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Capt Grey

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Everything posted by Capt Grey

  1. As most everyone here knows, I am an unabashed Star Wars fan (e.g., "nut"). Since Blackjohn was kind enough to start a thread for the Star Trek 40th Anniversary, I thought I would start one for Star Wars's 30th Birthday. Here are a couple of things I can share: - The Tournament of Roses Parade in Pasadena (Jan 1, 2007) will feature marching Stormtroopers and two Star Wars-themed floats - A big convention will be held in Los Angeles, CA (LA Convention Center) over Memorial Day Weekend. The original movie has become such a cultural icon. I see it parodied on countless cartoons that I watch with my kids, I hear tons of "I am your father" references, and more. It's kind of amazing how a little space fantasy that was supposed to fail at the box office made such a huge impact on us. So what are your Star Wars memories?
  2. That be a right bargin fer 'trooper armor, Capt'n Straw. An untrimmed set will set you back $500-$600 these days (although I can get a set for arund $460 - if I could afford it ). Let's move our Star Wars talk to "Beyond Pyracy" and not take over this fine idea o'our shipmates. Even tho' I be not participatin', I will be takin' notes.
  3. Avast, Silkie! This be Plunder and our mate be allowed t'hawk his wares to our free-spendin' shipmates. We'll git yer picture up soon enough matey, and then I'm sure they'll be Pirates-a-plenty willin' t'take advantage of yer most generous offer. Mayhap I kin replace me first mate's annoyin' Three Stooges bottle opener fer this fine, piritical one.
  4. The mare I ride is an Arab. I nick-named her "psycho-mare" because she was a little wacky when my friend first got her. Her previous rider had a full cardiac arrest in the saddle and died; the owner was so upset she put the mare out to pasture and didn't touch her for 2 years. My friend and I have been trying to help her become a more "normal" (as normal as a flighty Arab can be) horse. The best thing I ever did with her was fall off and then get back on. She really had a breakthrough that day (I just broke my pride ).
  5. Good luck to you on your house-building adventure. Having horses close by is wonderful; I have to drive to another city to go riding but it's so worth it. And congrats to the horse with his 15-minutes of fame.
  6. Yeah, I heard about SFX updates. I think Spike or some other cable channel is going to air those episodes. I'll be watching. I wonder if I can still fit into my blue Lt. mini-dress? (Probably not. )
  7. AMEN! That was in a Spongebob Squarepants episode. "Look! I'm Blindbeard the Pirate".
  8. Too many costuming projects and not enough time! I would LOVE to join in on this except that next year is the 30th Anniversary of the original Star Wars movie and I'm leading a couple of group projects for that. I doubt I'll be out of "Star Wars mode" until next summer. However if you do get a group going on this, I promise to check here often to see how the project is moving along. It sounds like a great idea.
  9. Master Hand, you may just have discovered the latest fad diet! The Pirate Diet. If it works, you can write a book and make lots of money.
  10. You forgot the part where they throw up the remains on the front porch (or living room).
  11. My older son found this about 4 months ago and showed it to me. Yeah, kinda stupid but we have a cat named Charlie so we say the name with that musical lilt to be funny.
  12. What size do you wear? I have some leftover PotC-style waistcoats and shirts that I was going to put on e-Bay for Halloween. I also have a pattern for breeches that probably wouldn't take that long to do. This is definitely "Hollywood-wear", not historical re-enactment stuff. It will at least give you something to wear until you get your authentic kit.
  13. Me niece has had several. She takes such good care of them that two of them lived to be four years old (average life span is 2-3 years). I like pet rats. They be smart and friendly. But me first mate has banned rats and snakes as pets. The snakes I can understand since he and me oldest cabin boy be afeared o'them. But I supposed with 3 cats it be not wise to have such "fast food" available in the house.
  14. Don't ferget t'get yer grub from my favorite Pirate fast-food joint: ARRRRRR-BY's. (Yes, it's lame but I love that joke. )
  15. I might go scare....um, I mean educate...the kiddies at me youngest cabin boy's school on that day.
  16. I assume this is for PotC3? Those nasty, last-minute, pickup shots?
  17. I know nothing about building ships or boats but this looks fantastic. I especially love your "helpers".
  18. ROTFL! That is great, Hurricane! I'll have to save me dubloons up for the ringer t-shirt.
  19. Master Hand, I like your Star Wars analogy and I quite agree with it (except that I thought Empire was great, but to this day I still hate Ewoks ). Although this is not my area of moderation, I would recommend the moderator lock this topic to avoid any more "misunderstandings". Lady Seahawk is quite correct that this thread is for discussing disappointment in the movie and everyone should allow those posters their say. Afterall, we have several threads dedicated to those that loved the movie. Personal attacks are unwarrented and unnessary and only keeps the thread going in a useless direction. My two-dubbloons worth.
  20. Wonderful site. He's certainly picked the right time to start this business, what with all the interest in pirates and historical films.
  21. The original series encapsulates what TV was at the time. All you have to do is watch some of those old shows to see how "hip" ST was compared to them. (C'mon, Lost in Space as great science fiction? Talk about "campy". ) Thanks for the info about the animated series. I will definitely add it to my "must buy" list. I'm an "old fart", so I remember the original series and I suffered through TNG (I got fed up when every episode took place on the Holodeck; there is an entire universe out there and all they can do is imagine they're in the 1940's?! ) I loved DS9 because they closed the story so beautifully. I also gave up on Voyager half-way through the series but I enjoyed the cast of Enterprise (I like Scott Bakula too ) even though I didn't watch it much. Unfortunately Paramount is doing NOTHING for the 40th Anniversary this year, which really disappoints me. Unless you attend the big party that Creation Conventions is throwing, there really isn't much to celebrate the series. And that's really sad. But I could also blame Lucasfilm for doing nothing this year for the 25th Anniversary of Indiana Jones.
  22. A masterful solution for re-enactors. Even us "mundanes" could use them, because I don't wear a watch. Thanks for the link, Rumba.
  23. We took ours in February. And there are no plans to repeat that vacation anytime soon since it's the only "real" vacation we've taken as a family (oldest is almost 12 years old). But I like to remain optimistic. Maybe something miraculous will happen to allow us to go again. My hubby LOVED Castaway Cay; he didn't want to leave.
  24. I just finished recovering from Comic-con. I think attendance was over 130,000 this year. Had a nice chat with some of the Stranglehold folks as they were only a couple of tables down from mine (I'm head of the Star Wars Rebel Legion costumers here in Southern California). I didn't spend much time on the dealer floor as it was SO congested. Some of my friends did PotC1 recap in the Maquerade, here's a movie link: PotC at Comic-Con The Chewbacca in the Pedicap was on his way to a party we both attended on Friday night after the con closed. He was also at the same booth as "Captain Jack" Toby; I was a Wookiee Wrangler for him on Friday. Comic-Con is fun, but like Danny Glover says in the "Lethal Weapon" movies: I'm gettin' too old for this sh*t!
  25. ROTFLMPAO! Oh that was great, Phil. Thanks for the laugh, it made my day.
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