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Capt Grey

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Everything posted by Capt Grey

  1. Ye Little Pirate, I believe ye said in another thread that ye be 12? I hopes ye have yer parents' permission because in most states ye must be 18 or older to buy edged weapons.
  2. The first online group I ever joined (back in 2000) was called The Order of the Grey. It was dedicated to Jedi Knights who used both light and dark powers for the greater good. All my Star Wars-related board names have "Grey" in them. I'm Grey Jedi on FanForce and Rebel Legion boards and Commander Grey in the 501st. So naturally I called my pirate screen name "Captain Grey".
  3. PirateXPrincess, Iron Bess works at the Disney studio and lets us know what she can, when she can. Newspapers are not always correct. Your cast list is a potential spoiler because it includes the name of a character thought to be dead. That can ruin the movie for some people. The Keith Richards rumor has been going on for over a year now. No one wants to let it go.
  4. Moving this to Plunder where the original thread on this game started.
  5. Some internet friends in the UK told me about it. It seems the Great Ormand Street Hospital (which owns the rights to Peter Pan) set up this contest. Many people are outraged about it; and I kind of have to agree. But then us silly Americans did the same thing with a book sequel to Gone With The Wind.
  6. Moving this to Rabble Rousing, folks.
  7. You mean other than wearing it for a week straight and working in the garden with it? The topic was called: "My garb looks too new" and you can find it here: http://pyracy.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=3913
  8. PyratePhil, you're "we remember the characters, not the drones" statement reminds me of the Steven Covey philosophy (the author of "7 Habits of Highly Effective People") which is to live your life the way you want to be remembered. I took a "grunt" job at Target because I needed the money, but it doesn't change who I am as a person: happy, friendly, and loves Star Wars. Some of the best moments of my life were through my volunteering (such as a recent Make-A-Wish project). I'm even happy working retail because I can get PAID for picking up and putting away - something I do for free at home with two kids. Attitude is everything.
  9. HarborMaster, if ye still has one RomaGold left I kin pay ye fer it by the month's end.
  10. I've been here for nearly two years and in that time almost everyone shows their "real" persona. Some of the threads invite us to be silly and "piratey" all in good fun; other threads - especially in Beyond Pyracy - let us express our thoughts and feelings honestly as ourselves. This is a good thing.
  11. That is a gorgeous coat. And the price is really low!
  12. Sorry, off-topic: Yes Christine, it's out on video. That's how come I watched it 5 times over the weekend. Now my kids are quoting scenes from it. And the pirates in it are very fun. What's is your friend's name and what voices does he do? Does Mr. Kenny come to Comic-Con? I know he was there in 2002 when Mark Hamill was filming "Comic Book: The Movie".
  13. That's what happens when you watch the Spongebob Squarepants movie five times over the weekend. (But I did love the pirates - especially the scene after all the credits.) Okay, back on topic. Cheesy items for sale on e-Bay; see the thread on the "Want A Good Laugh?".
  14. Holy Krabby Patties! That is quite a piece of work. I can see that the artist invested a lot of time in this. Even without the figure, the backdrop is very intricate. Thanks fer sharing, Bess. Although I'm surprise you're not bidding; it would look GREAT in your office.
  15. It's been discussed in some of our general pirate movie threads (e.g., Favorite Pirate Movies). Campy and silly. I remember when it was released. But then, I be old.
  16. Oh, now I just had t'try it with me own RomaGold one from HarborMaster. Yes it does ring, but now my finger hurts. Lady B. seems very happy with her Master Replica, Wolfy Wench. And MR does have a good reputation in the prop community. At least this is priced nicely - not like the $450 lightsabers.
  17. Sheesh. Another one infected by over-inflated ego. He needs to remember that sage advice: You're only as good as your last picture.
  18. Aye, Rumba. I'd love t'accompany ye fer a visit to the good Bess's berth. *imagines Rumba and herself running onto the soundstage with foam swords crying "AVAST THERE!"* (Then again, maybe not. ) Perhaps ye can let us know a good time for an "invasion" of yer office space, Bess. I know ye be busy right now. And speaking of off-topic: I have to miss a shoot for a LucasFilm commercial WITH PAY! Stupid cold! Sorry, I'm done ranting now.
  19. Well that's the most important part. May the Force Be With You...All.
  20. Arrrr matey, how's about repostin' this in the Plunder section sos our fine merchants kin sees it? That be a sweet deal fer both ye and the vendor!
  21. Oh I needs t'find me more treasure sos I kin purchase some o'yer wares, Cap'n Mac. They do be fine lookin' indeed. I has a monkey fist in me home as a play toy fer me cats. :angry:
  22. Those who buy Master Replica products gave up on this because MR kept slipping the release date. First it was last July (in time for Comic-Con in San Diego), then September, then November, then December....ad naseum. But I'm glad to hear they FINALLY got them out - and that you have one, Lady B.
  23. Your skill is impressive, matey. I hopes ye finds a buyer fer this rare item. Please go introduce yerself at the Initiation Rites thread; we loves t'meet new people. And be sure t'bring plenty o'coin since newbies buy the first round.
  24. The "Inaccurate Movie Database" if often incorrect. Also realize that the information is subject to change without notice.
  25. Nice collection of graphic designs, Steve. This is definitely the place to tout yer wares, matey. I'm sure you'll be gettin' orders from our members.
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