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Capt Grey

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Everything posted by Capt Grey

  1. Okay, here it is.....but remember, you were the ones who asked: Our house has a dining room area at the front, so we used the bookcases to "enclose" it to make an office. As you can see, it's definitely MY corner. I firmly believe a clean desk is the sign of a sick mind. I do have some pirate-y things in the bookcase but you can't see them from the angle of the picture.
  2. I love Mythbusters but I don't watch TV on a regular basis; I'll have to look up the air date for this one and mark it on my calendar. Now that my oldest son is 12 he likes watching it with me. Blowing things up is seriously cool.
  3. A Happy 2007 to everyone! It's 3am in California and I'm heading out to the Tournament of Roses Parade in Pasadena where I will watch over 250 of my Star Wars friends march in the Star Wars Spectacular. Thus begins the 30th Anniversary of the year that started it all.
  4. If you've never read fan fiction before, I suggest you check out fanfiction.net and look over all the stories having to do with PotC. There are thousands. Good ideas can be thought up by more than one person at the same time; it's called collective consciousness. Writing fan fiction is a good way to express yourself without getting into any legal hassles. And I'm sorry to point out that the "otherworldly, sexy female pirate and lover of Jack" has been done many times in fan fiction. Also, I beg to differ on George Lucas not caring about fans. There will be over 250 fans marching in the Tournament of Roses parade today courtesy of LucasFilm who has flown, fed, and housed them for the past four days. These fans come from all corners of the world.
  5. Well here's a to ye, lassie. I'll be sure t'get me a copy o'that game.
  6. So did you "convert" them to Star Wars, Cap'n Pete? My kids watch it when I have it on. I have the Star Wars Trivial Pursuit DVD game and my older son likes to play it with me. There are several video clips of fans describing scenes that the players have to guess the movie they are from. There are five people I know personally who made it onto the disk. Pretty fun to see them in the game.
  7. The Memorial Weekend release date will be very interesting in the Los Angeles area. The Star Wars people are having a BIG convention at the Los Angeles Convention Center that weekend and several out-of-towners are posting on the boards that they want to pack pirate clothing to go see the movie opening night. I look forward to seeing a mixed lot of Jedi and Pirates at the El Capitan theater.
  8. Well blast me fer not being on these boards; I would have loved to visit the studio again. Actually it wouldn't have worked since both kids are home sick. But I bought my movie at 8am this morning and I have watched ALL the bonus material. A fine present for me birthday. And a Happy Birthday to Walt Disney whose birth day is the same.
  9. Chris, all this information can be found in the different areas of the Pyracy Pub. Movie information can be found in "Pyrate Pop" or "Rabble Rousing" and historical information is readily available in "Captain Twill".
  10. My local club did a marathon with all 5 before the last one came out. Christine, congrats on the milestone birthday but don't fret about the number. I found all my current Star Wars friends when I was 40 and my life has been absolutely great! I might even get chosen to march in the Rose Parade in my Jedi costume. The upcoming anniversary is why I've been absent so long from here. I'm so busy organizing events (just finished "wrangling" 33 volunteers for Cinemax to promote their showing all 6 movies in high-def), working with my costuming groups, plus all my other tasks (kids, school, Scouts). I'll be ready for some pyracy after all the Star Wars hoopla is over. In fact, I think PotC III opens on the Friday during the convention in Los Angeles. Some people are bringing their pirate garb along with their SW costumes so they can catch the opening.
  11. Well this pirate would be interested in them. I been prickin' me fingers with pins and needles from sewing so's I can't do any ropework. Actually, I couldn't do it even if I wasn't bleeding to death.
  12. That last post was just spam so I deleted it. Any more spammers will be walkin' the plank, maties! ARRRRRRR! And I think ye scallywags have had enough o' this debate.
  13. Inflatable pirates belongs in the "Way to a Pirate's Heart" section, lassie.
  14. HOLY SENIOR CITIZEN! He's the same age as my father. :angry:
  15. At first I thought the title was referring to the four-footed variety. Then I saw the picture of the 9-tailed one. Very nice work, shipmates. The hemp one is dandy. I have a couple of "cabin boys" who could use such a motivator.
  16. Gosh, I know the most interesting people! Awesome work, matey. That'll scare the bejeezus out of your customers.
  17. I raise me tankard t'ye, lads and lassies, fer the fine commeraderie and help ye be givin' folk on this project. While I ain't bin able t'participate, this thread will certainly be a treasure trove o'good information fer them whats wants t'make a fine coat. Now I gots t'get back t'sewin' me Jedi robes.
  18. I remember this movie with sadness as it was the last film for both Graham Chapman and Marty Feldman.
  19. No such apology necessary, lass. There be many a forum what don't allow fer tradin' and such, but we be pirates after all and any shipmate what has swag fer us be welcome here. I'll be postin' a shameless plug fer me pirate costumes fer Halloween soon.
  20. That be one piritical piece o'shine, matey. I will definitely be purchasin' one before the year be out. It be makin' a fine "stocking stuffer" fer me mate.
  21. I had Iron Bess do it for me.
  22. PICTURES! I need to see pictures! Since I can't seem to make this event I have to live vicariously through you scallywags.
  23. ARRR! That be me natal-day. I say that be right nice o'them t'give me such a handsome present.
  24. Wow Red Bess, I did the same thing. Except for completing my film degree. I went "laterally" and wound up making training videos. Close enough I guess. I was a "geek" before Star Wars because I loved Star Trek. SW only added to my "geekiness". I managed to see the movie 40 times in the theater and that was pretty good considering the theater it was playing in was 52 miles from where I lived (very, very, very small town) and I didn't drive. Since joining the San Diego Star Wars Society in 2002 I have had more fun that I ever did as a kid. I've met many of the LucasFilm staff, lots of the actors (including Mark Hamill - who also doesn't look like Mark Hamill anymore if it's any consolation Cap't. Pete ). I've visited kids in the hospital in full Jedi garb, marched in parades with my Stormtrooper friends, participated in midnight events to celebrate certain DVD releases, and have been more involved than I ever imagined I would be. When I saw the first movie ("Star Wars") in 1977 I had one friend with me; when I saw the last movie in 2005 my club had rented out a 300-seat digital theater and I was surrounded by friends. Pretty good way to end the series. The best thing I ever did was organize a "fanfilm" for a Make-A-Wish child. This little boy wanted to be Anakin Skywalker and when I started asking people to help the response was overwhelming. The director of one of the most popular fan films ("Pink Five", "Pink Five Strikes Back", and hopefully the completed "Return of Pink Five") let me piggy back this project onto his and the result was amazing. One of the guys working with me went to college with Mark Hamill and Mark came down and had lunch with all of us. I was very impressed at the amount of time he spent with our "star" and his family. Mark is a really nice guy and even signed stuff for anyone who wanted his signature. A very memorable day.
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