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Capt Grey

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Everything posted by Capt Grey

  1. Well he was a talk-show staple for me when I was bedridden for about a year; so I'll think of him in happier times and hope he makes it to the great Green Room in the sky.
  2. A friend of mine went to a Sneek Peek early screening last week. He said it was very good and if you liked Princess Bride, this movie is similar in tone.
  3. I am currently going through the "standards" drill with the Star Wars costumers. Since costumes are required for membership, standards are very important. One thing I appreciate about these standards is that we list Required items (minimum standards) and then give a list of Optional items that are not required but help give the costume a more screen-accurate look. Trying to stay accurate without bankrupting people is the main goal. And listing alternatives/substitutes is also very helpful.
  4. Belated condolances, lass. :angry: As Master Yoda wisely states: "Luminous beings are we; not this crude matter." Our loved ones never leave us as long as we remember them.
  5. Thank'ee fer takin' on such a venture, lass. I know dealing with overseas vendors can be a pain in the arse and I appreciate all your hard work on this. I can't wait to see the buttons!
  6. Thanks. That's a nicely illustrated set of instructions.
  7. Me too. Our Cub Scout Day Camp this year was pirate-themed and it would have been fun to have the boys make these. I'd like to have my Den learn since knot tying is very important when they graduate to Boy Scouts.
  8. I saw the trailer last week. I know my youngest will want to see it.
  9. I don't think it's Wookiee, wrong inflection. Maybe Bothan?
  10. Here is a link to the LA Fashion District. http://www.fashiondistrict.org/ Most of the fabric stores were located in a cluster of several square blocks.
  11. I be guilty of all them things listed. I even went with a group of costumers to the Los Angeles Fabric District and had a very hard time sticking to my list of two types of fabrics I was looking for. Prices are AMAZING! I paid $8/yard for imported Belgian Linen.
  12. Excellent idea, shipmate! Now I just have t'fight my way into me closet to find any extra bolts I be lookin' to be rid of.
  13. There are many military re-enactment groups that specialize in WWI and WWII eras. The guy who founded the Star Wars Stormtrooper group (the 501st, they marched in the Rose Parade in January) is a WWII reenactor as a wounded soldier because he is an amputee (lost his leg in a car accident). Anther woman who is also a Star Wars costumer does a WAC and Red Cross Nurse of the same era. Out here in California I know several people who do historical re-enactments of battles in the area. One man I've known for several years portrays Kit Carson. Heck, my grandfather was a "mountain man" re-enactor up to and including making his own muzzle-loading rifles and teaching me how to throw a beaver-tail knife at a target.
  14. I was concerned that the PG-13 rating would be too violent for my 8-year old. Stupid me; he loved it. It just got boring during all the set-up in the beginning, but once the action started he was literally on the edge of his seat. The kid in the movie who says "Cool, mom!" is exactly what mine was saying.
  15. ...for not responding to the spammer topics. They were easy to mark and "destroy".
  16. Wow! Beautiful work and attention to period details.
  17. I deleted the other gibberish. This one is more fun.
  18. So me Salty sea-mate, what would be the cost o'yer fine ware? I particularly likes the tankards.
  19. OMG, that site has soooo many great pics on it. I'm surprised no one in my Star Wars groups has posted this. They've found a ton of Star Wars-related pics.
  20. ROTFLMPAO! "Coming soon to a theater near you...."
  21. I like the basket hilt, very nice. On a personal note, I don't like Master Replicas. I've done enough work with them to know that they are mostly rude to their volunteers at conventions (most of us are their customers but they don't seem to get that part). And since Corgi bought them up it's a whole new ballgame. They lost their LucasFilm license to do the lightsabers, I think because they wanted more money.
  22. Aye lassie, I hears ye! Ye'll be lookin' right smart in yer togs.
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