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Capt Grey

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Everything posted by Capt Grey

  1. The biggest problem with unruly kids is parents that won't enforce the rules. In my Star Wars club we have a family where the oldest child is totally undisciplined because the parents don't want to "hit" him. They try to reason, plead, cajole him into behaving; all he has learned is that he can walk all over the adults. I cringe when we have meetings in a resturaunt because he runs all over the place. Of course if you mention discipline the mom reacts with horror that she would never hit her kids. If there was kid that needed a good spanking, this one is it. On the other hand, my kids are always well-behaved because I enforce the rules. If they step over the line after several warnings, a spanking ensues. This is not "beating", it's disciplining. Kids need parents to be in charge. Okay, off the soapbox.
  2. Siren, you can also register a complaint with the host of his e-mails (the "@something.com" portion of the e-mail address). Using e-mail to harass you is against the law and the e-mail provider can be held liable for letting him do it.
  3. He could be autistic as well. These kinds of "temper tantrums" occur on a fairly regular basis. Frustration is a huge part of an autistic kid's life.
  4. I saw them today at Wal-Mart. They even had little pirate icons printed on them (skull, canon, etc). I wish they would have kept the dark chocolate ones from the Star Wars promotion last year. Those ROCKED! :angry:
  5. There is an existing thread on KHII here: http://pyracy.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=6895
  6. Aye, out of curiosity what difficulty setting did he has it on? He's 11-years old, matey. He did it on Beginner, what else? I has a few, older, gamer friends who help me tease him about being a wimp. But we wanted to get through the story - which is quite good.
  7. While the cause is a good one, Mr. Beagle is not the first - or last - person to be outmaneuvered by the movie industry. Promises are easy to make, but they need to be put in writing to make them stick. I'm also not sure they can bring this case to court if the statuate of limitations has run out. The movie came out in the '70s so they may have lost their window of opportunity.
  8. Just FYI, neither e-Bay nor PayPal will EVER ask you for your log-in information by e-mail. Notifications about your account appear AFTER you log into their sites. I've been using both since 2000 (before PayPal was bought by e-Bay) and I've sent them a TON of spoof e-mails since then.
  9. Thank'ee, Jack. I wasn't quite sure if they were the actual actors; so it be a nod t'the voice actors who did a fair impression. Capt. Jack in the game has some good lines too. Me oldest cabin boy just finished the game yesterday - one week after we bought it. If only I could load me musket as fast as he hits those buttons!
  10. I think it was an airplane or something because I was in my local Target store but the noise and vibration were coming from the roof, not the floor. When aircraft hit Mach 1 and break the sound barrier it makes things rattle.
  11. The whole "Final Fantasy meets Disney movies" concept is pretty fun - and weird at the same time. Auron talking with Hades is a real mind-blower. Other notable voices in the game are Christopher Lee and Ron Perlman.
  12. Bumping this up as my oldest has just finished the PotC section of the game. Considering this is the only "live action" film the game incorporates, they did a pretty good job. Of course since the ghost pirates were computerized anyway, it didn't take a lot to put them in the game. It was very nicely done. I have a question for Iron Bess: In the voice credits they list Geoffrey Rush as Captain Barbosa but I couldn't find a listing for Jack Sparrow, Will Turner, and Elizabeth Swan; however, there is a credit for the actors' assistants..... ....so does that mean they lent their voices to the game while they were at the studio filming "Dead Man's Chest"? This is one of those little things I like to know; trivial, but fun.
  13. Well for all the discussion we had on this subject, the proposed solution is not working out at all. Sellers are not making any notation in their topic descriptions and the last time I added one I was "flogged" by the poster via PM. So instead of making more work for myself trying to help people with the historical/non-historical marker, I'm giving up. The new slogan for PLUNDER is: Caveot Emptor - Buyer Beware
  14. Very nice work, maties. Cap'n Mac, kin ye post how many dubloons ye be willin' t'sell yer pieces fer? (In English: how much are you charging?) Someone at a pirate faire gave my kids a monkey fist; we put it with the rest of our pirate gear. And I likes yer mats, Morgan lad. Very talented sailers we has here.
  15. I didn't know Jack Wilde had died. How sad. Let's see there was HR Puffinstuff, Lidsville, the Bugaloos, and another one with the sea monsters (forgot the name). All those were Kroft productions. For the "Japan-imation" I remember Kimba and Speed Racer but my favorite show by far was the Hanna-Barbara "Johnny Quest". I loved the detail of the animation (still do, in fact).
  16. Master Hand, you are wonderful with the wee ones; me two cabin boys remember you from the Corona Pirate Faire. I would love to do this fer me youngest, but I'm afraid Buzz Lightyear is taking priority these days.
  17. Tra-la-la La-la-la-la Tra-la-la La-la-la-la Ah yes, good times. Good times.
  18. *Edit topic description as requested in sticky topic at the top of this forum.*
  19. Edited link in the first post and added "non-historical" to topic description as requested by the sticky post at the top.
  20. Class is now complete. Locking thread. Thank you for your time and efforts, Kass.
  21. My older son has been waiting for this game since he finished the first one two years ago. He played a demo at a big convention last summer and we were hoping for a fall release date. I've known about the PotC part since last year. The game sites have been talking about it. I got a pre-order for it a couple of months ago. I'm such a nice mom.
  22. ARRRRRGGGG! I hopes it turns out well fer ye, matey. When I left my ATM card in the machine (inside a grocery store), someone turned it in and they called me over the store speaker system. I was lucky.
  23. I will after I download all 178 of them. Here's a picture of me first mate at the "Pirates in the Caribbean Party": Fortunately I have a program that makes a photo album automatically.
  24. Alright shipmates, I added a "sticky" topic for people wanting to sell items. Hopefully they will take the time to read it.
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