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Capt Grey

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Everything posted by Capt Grey

  1. Don't blame the writers. Many a director has tossed what the writers put in to better fit their "vision". If you want a really good reflection of the movie industry, watch the Burt Reynolds flick "Hooper".
  2. I'm waiting anxiously for that one. Loved the first one. Bess, as ever you are a fountain of knowledge and the soul of discretion. You balance youself very well on these boards and I am always grateful for your insight.
  3. "It's the Bible. You get credit for trying" - Ragetti, PotC: DMC Sorry, that just popped into my head when I read your post. I'm reading this thread with great interest. I really have nothing to add, but it is a fascinating topic. It brings up all kinds of questions about what the criteria is to be "literate". I have to suggested that, based on the amount of free information available today in our electronic world, that the "baseline" for literacy must be higher than it was a few hundred years ago. Reading material is much more prevelent and all around us - on paper, on screens, on phones, etc.
  4. This statement (thank you BillyBones) solves a lot of the loose ends in the movie for me. In watching the behind-the-scenes pieces of PotC:DMC, I got the feeling there was an "upmanship" going on between the writers and the director. If this was true for AWE, instead of having a complete, cohesive story we got a mish-mash of "ideas" that sounded good at the time but didn't really move the tale along so that the audience could understand it. Maybe that's why I like the original, 1977 Star Wars. I could understand the story and it had a beginning, middle, and end.
  5. My thoughts and prayers go out to this little girl and her family.
  6. Beautiful buttons, renfairpirate. Nice work. I may order some when I get around to finishing my waistcoat.
  7. ROTFLMPAO! I'm going to remember your wife's quote. That is priceless....and dead accurate. (Apologies to the Orly fan-girls, but us real women want real men.)
  8. Sorry, I have to go with Hook. Especially when he looks like this: And I completely agree with Iron Bess about Jack running away. (Thanks for a wonderful memory of Ross Martin; I loved him in that movie; heck I loved everyone in that movie - it's a classic. )
  9. I agree that Norrington's character, who had the best development in the second film, was sadly abandoned in the third film. And I was really looking forward to getting the story behind this picture: Taking power from Beckett? Saving the world by denying Beckett what he most wanted? I really wanted to know.
  10. I think there's still a petition floating around for "Ice Cream Maker Guy"; the dude running through Cloud City with the ice cream maker tucked under his arm in "Empire Strikes Back". Here's a link to some SW toys that were never released: Unreleased Star Wars Toys And for the record, the Star Wars Celebration IV convention in Los Angeles over Memorial Day Weekend was disappointing. Very little homage to the original film and very little to see/do. All the ideas/help offered by local science fiction convention planners were given a "Thanks, but no thanks" from LucasFilm and GenCon. Very sad.
  11. Toby (aka SithCamero) was also at Celebration IV. He walked up to the X-Wing and said something about needing a new ship. We had a nice chat when I was walking between Halls and he joined me for a brief moment. He has the mannerisms down perfectly.
  12. I'm not surprised it's being cut down. Warner Bros. is cutting the new Harry Potter movie because they don't want it running 3 hours (despite the fact the book was over 800 pages). To hell with the story, just make sure it doesn't run too long.
  13. ROTFL! I love the Python quote. Sorry I missed this. Friday the 13th was my youngest son's birthday and we had a great time. But I think owning a black cat makes us immune to superstition (except that Mondays are still a bad day in my book).
  14. You wouldn't, by chance, be the same "Smilingotter" that posts on the Dewback Wing ASAP board would you? That person was interested in some hakama-type pants for a Jedi outfit that I was going to make for him (still have the pattern). I go by SD_GreyJedi on the ASAP board. If you are the same person, then no need to be nervous because you already know someone here. Welcome to the Pub. I do have a couple of Civil War uniform patterns but I would have to take a look at the vest to see what modifications are required.
  15. OMG, I'm so sorry to hear that. He was one of my favorite authors.
  16. I suggest a Millenium Falcon motif for your new home, Master Hand. Blinky lights are COOL! I also have a prop-building friend who is doing a version of Jayne's Vera rifle from Firefly. I'm up to my eyeballs in Star Wars costuming (X-Wing pilot vests, Endor trooper vests, Jedi outfits, Return of the Jedi Luke and an Empire Strikes Back Lando). But after Memorial Day Weekend I get to do a "scruffy" Norrington outfit for a friend in time for San Diego's Comic-Con. A group of us want to visit the HMS Rose (from Master and Commander) in PotC and other pirate garb for a photo op.
  17. Here's some more fun stuff: Teaser trailer: USPS Teaser Trailer Here's the story: http://www.theforce.net/topstory/story/The...hood_104306.aspR2-D2 Mailbox Unveiling in Hollywood
  18. My compliments to the artisan, Bess. That is indeed fine workmanship. A fine treasure indeed. :)
  19. Star Wars conventions are few and far between. They're called Celebrations and they had the first in 1999 (prior to Episode I), 2002 (before Ep 2), and 2005 (before Ep 3); do you see the pattern here? Actually there is a BIG Star Wars convention in May in Los Angeles this year. It's the 30th Anniversary for those of us who want to feel smug (or old) that we saw it in 1977. I am a child of the '60s and I love the original Star Trek. I am not a "dweeb", Master Hand, I am a "nerd" and now a "geek" in 21st century venacular. The release of AWE is causing problems for many of my friends (both PotC and SW fans) because we will be at the big convention when the movie opens. Some people are talking about trying to see it at the El Capitan either Friday day or Friday night. I told them to not try to see the convention that day and just camp out in front of the theater. I will have to wait until after it opens to see it.
  20. Congrats on the newest addition to your household. I name my cats after gems and semi-precious stones: Amber, Diamond, Jet, and Opal. Jet and Opal are the current housekitties. Opal is also not svelt and her nicknames include "Chunky Munky" "Chubniks" and "747 Wide body". All said with love and affection.
  21. He probably could push the ball down the lane if his operator let him. We did an evening charity ball earlier in February and while we were having our dinner in the staff area, R2 was rolling around with his lights flashing and playing the "Electric Light Parade" theme on his built-in CD player. He's one of the best remote-controlled R2s around. He's even been blessed by LucasFilm master droid wrangler, Don Bies.
  22. I stopped watching the Oscars when Steven Speilberg was purposely passed over for the Best Director in "The Color Purple". They still considered him a horror director and wouldn't even consider him a contender. He won the Golden Globe for Best Direction which is usually an indication of an Oscar win. Like anything, it's politics.
  23. Those are nothing compared to what the 501st guys (the Stormtroopers) post on the main board. The Elvis Trooper is my friend Kenny and the Jack Sparrow is Toby from Chicago. Toby has probably one of the best Capt Jack Sparrow costumes I've ever seen. I can't name all the guys in the Color Guard for the Rose Parade, but I know about 1/3 of them personally. Here are some of the "clean" pictures from my local group's photo album: International Child Abuse Network Bowling Event City of Hope Child Cancer Survivor Picnic Free Comic Book Day Event And my personal favorite..... Obi-Wan immediately after Order 66: As you can see, we have a lot of fun.
  24. Don't drink and lightsaber. Actually, us Star Wars geeks were commenting on how bad the Stormtrooper's armor looked.
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