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Capt Grey

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Everything posted by Capt Grey

  1. A toast t'yer birthday, mate. May fair winds follow ye throughout yer days.
  2. Ahoy Cap'n Slappy! I'll be sure t'order me copy from yer fine site. I be spreadin' the word about "International Talk Like a Pirate Day" (Saturday, September 19th) and will be makin' buttons fer the occasion. Since it be on a Saturday this year I'll be havin' me own Pirate Party fer me mates! ARRRRRR.
  3. Oh lassie, the backdrop of the Gaslamp Quarter is fantastic for your photos. They look great! Lynn Perry is an individual, she isn't a professional. She was just one of the judges for the Masquerade that night. I'm not sure who actually sponsored the prize, I'll ask her and find out. Her usual gig is being a Biker Scout with the 501st Stormtroopers. I saw her frequently during the con because all of us Southern California clubs were sharing booth space this year. We were "stuck" on the very far wall of the floor in Isle 100. That's probably why you couldn't find her.
  4. Well mateys, I finally got me photojournal of the con up afloat on the cyberseas. Ye can navigate t'this port fer a view: Grey Jedi's (aka Captain Grey's) Comic-Con 2004 Photojournal
  5. AH HA! I thought that were you, Penny. I know Lynn Perry so I'll be tellin' her "thanks" fer awardin' ye a prize. It were a cute skit.
  6. But I already gots me a drunken pirate in me house fer free. He be my first mate. I do admit it is a nice sculpt.
  7. Sorry Christine, I'm still recovering. I see Robert and Jeff's dad in the GB group, but where is Jeff? Yes, I like Kenny's web site; especially "Memphis Jones". Glad everyone had a good time. I missed everything because I was working, but I got some nice "goodies" from LFL and the SW licensees for my efforts.
  8. Here a picture of the figure in the case at Comic-Con. This one is probably more expensive since it's supposed to talk.
  9. Charity, I didn't know you were a friend of Kenny's? He's hard to miss at the con - he does "Elvis Stormtrooper" complete with rhinestone pauldron. Nobody saw me because I were "booth mom" fer the LucasFilm volunteers; making sure there were costumed folks fer line control and pilots to stand in front of the 1/7 scale X-Wing. I were a busy bee! Here be yer pics, ye scallywags! The Talking Captian Jack doll: Here be the best o'the "Jacks": Here be me gettin' a "squeeze" from me favorite Jedi, Qui-Gon Jinn: 'Course I asked his wife fer permission as he has been attacked by rabid female fans.
  10. Penny lass, I be lookin' fer ye at the Masquerade but I didn't know yer proper name. Were it the one from "League of Extraordinary Gentlemen"? Me other mate were in the Star Wars Epsiode III fight scene. I'm glad ye got t'see the HMS Surprise. It be nicely fitted out with props from the movie. And Captain Tito, my information sez that the Captain Jack Sparrow figure be coming out in the fall or around Christmastime.
  11. How about a drinkin' game. Watch PotC and every time Jack says "mate" or "savvy" then take a drink. I'm sure you could add lots of drinking requirements to this list.
  12. Blast and danmnation! I be missin' the natal day o'me best mate on t'boards! Sorry lass, I be recoverin' from the convention and ain't raised me weary head outta bed fer the last two days. It be hell fer a seafarin' lass like me t'get old. But ye be forever young in my sight, sez I. So I hopes ye had a wonderful celebration. A toast.
  13. Wolfie, what be yer Star Wars costume? And yes, Friday is "officially" SW day but Steve Sansweet's presentation is on Saturday. Then there be the FanFilm Awards on Thursday night, and the Fan Appreciation Breakfast on Saturday morning.... Too much going on! I'll be on a panel from 3-4 on Friday if anyone wants to stop by and test their SW trivia knowledge.
  14. ARRRRR! What a great font fer me "Talk Like A Pirate Day" party invitations! TLAPD is on a Saturday this year, mates! All the more time t'watch the classic pyrate movies along with PotC and Captain Hook - um, I mean Peter Pan.
  15. Well I finally makes a birthday wish on t'proper day. It be a miracle! May yer plunder be gold and never-ending. May yer tankard be bottomless. May ye live as long as ye wants and never wants as long as ye lives. Happy Birthday, lass.
  16. LOL! Glad I be that I could tickle yer funnybone, mate. Actually, stormin' the gates ain't such a bad idea afterall...
  17. I'll be easy to find. In the mornings I'll be manning a cash register at the Lucas Pavillion from opening until 1pm. And I'll be in isle 100 (booth 130 or 132) the last hour that the dealer floor is open. Look for the San Diego Star Wars Society.
  18. Let's try and find a time t'meet if we can. I'm "free" on Wednesday night and all Sunday, except I'll be at all the kids panels with me cabin boys. My Star Wars group is going to have a late dinner at the Greek Islands Cafe in Seaport Village after Preview Night closes. You maties are welcome to join us, I'd love t'see ye.
  19. Aye, Sjöröveren. Well said. In a battle o'wits, Merrydeath be armed t'the teeth. And I likes yer ass, Merry.
  20. Blow me down, lassie! That be a right fine set o'togs ye be wearin'! A tip o'me hat t'yer skill with t'needle.
  21. Ah, my mistake. Me apologies fer the confusin'. *shakes her rum-soaked head*
  22. But Bess just said that they be available at SaveDisney.com. I'm gonna gets me one, and thumbs me nose at Eisner and his cronies. ARRRRR!
  23. ROTF! I love parody costumes! No worries, lass. It be more important t'meets up with ye than gettin' photos
  24. Okay. I'll being doing my usual "Jedi on Vacation" which has become my ritual outfit on Sunday. You can't miss me. I'm the one on the right.
  25. Aye! Now that be soundin' more like a pirate voyage t'me, Captain Gary. I be signin' aboard fer that cruise!
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