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Capt Grey

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Everything posted by Capt Grey

  1. You're right, Fancy. Hawkyns brought up the wonderful The Three Musketeers/Four Musketeers made in the 1970s. Richard Lester was the director and I totally fell in love with swashbuckling (and swashbucklers) from that moment on. The casting was superb in that movie. Mission, if you like David Thewlis (Professor Lupin) you should watch a great film called "Divorcing Jack". It is a great little movie (and has the Lucius Malfoy actor Jason Isaacs in it as well).
  2. You mean like "Krull"? (Actually, I liked it. Young Liam Neesom! )
  3. :angry: You mean there are other movies besides Star Wars? (Anybody who knows me will get the joke. I am an unapologetic, middle-aged Star Wars fan. Although I agree that Attack of the Clones was lacking in a decent script.) Actually, I love the Harry Potter movies. My son and I dress up for the openings: Lord of the Rings anything by Pixar (Toy Story, Finding Nemo) Disney classics (20,000 Leagues Under the Sea) anything by Tim Burton (I loved the ending of Planet of the Apes) Yes, I'm weird.
  4. I got me Aztec cursed coin from the good HarborMaster and it is fan-bloody-tastic! I too was delighted with the weight of it, like holding a real piece of gold. Ye done good, mate. Thank'ee kindly.
  5. Rumba, that is indeed a smashing frockcoat! Ye did a fine job, lass.
  6. Actually it needs to go under "Raids".
  7. Me poor, old eyes are havin' trouble seein' the image, matey. Even when I click to enlarge, it's still too small to see.
  8. I be mergin' this into the Pirate BBB topic, mateys. Glad ye gots some good responses, Phil.
  9. YOU PEEKED!!!! Nay lass, I was there when ye did it.
  10. [off-topic]Actually the colored bracelets are to support different causes. Like the ribbons. Red for AIDS, Pink for Breast Cancer, etc. I wear a Light Blue one for Autism. [/off-topic]
  11. Well Mission, I hear from several sources it will not disappoint those who didn't like the first two. You have to remember, Jedi are very boring. And believe it or not, ILM approached me when they heard about the Make-A-Wish project. I wouldn't have even thought of asking them to do the special effects for our film. (Sorry to take this off topic. If anyone wants to read about my Star Wars Make-A-Wish project, just go to the site ) Good idea, JoshuaRed. And the lighting should be better too. So many of the scenes are at night, trying to brighten them makes the colors look weird.
  12. Because ILM is busy with a little project of their own right now. Some movie that comes out in May. And if they have any free time they're going to help me with my Make-A-Wish project. They said so today.
  13. Get ye some slops Picture from Jas Townsend A sash, loose-fitting shirt, and head scarf and....viola!
  14. Nah, Bess don't need no sissy staple-remover. She just grabs one o'them skeleton hands she has lyin' around and uses the finger bone t'pry it off.
  15. I think you're right about it being used for upholstery, blackjohn. With the cotton blend it's probably not 100% historically correct.
  16. High-resolution screen caps coming up!
  17. The fabric is a mixture of horsehair and cotton (if anyone read the linked page). And yes, it is for in-ter-fac-ing not actual clothing. Interfacing: the stiff stuff you put between your coat fabric and lining to keep the collar stiff or add weight to the jacket. (Not quite sure why no one understand this concept; it's in the thread title ) Just trying t'help the historically accurate, mateys. The normal price on this 20 yard bolt is $125, so the sale price of $60 is quite good.
  18. *warms up computer DVD player* I be right on it, shipmate. Kin I deliver in person t'ye?
  19. GAH! Thank'ee Capt Mac fer remindin' me I owes the good HarborMaster some dubloons fer me cursed Aztec coin. Sorry HM. I'll be PayPalin' ye by Friday.
  20. I wouldn't wear it against my skin, but I believe someone was referring to it as an interfacing in the "old days" (before we had the wonderful iron-on stuff). I had horses too, Rumba.
  21. Here t'is the thread: The Pirates BBB *wonders if the bunk in her quarters is long enough to tie PyratePhil to*
  22. Be careful what ye wish for, m'lad.
  23. A while back someone, I believe it was Master Hawkyns, was talking about horsehair interfacing for coats. One of my online fabric supply sites is selling a bulk roll of this interfacing for a very reasonable price: http://store.trimfabric.com/lx-593.html
  24. Aye Capt. Gary, ain't nothin' that can't be remedied with a little black powder.
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