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Capt Grey

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Everything posted by Capt Grey

  1. My photo is back on the third page of this thread. But since you're too lazy to go back at look at it ( ), here: I'd like to get a picture of me in the complete outfit, but my camera software just died and I can't get any pictures off the card.
  2. Bess, has a date been set yet for this? My son has announced he wants his party on Sunday Oct 24th, so I may be free on the 23rd.
  3. *knashes teeth* Blast and damnation! I planned fer this the whole damn year and then me @)#&%$#%# husband has t'louse it up at the last minute. It looks like ye had a fine time, mates. Guess I better start plannin' fer next year. Maybe by that time I'll be divorced.
  4. That's not "anal-retentive", it's attention to detail - which I sometimes lack if I'm in a hurry to finish something. Thanks for the compliment, RHJill, but I still consider myself a "hack" when it comes to sewing. :)
  5. I cut the sleeves XL but the jacket L; however I didn't have any severe problems with the sleeves fitting in the armholes. This may sound stupid to the experienced tailors, but the wide end of the sleeve is for the cuff attachment. And my cuff came out fine because the raw seam where it connects is folded over by the cuff and is essentially hidden. Does this make sense? (I would post pictures but my camera software died and I can't get pictures off my flashcard. GRRRR.)
  6. We need t'make a toast t' Capt Gary and Iron Bess in their absence, sez I. I'll be docking me car Saturday morning before 10am (I hopes). Lookin' forward t'see ye, mates! UPDATE: ARRRRRRGGGGGGHHHHH! Due to a late-breaking crisis of a personal nature I cannot attend tomorrow. WAAAAAAAH!
  7. This pattern runs large. You would probably be fine with a Medium and then be a bit generous when you cut it out. Be warned, it is a slightly complicated pattern; one of the toughest ones I've tried. But I was very happy with the results. You can read more about this pattern in this thread: New Simplicity Pattern
  8. Aye, laddie. Paramount be the biggest crop o'fan-haters I ever did see. They be killin' the golden goose in my eye. They even went after Eugene Roddenberry (Gene's son) when he started his prop replica business. Idiots. Now LucasFilm, on the other hand, be right encouragin' o'their fans. They even be askin' fan groups around the nation (mostly Stormtroopers) to help promote the Official Star Wars Trilogy on DVD which starts selling on Tuesday (9/21). All ye that bought those e-Bay copies were contributin' t'the piracy problem cuz they weren't approved by the company. But then very few people knew that. And yes, Pearl, China be the port for video pirates - they be the worst offenders. Since many films still be processed in a lab, copies of negatives can also be made for pirated DVDs.
  9. A toast t'me favorite pirate holiday! I been piritin' all weekend, startin' on Friday when I visited me cabin boys' school and talked about pirates with 'em. T'ain nothin' like makin' newspaper hats and paper pirate patches with them kindergarteners: Today I be enjoyin' the charms o'Captain Jas. Hook, Esq. *sigh* Now there be a pirate!
  10. This is about people who are putting films on the internet for download, not about using PotC pictures on your web site. When a film is put on DVD/VHS, everyone involved gets a portion of the money spent to buy a copy of the video. When these films are put on the internet, these creative, hard-working people are literally robbed of their money. As much as I like pirates, video piracy is just plain wrong.
  11. Zorg, I be mighty glad ye didn't lose any fingers or hands. But burns are very, very painful t'recover from; as I'm sure ye know. I be glad everyone is fine and, hopefully, will be of a forgiving nature. That is why they call them "accidents"; you don't plan them. Take care, matey.
  12. Absolutely gorgeous, GoF. That be a handsome piece o'plunder.
  13. Now what use is a Stormtrooper forearm piece without the rest of the armor? Is there a certificate of authenticity for this item? I know where one complete set of screen-used armor went, but I didn't know that anyone broke up a set to sell the pieces. I'm not doubting you, mate. I'm just curious.
  14. Ahoy lassie! Glad t'see ye back in port. Spin us a tale of yer adventures these past months. :)
  15. That be a fine set o'pictures, RumbaRue. That be a grand lookin' crew o'pirate, that be. I be sorry I couldn't make it but there were other plans afoot. Hopefully ye and yer mates will be present at the pirate faire in Ojai. I needs t'thank Red Maria in person fer discount tickets she sent me fer the San Bernadino Faire. ARRRRR!
  16. Not going through the internet leaves you very little options. If you're looking for just a plain leather belt then try Wal-Mart or Target. For something more accurate I have to recommend e-Bay or other online replica sites. I deal a lot with prop replica makers and I have been very pleased by their trustworthyness. Those that are out to scam are soon reported so that others won't get conned. My favorite Renn site is Ravensmoon Replicas. They have several craftspeople who do armor, leather, sewing, etc. One stop shop.
  17. Yes and no mate.... right now work is all consuming, I MISS this board!!! But the perks.... are nothing to sneeze at!! But if ye sneezed on 'em would ye get t'keep 'em? Just make sure ye take time out fer the Ojai faire, lass. I'll be lookin' fer ye. (Consider yerself warned! )
  18. Well I always be up fer raidin' them corporate types! That's what piracy be all about - spreadin' the wealth, so-to-speak. Yer health is what comes first, mate. And San Diego ain't goin' nowheres; maybe I kin "convince" them mates on the Californian t'be more hospitible t'ye. But a trip t'the east coast sounds like a grand adventure. If I weren't tied down with me cabin boys, I'd join ye in a heartbeat. Will ye be comin' t'the Ojai Faire? T'would be grand t'see ye face-to-face.
  19. Arrrrr! A beautiful little cabin boy ye have there! Congratulations. And virtural hugs t'yer first mate for all her hard, hard work birthin' the lad. Make sure she gets some rest there, me hearty.
  20. Arrrr, now that be a treasure of a price indeed! Huzzah, Rumba Rue!
  21. I've read a few of the books but I didn't know there was an animated series. Interesting. However I found the books to have too much description and not enough adventure for this pirate.
  22. Well Captain Gary, I'm sure the Maritime Museum here in San Diego would be happy t'berth ye fer a spell. I been out of work so long I've been volunteering for lots of things just to keep my professional skills up. I have a home office (fax/printer/copier, multiple computers, phone line) and a cable modem internet connection so I can do just about anything from home.
  23. Oh, now I understand. Sorry fer the miscommunication. Here is the pattern I was referring to. It's Simplicity #4923
  24. Captain Gary, I knows a bit about non-profits as I did all the paperwork to start one before me backer backed out. So if ye need a board member or other member that don't have t'be in the physical location, then please consider me "volunteered". I ain't got no $$ t'donate but I do have me computer and some free time. I also knows how t'look fer grants and I be willin' t'try me hand at writin' fer one.
  25. A toast t'me fellow captain. May it be a good one, lad.
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