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Capt Grey

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Everything posted by Capt Grey

  1. Thankee Master Hand and ye lot, fer explainin' this game. Me oldest cabin boy were wonderin' what this game be (since he's now seen Dead Man's Chest 3 times). I be very unlucky at gamblin' so I'll stick t'me copy o' Star Wars Trivial Pursuit.
  2. I'll join ye fer lunch, Bess. Just name the date.
  3. Great link, Pearl! And I love the pictures of the cakes. :) I might do this for the opening of our brand-new swimming pool/spa/backyard project. It's been almost a year in the making and hubby and I were thinking of having a "pirate party" to celebrate.
  4. Finally got to see this with me first mate and cabin boys. Very enjoyable. However I missed a couple of scenes because of bathroom breaks - one for me and one for my youngest. Definitely have to see it again. And I'm glad I'm not the only one who enjoyed seeing Norrington; I always suspected he was pretty dashing without the wig. I heard about the "cliff-hanger" ending from someone else (with teenage girls who were very upset at Jack's fate). I told them they were spoiled by the internet because back in 1980 we watched Han be frozen in carbonite and had to wait 3 years before we found out what happened to him! And without message boards, chat rooms, AIM, MSN, text messaging, etc to discuss it too. How barbaric. I loved the Star Wars comparison, can I repost it over on my Star Wars board? The group did a midnight viewing of PotC II but I couldn't make it. They will definitely appreciate it. And does that make the Kraken the "space slug" from Empire because it eats ships? Iron Bess, me lass, I kept lookin' fer yer name in them credits but it went by too fast. Don't you get yer name on that big screen for all the work you do? I did see Billy Bone's monniker and o'course t'ILM folk what I know. :)
  5. That's the problem with our "home theater" mentality. People behave like they are in their living room and are completely inconsiderate of the others in the movie theater. I completely agree with you. My best movie experience was seeing "Revenge of the Sith" last year because my local Star Wars club rented out the digital theater for ourselves. Nothing like seeing the last of the Star Wars franchise with 300 of your friends.
  6. The smart kids don't take those kinds of jobs. Great story, Pistol. However it's not just the kids that don't think. Back when I used to be a manager in a corporate job, there were some people I had to draw a friggin' map to get them to do their work correctly - and even then a couple of them couldn't do the damn job right! And these were supposedly college educated adults. Stupidity knows no age group.
  7. No Pearl, I didn't take the kids. This was a "mommy-only" visit with my friends for Unofficial Star Wars Fan Day at Disneyland. We're trying to convince the park to have Star Wars Weekends like Florida has. Did you make it on the ride, Christine? The humidity was terrible on Sunday.
  8. I tried to ride this yesterday, but I kept missing the opportunity. By the last time I tried, they had shut it down for the night and weren't going to open it until today. Other people I went with got on. They said it was great. I'll try again in the off-season. I don't like going to Disneyland in the summer time.
  9. Watch out for all the Star Wars fans, Christine. It's Unofficial Star Wars Fan Day at Disneyland today. I'll be there in my special Star Wars shirt.
  10. Very nice work! You're braver than I am. I haven't attempted these yet.
  11. Why don't you post some pictures so we can see your work, matey.
  12. That's true. I've been doing a group Star Wars costuming project (turning 12 military shirts into vests and making bibs/plaquets from Navy workshirts) that involves a lot of seam ripping. I just plop in front of the tube and rip away.
  13. *Ponders the enormous amount of time required to stitch around the coat. *
  14. Great shirts! Thanks for posting the link. If these sell, will you be doing more? I didn't see any XL.
  15. I always steer people to Captain Twill for historical accuracy. I see Plunder as the Classifieds of the Pub. I don't care if it's a neon pink frock coat or one of Kass's wonderful, historically accurate patterns. I'm of the Hollywood side of costuming, but the character of Captain Grey has become popular at the local sci-fi conventions around here. Rumba and I were in a costume contest last year; she won for her beautiful, historically accurate outfit and I won a special prize for "Most Entertaining Entry by a Single Contestant".
  16. Send me an e-mail, matey. I'll go with ye.
  17. A toast t'yer faithful companion, Cap'n Bo. Fourteen years be a long age fer our canine friends and it sounds like they were years filled with love and happiness. A quiet end is a blessing.
  18. Sunday June 25th is the Unofficial Star Wars Fan Day at Disneyland. Here's the link to the site and you can buy the themed T-shirt with a portion of the proceeds going to the American Cancer Society: http://www.ocstarwars.com/disneysw/ Uh Rumba the info is in the first post. Star Wars Celebration IV (30th Anniversary of the original movie). Next year (2007). Memorial Day Weekend (May 24-28). Los Angeles, CA. Celebrations I-III were held in Denver and Indianapolis respectively and during the years that the Prequels came out (1999, 2002, 2005). Star Wars fans thought last year's con was indeed the last one but we heard rumor there would be a convention to celebrate the 30th anniversary. Not a rumor anymore.
  19. Yes, who else but me. For you fellow Star Wars fans (especially those on the west coast), the BIG convention (30th Anniversary) will be held in Los Angeles on Memorial Day Weekend of 2007. My time at the Pub will be limited due to my work "behind the scenes" with the organizers. But it's gonna be a helluva party! And if anyone watches the MTV Music Awards on Saturday, one of my SW costumes is making a surprise appearance.
  20. I'm not "into" the PT Cruiser, but I could change my mind with this one.
  21. It is amazing, isn't it? And very refreshing. That's what I like most about t'Pub. We be secure enough in our selves that we don't feel the need t'argue or flame. We be good pirates! To continue further off-topic, I picked up a book from the bookstore called "When God Was A Woman". It talks about the pre-Judeo/Cristian religions where female dieties were seen as the creators of life and women were their prophets. Family lines were traced through the mothers because they didn't know the role that men played in procreation (the time between conception and birth was too long to assume they were linked). I've always held the belief that "new" religions replaced "old" ones. That's why we have major celebrations during ritual seasons: Christmas/Chanukka/Winter Solstice in the mid-winter and Easter/Passover/Spring Solstice in the spring.
  22. YAY! Another Alf fan. :) I loved that show. Yes it was a little corny and some people got upset about the eating cats thing. But c'mon it was a TV show! (I loved the cat jokes even though I have three cats.) Hmmm, trying to remember what I used to watch. Twilight Zone (Rod Serling was a genius) Star Trek Batman F-Troop Room 222 Love, American Style Wonderful World of Disney Carole Burnette Show Hogans Heroes Barney Miller Dragnet Emergency CHiPs Saturday Night Live (when it was funny) Love Boat Fantasy Island (hey, they were back to back with Love Boat) Taxi Night Court Cheers Magnum P.I. Simon and Simon Hill Street Blues Star Trek: The Next Generation Deep Space Nine Voyager Home Improvement Hercules (Kevin Sorbo = eye candy) Zena Since I've had kids, my TV watching consists mostly of Cartoon Network and Nickelodeon.
  23. Is the party....um, faire...in September also in Ojai? Or is this the one in Corona? It be costin' so many dubloons t'put the wind in me sails that this pyrate be sittin' in port most o'the time.
  24. Ah Kendra lassie, that be a splendid post. Thank'ee fer sharing.
  25. Absolutely correct, Master Hand. Kids gotta be kids and adults should remember that (and play with them). They are not miniature adults. Example: My husband coordinated a water gun fight at the Cub Scout campout last weekend; kids against the adults. It was hard to tell who was having more fun. I used to tell my older son's preschool teacher that if he came home without a bruise or scrape that he wasn't playing hard enough.
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