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Capt Grey

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Everything posted by Capt Grey

  1. Well, I drove around for 40-minutes trying to find a place to park; ended up on the other side of town and gave up. I saw Captain Syn (Dennis) from Stranglehold entertaining folks on one of the double-decker buses and Rumba Rue on the sidewalk with her "cart". However I couldn't stop because of the cars piled up behind me. So it was a wash-out today.
  2. I figured you all would be in one encampment or another. Do you have a set time for the singing? Or are you wandering minstrels?
  3. I'll be there tomorrow in my "civvies" (shorts/pirate t-shirt); trying to drag my kids along to get them away from the video games for a while. If not, I'll come by myself and have even more fun!
  4. I love the Lego Star Wars games (I and II). My kids have spent hours just exploring all the different areas and creating new characters. They made a "Naked Lad" character with flesh-colored parts; I keep asking where he stores his blaster when he's not using it . Mission, TFN has done two major server moves since 2001 and a lot of files got lost in the first move; so yours must have been one of the victims. I know a lot of the fanfic writers over there were very upset.
  5. I'll have to pass along the LA events on my Star Wars boards. A friend has demanded that attend Dragon*Con next year; I figure I have a year to save for it.
  6. Well, if Stranglehold will be there I guess I'll have to come and harass them. We didn't have our tables near each other at Comic-Con and I missed them. I don't know why I haven't heard of this. Oh I know....because we're doing Cub Scout recruiting during September. But I'd love to come for a day.
  7. Yes, lots of jokes about the R2 trashcan back in the day. Some collectibles are a little too rich for my blood though.
  8. I haven't seen this one posted yet: Captain Jack Sparrow sings "I've Got A Jar of Dirt": Remix version. My older son found this. Good lad, he is.
  9. I also have the power to delete spammers on this forum. Mission covers it while he's at work and I cover it evenings and weekends. But since neither of us is online 100% of the time, some of it is bound to stick around for a while. All we can do is ask for your indulgence while we deal with it. One way to keep spammers out is to make a a message board private. That means NO ONE but registered users can see the board. But for a board like this that wants to share information with people, registered or not, that wouldn't work. Another method I use on one of my other boards is to check each registration individually; but that won't work with members in the 1000s. The moderators have an ongoing discussion about this problem and the best way to solve it. Right now we only have moderators deleting the offending topics when we find it; it's not perfect, but it's the best plan at the moment.
  10. I thought she had skin cancer and "melone" it was a short term for melanoma.
  11. A toast t'Master Hand for taking on a costuming genre I would not touch with a 10-foot needle. My deepest respect for your skill. Doing mascot costumes is extremely difficult. I also have been disqualified from many costume contests, but I don't really care since I do it for fun. Those that want a chance to compete against their costuming peers should attend the San Diego Comic-Con and enter the Masquerade; some of the work represented is extremely professional and includes stage effects and props.
  12. I hear you and feel your pain. My older son wants his new Sora costume finished for an Anime convention in January.
  13. If you want to see him ROCK as a good guy, rent Spy Kids III. The director puts his head on a CG (computer-generated) body and it's awesome. I'm a huge fan of Mr. Montalbahn, although I hated to original Khan episode of Star Trek ("Space Seed"). I suppose in true pirate-fashion I should also nominate Jason Isaacs "Captain Hook" as a very sexy, very evil bad guy. Of course his role as Col. Tavington in "The Patriot" with Mel Gibson is probably the worst bad guy he's done - unless you've seen the Indie Irish film "Divorcing Jack" where he's even a worse bad guy (but still sexy).
  14. Thank you for the offering. PayPal is away...
  15. Congrats on the award. I love making costumes for my kids, even when they are anime ones that look entirely different in 3D. My older son as Sora from the Kingdom Hearts video game: And as Kaiba from the Yu-Gi-Oh series: Last, but not at all least, my youngest as his super-hero alter-ego - Quick Mitch: (I didn't have the hood finished when I took these) Sorry if I hijacked your thread, Cheryl.
  16. No worries, lass. I also miss things that be right in front o'me... ...but never the RUM!
  17. If the small (26") sword be the one with the black scabbard, then I'm interested. What would shipping be to California (zip is 92029)?
  18. Well the American Film Institute did a poll a couple of years ago and Darth Vader was the #1 Bad Guy according to the results. Works for me.
  19. I have lots of Star Wars collectibles. For some reason in 1977 I had this "obsession" about taking my magazines, newspaper articles, digital watch (very new and trendy in the 70s), and books and keeping them in plastic covers. Good thing I did, I call it my "children's college fund". Recently I got hooked on the mini-busts by Gentle Giant, although I had to sell some more valuable pieces when my car blew up and needed fixing. I still cry over losing some of it. Right now I have waaaaaay too many SW costumes and props in my little corner office. LucasFilm has given me some nice things as a "thank you" for volunteering for them on different occasions. (Yes, I'm name dropping. )
  20. You can also check that "sticky" thread at the top of the forum entitled: "Golden Age of Pyracy Patterns".
  21. "Lovely spam, loverly spam. Lovely spam, loverly spam. SPAM SPAM SPAM SPAM SPAM..." Here you are Lady Alyx:
  22. A toast t'yer new kit, lass! Girlie dress comes in handy fer female pirates; while the blokes be distracted with yer "top sails" ye can run em through!
  23. Beautiful work. Maybe when my backyard remodeling is done I can order a sign for our backyard "resort". I deleted the duplicate thread since people are responding on this one.
  24. Putting this thread in PLUNDER also implies that people can link to vendors or ask questions of where to buy said minimum garb items. I'm enjoying this thread immensely. I hope to upgrade my gear from Hollywood to mostly-authentic in the near future.
  25. A toast t'Master Hand and all our other talented pyrates! I cain't draw a straight line, so I be very impressed with those wot can make art.
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