 75 days to ifficial Spring..

    warms up a bit of cranberry juice to add to all the rum.

  8. I tried something like that once.. I had a guy following me and would not take buzz off for an answer.

    . so I had onion rings for dinner.. no go.

    Finally I told him I was gay..

    he said everyone has their problems and would I like to leave now or after more drinks... Yikes!

    (this was about 23 years ago but it still make me wonder.. and No Phil it was NOT you!)

  9. you say bow and stern to describe some one,

    you say aye, and you're not saying the alphabet.

    You have a ship in your back yard and the sea is 1000 miles away.

    the words Pilfer, Pillage, and Booty come easier to your lips then your kiddy crew's names.

    You have an anchor on your car to hold it in place for the parking spots.

    you have more bottles of Rum and Ale then wine and Tums.

    someone says DVD pirate, and you think its cool.

    you give your beloved mate cutlasses and guns instead of candies and cards for special days.

  10. if you decide to do this...a pirate invasion in the Quad Cities WILL BE HAD...as  within the Iowa-Ill. corridor there is a crewe that  can't be beat....Mercy, Barbosa, darkRose, Cap'r. Morgan  and a whole lot more....

    I don't be sure what all you need to know  but pm...or e-mail me and I will answer what I can  bout  our area of the Big Muddy...




    I'm getting a group together as this is posted. Just a few of us who like to go as pirates and stir the dust.

    Fool's Gold is the ship's name and Ale is our game. We are right around that area, as DR said.. (miss you like hell, dR, come back soon!)


  11. Ah, but now I'M in my natural place - at your feet, m'lady... :huh:

    (Quick Recovery #4,576)

    you had to say that! ... sigh.

    LOL - balance in all things - couldn't have ye thinkin' I were a nice guy...

    You are a pirate.. and a quick recoverer..

    looks at Phil at her feet, thinks about where her pretty little boot with the chain on it could be.. decides life is too short to be mean.

    leans over and kisses the spot on his head, then pulls him up from the floor.. Oaff!! you didn't have to hug me that hard!

    (lol. we have 13 inches of snow and this is my world for now)

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