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Capt Grey

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Everything posted by Capt Grey

  1. Arrr, as a wise adventurer once said: "It ain't the years honey, it's the miles." And forties be mighty fine, sez I. Happy Birthday, Lassie!
  2. Ooops. Sorry. Yes, I meant Mr. Lee. Also great as Count Dooku in "Attack of the Clones" (shamelss Star Wars plug!).
  3. I'll be lookin' fer ye, RumbaRue! I be only four minutes away from the location. (Be only fair fer me t'visit ye since ye visited me at the SF convention.)
  4. Yes, there are real cowboys still around. Remember that the next time you eat steak. Maybe you folks aren't from the west. My surrogate father was a REAL cowboy. I learned the cowboy way from him. "Young Guns" was not about cowboys but outlaws - big difference. If you want to see a REAL cowboy, go see "Hidalgo". Cowboys do use computers to manage their livestock, but they probably don't have time for forums. Or maybe they do, I haven't talked to any for a while.
  5. piratecaptainmorgan, beggin' yer pardon but yer description shows ye don't know about the cowboy way. Cowboys be very spiritual - they believe in the land, the wind, and the water; they believe a good horse be the best and only possession worth havin'. They be fair-minded and will do the right thing even if it be detrimental t'them. They carry knives (bowie or buck) instead o'swords. They use rope in a different way than pirates, but with the same amount of skill required. They be free spirits who go their own way, don't try t'tell noone how t'live their lives, are polite t'women and children, like animals, and actually have good relations with Native Americans. And contrary t'television and movies, many cowboys were black. As far as readin' and writin' I think both pirates and cowboys were probably illiterate.
  6. I've been a fan of his since his Dracula days. He even played Sherlock Holmes in a couple of films. Wonderful actor.
  7. When I visited Iron Bess at the studio, one of the prop guys said they sold all the POTC props to another company. They don't have anything to make replicas. Stupid. And actually, the comic is in all the Disney Adventure magazines. We just got the newest one and there is another story in there with Commadore Norrington.
  8. She was the perfect match for John Wayne in all those movies. I loved them together. My favorite movie is "The Quiet Man". She's wonderful; I need to get that book! A truley graceful and talented lady who needs some good roles besides being someone's mother or grandmother.
  9. Truer words were never spoken, Quill. Yer family be those that raise ye and love ye; ain't got nothin' t'do with biology.
  10. Well once the bairn is born there be such a thing as a blood test t'determine paternity. That be savin' ye legal obligations if it not be yer child. Emotional obligations be another thing. Just remember, it ain't the baby's fault and there be plenty of couples what would give a chest o'gold fer the chance t'raise it. Course this be none of me business, but ye did ask...
  11. Try being a Stormtrooper or Darth Vader. Those blokes take their group picture at 3 in the afternoon on the HOT staircase out back. YIKES! Sorry t'be takin' this thread off-topic, but anyone interested in Comic-Con (another fine display fer costumes) can PM or e-mail me. I wants t'see lots o'pictures from this Costuming Con ye be talkin' about.
  12. Ahoy Christine! I be thinkin' o'attendin' the Escondido Faire at Felicita Park! It be only a stone's throw from where I live. Mayhap I be seein' ye there. I be goin' t'find the Port Royal Privateers and "plays" with 'em. Perhaps ye would recognize me more easily if I be wearin' me Jedi garb....
  13. Aye Captain Morgan! I toast t'yer summary! Real cowboys be a dyin' breed. After seein' the movie Hidalgo, I been rememberin' all me landlubber days in the saddle. And the description of "cowboy coffee" be absolutely correct!
  14. If ye goes down t'the category called "Everything Else"; under "Gifts & Occasions" is the section for Costumes. From there ye can search fer pirate garb. Most o'the SCA/LARP folk have their wares in that section.
  15. I showed the movie t'me cabin boys and now our favorite quote is: "Is this a KISSING story?" complete with whine.
  16. He'd be lovin' it, lassie. No modesty, false or otherwise, in that lad. Ye needs t'bring that outfit to Comic-Con in July. Last year we had two Quiddich players and a referee walkin' the floor.
  17. Aye, I be thinkin' it be a rib bone o'some sea creature. I also be noticin' that the recreators ain't includin' it in their recreations. Maybe it be from them sea turtles ol' Jack lashed t'gether fer a raft.
  18. Arrr! Good luck t'ye lassie. Be sure to take pictures. The only masquerade I entered were Comic-Con 2002; and it weren't me in the costume even. Me oldest cabin boy bears a strickin' resemblance t'that Potter boy. He was the first contestant in the contest and this was his first appearance in front of a live audience (of 5000). He had no stage fright whatsoever. I, on the other hand, was a nervous wreck.
  19. That board be mistaken if they be thinkin' that splittin' the power be all us shareholders want. Mr. Eisner must walk the plank! The words "out of touch" aptly describe his management style. ARRRRGH!
  20. ARRRGH! Did I miss another one?! I be workin' a convention all weekend and away from the keyboard. But I were a good pirate and was pilferin' from the crowd in the guise of a Raffle. (Actually there was a raffle. ) So here be a toast t'ye, MerryDeath!
  21. Aye lass, I knows. But it be hard t'find extra coin these days and there be several big conventions I be savin' me dubloons fer. An' it wouldn't be very priatey o'me if I boughts it! I needs to PLUNDER it! :angry:
  22. Nay Bess, it be yer Jack Skelington I be admirin'.
  23. Aye! I remeber that scalliwag! That were back in the days when cereal charcters became cartoon characters with their own series; there was Captain Cruch, Sugar Bear, um.....that's all I remember. But I'm sure there were more. I may be old but me memory still works. (And if ye wants t'really sift through yer memories, there was me favorite cartoon - Johnny Quest! If ye be in Southern California, there be a convention in Del Mar this upcoming weekend and one o'me mates is going t'show the ORIGINAL first show of that series on FILM!)
  24. Just a cautionary note, maties. Remember that Disney has "sacked" their animation departments around the globe (first Paris, then Orlando, FL, and lots in Burbank, CA) so they don't really have the artists; and most of what they do put out is either done by other companies or looks crappy. So personally I hope they don't do a TV series because it will never be as good as the original. Also, be careful of who makes the swag fer sale. The Star Wars fans and collectors have lots of opinions about the companies who are "officially licensed" to reproduce props. Some are revered (like the Code 3 scale replicas of the ships), some are hated (like the cheapo Halloween costumes by Rubies), and some cause lots of debate (like Master Replica products of lightsabers - nice to look at but you can't use them or they'll break; many fans prefer sabers made by independant folks like Jeff Parks). If they be makin' the Aztec coins outta plastic in China, ye can bet I'll be spendin' me gold elsewhere. I got friends what makes fine replicas that can be gold-plated, and that be the way I goin'. That be my 2-dubloons worth.
  25. Tis a right smart hat ye've made, redvipers. Good work, mate. I tip me commercially sold, mass produced, Halloween store hat t'ye.
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