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Capt Grey

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Everything posted by Capt Grey

  1. Arrr! That be fine story, Quill. The Pacific Symphony here in Southern California recently had a "Space Music Concert" where children were invited to attend a concert of music from space movies - featuring Star Wars, o'course. The orchestra members greeted the children and talked about their different instruments before the concert. Then, the kids and families got to listen to the concert in the theater. Of course our local Star Wars groups were there in costume to lend some "color" to the event. From what I heard, it was a hit.
  2. A toast t'yer birthday, Goddess. Be sure t'keep those men-folk in line.
  3. The doll were made by someone, Hawk. It not be fer sale. Wolfy Wench, how did ye miss the "Beyond Piracy" thread that Isabella started called "Anyone else here a Star Wars geek?" She and I be chattin' away about Celebration 3 next year.
  4. Aye, I'm always late givin' out birthday toasts. I think celebratin' fer a week sounds like a good idea! A root beer toast t'ye, Maggie me lass!
  5. I heard the Henson companies be strapped fer cash and that this would help keep 'em solvent. But there ain't no love fer Mr. Eisner by the Henson family. Let's hope they keeps some creative control o'er their works. Thank God George Lucas be rich enough t'cut all ties to Disney. (That why there be no new movie fer Star Tours; Mr. Lucas won't deal with Mr. Eisner no more.) Maties, if ye be Disney stockholders it be time t'make Eisner walk the plank. Arrrrrrrgh!
  6. Rope be an influence from me cowgirl days. "Give a man enough rope and he'll hang himself."
  7. Oy! I be tearin' up fer laughin' so hard! Thank'ee fer a much needed belly laugh, Wartooth. Only us "experienced" pirates be knowin' what ye be talkin' about.
  8. A belated toast t'yer birthday, mate. I be lookin' forward t'readin' yer stories once me cabin boys are older and I kin read again.
  9. We need t'be makin' a movie about Bess's life and call it "Pirates of the Carribean: The Curse of the Internet".
  10. Hmmmm. I posted afore Halloween that a friend o'mine were offerin' replica Aztec coins fer $10 each (painted) and would discount for orders of 3 or more, but no one were interested. I guess it were the timin'. Or the fact they was cast in resin. Still need t'get me some fer me treasure chest.
  11. I feel yer pain, lassie. I too be "top heavy". When I cinches up me bodice, I bend over at the waist sos me "appendages" will fall up and I kin tie 'em up tight. This ain't a good picture cuz me bodice ain't got no bonin' and it be late on Halloween night after distributin' the goodies t'the lads and lassies.
  12. Aye, this be no place fer politics. Ye be a wise lassie, endkaos. My apologies.
  13. This be the same reason why a president what has an affair be more interestin' than a president what lies t'the entire country and sends people off t'die for it. Sex sells. (This be no talk against our military, bless em. Jus t'fool what sent 'em.)
  14. I forgot about Project Gutenberg. Good on ye, mate!
  15. Hmmm, I would have thought he were more like Farquard; he looks fair but feels foul. Whereas Shrek looks foul but feels fair.
  16. That article be a spoof, Red Maria. Although I wouldn't put it past the egotist t'change the name.
  17. No hurry, Red Maria. You be a wealth o'information on yer own. I be applyin' fer a part with the Port Royal Privateers and I be thinkin' o'a woman doctor - or physik as ye call it. She be learnin' from her father who left the British Isles cuz o'debt and a love fer the bottle. He still had a love fer the bottle in Port Royal, but workin' with pirates paid the bills. Once he died she sorta took over the business as it were. (And looking at the fantastic replica medical equipment on the GGGodwin site was quite an education as well; but it will take some time to collect all the pieces I would like to get.)
  18. See's Dark Chocalate Molasses Chips. Mmmmmmm.
  19. Aye. That be why I took a picture o'yer Jack Skelington statue. Me first mate and I be talkin' about makin' one fer our yard. We kin put it up at Halloween and leave it up until after Christmas.
  20. **whispers**Take more than one, Penny, it be chocolate!
  21. Now, now mates. I just lured Bess inta a false sense o'security. I actually be doin' "reconnaisance" fer me next visit.
  22. Arrrrr! That be a right smart web site, Claire! Good on ye. I especially likes the lad wif nuttin' on but 'is eyepatch! I'll be bookmarkin' the page sos I kin check yer costuming resources often.
  23. I think it depends on who you're talkin' to at the park, endkaos. I got the Special Assistance Pass (SAP) for me cabin boy all three days we was there in December with nary a fuss. I had a copy o'his evaluation where it says "mildly autistic". But I have read a couple o'disability sites where guests in wheelchairs weren't treated proper cuz the cast member didn't know the procedures. **sigh** Disney used to have a reputation fer the best-trained employees in the world. Bess, I gots the little "Goodbye Michael" banner offen' the SaveDisney site itself so I thinks Roy has already seen it. But if ye be talkin' about me rantin' o'ironies, then I be glad t'send him the link t'the page. Just think o'yerself as a mole, Bess. Ye be spyin' fer the protectors o'Disney just like a good scallywag! And iffin' ye wants me t'take more pictures o'yer office, lass, I'll be glad to visit again.
  24. You mean link it to "Save Disney"? Or send it to Roy Disney personally? I just be a humble pirate, lassie; I gets confused easily. Endkaos: You be parent to an autistic child too? I be lookin' fer sites and that sounds like a good one.
  25. Me fine pirate mate, Iron Bess, invited me t'board the Disney Studios. Here be me photo-journal o'the event; although I didn't take as many pictures as I should have because I were gawkin'! Disney Studio
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