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Capt Grey

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Everything posted by Capt Grey

  1. I'll be rootin' ye on, lass! If I kin get a seat, that is. And what day is ye wearin' yer Lucius? I wants me cabin boy t'wear his Harry Potter that day. Course I'll be in Star Wars garb all four days. I think I'll be in me grey Jedi robes on Friday, though. Hafta see what me bosses at the LucasFilm pavillion wants o'me.
  2. Now lassie, jus cuz I be sendin' ye a PM don't mean I were bullyin' ye t'post on t'board. But I be glad ye did.
  3. Oh Christine your outfit is GREAT! I missed the Masquerade last year. I'll be working at the LucasFilm pavillion doing line control in costume for the special Silver Sandtrooper figure they are selling. And when I'm not there I'll be at the opposite end of the convention center (5 football fields long), working at the Souther California Star Wars Clubs mega-table (501st Stormtroopers, Rebel Legion, Orange County Star Wars Society, San Diego Star Wars Society). And if I'm not doing that, then I will be working as "set dressing" for some of the Star Wars panels. Last year I got to help present statues for the Star Wars Fan Film Awards. My Cinderella moment! One week, no sleep, pure adrenaline!
  4. I tips me hat t'yer skill with a needle, mate. That be a grand waistcoat. Just grand!
  5. ARRRRRGGGGGHHHH! That be a hefty price fer admission, lassie! Dunno if me poor, threadbare purse be able t'support that. But mayhap the winds o'good fortune will change me predicament by then.
  6. Aye RumbaRue, that be a fine, fine set o'togs there. I tips me hat t'ye. That be fine enough that even old Hook (with his red sombrero ) would wear it!
  7. Thank'ee kindly, PirateQueen. Mayhap I be findin' the time t'fill out that there application this weekend. I be likin' t'scare the children at Halloween with me pirate act; t'would be fun t'do all year 'round.
  8. Ain't never heard o'it, lass. But I'll be askin' me Ren friends about it and gets back t'ye. Do they allow pirates? Some o'them faires don't take too kindly to us buccaneers.
  9. Aye, Captain Tito. I do seconds ye on that it be a beautiful country. And their national anthem be singable, unlike ours. Happy Canada Day t'our northern brethren.
  10. Ah RumbaRue, the fault be mine. I be not readin' yer text aright. But I do plan t'be joinin' up with the PRP after me big event at Comic-Con (July 21-25). Me pistol and me dagger are itchin' t'be brandished! :) I missed the Ojai Faire last year and I don't intends t'do so again. Too many of me pirate mates I wants t'meet. Drink up me hearties, yo ho!
  11. Actually Quill, I be on yer mailin' list cuz I gets yer e-mail notices. So, AYE, anything t'save me coppers. I'll be sendin' ye an e-mail with me "personal effects". I gots me kit ready, I jus has t'turn me underskirt into sea pants. Bought me a fine pistol at the faire in San Bernadino an I needs a place t'try 'er out.
  12. Ah, thank'ee kindly privateer. The good RumbaRue did her best t'notify me o'the closin' date fer applyin' t'the PRP, but alas I missed it. So I'll be payin' me shillin's wit' the rest o'them but it be fer a good cause. I'll be lookin' forward t'seein' me mates and showin' off me new pirate finery.
  13. It ain't up t'Bess whether or not she loses her job. That be out of her hands. It be "guilt by association". We'll swears upon a stack o'Bibles it weren't your fault, Iron Bess. You been only tellin' us what be public information. And if we find the squawkin' bilge rat what let his lips spill t'beans, I says we cut the offendin' member out o'his mouth!
  14. Why is that harsh, Charity? Members of the Screen Actors Guild work very hard to keep their membership, which acts as a union to protect their pay, cover them with group health/life insurance and represent them in contract disputes. When productions have "open" casting calls, they are essentially thumbing their noses at the professionals who have worked very hard at their craft and are using legitimate methods to obtain work by having an agent to represent them. Every pirate "wannabe" out there thinks he/she can get a role in the next two movies, which is patently unfair to the professionals who do this for a living. Casting outfits are going crazy with all the rumors, which is why they posted that article. Like any popular movie, the rumors are rampant. Just because you read something on the internet, doesn't make it true. I'll wait to hear from our own Iron Bess before I believe anything.
  15. I wants t'go t'this shindig and meets up with me fellow pirates. Be there a web site fer this? I needs t'hoard me gold fer the adventure.
  16. Sounds like ye had a blast, Hawkyns! (Pun intended.) Good on ya, mate.
  17. I thought they locked the doors on those screenings so nobody can escape? With movies costing $10/person I don't see too many in the theater. Although I'll probably go see the SpongeBob Movie just to get a glimpse of Patchy the Pirate.
  18. Let me add my belated Congratulations to Captian Tito and Wendy. She be a healthy youngster!
  19. If you live in Southern California there is an excellent Costumers Convention in July. I know a couple of the instructors and the classes are just fantastic. I'll try to find the web site and post it. A friend of mine who is a costume designer uses large graph paper for her patterns. I am a no-talent hack who just started sewing Jedi robes a couple of years ago. Compared to my friend who makes Victorian ballgowns, I'm a "wannabe". But that's okay. I'm having fun.
  20. Thankee, lass. We knows the heavy weight o'responsibility, don't we. I may be lookin' fer one o'them "pairs" that Pearl was talkin' about. I be willing t'have a pretty one and take me first mate off me hands before I makes him walk the plank.
  21. Lady Barbossa and AkashaZuul: You both have imparted an entire semester's worth of costuming information. I tip my hat to you. I am very grateful. I will check out the Butterick pattern ASAP.
  22. There's an older thread around here that has a very comprehensive list of pirate movies. Don't forget: International Talk Like A Pirate Day is Saturday, September 19th! Time fer a party, mates!
  23. They be very nice; I would be purchasin' a few but I needs t'plunder some gold first. If'n ye needs info, let me know and I'll steer ye to the right persons. We needs some good pirate comics t'break up all than manga. Be sure yer treasure chest be full of swag fer it be a mighty expensive venture.
  24. How totally and completely AWESOME! Even though my ancestors fought on the other side, a big HUZZAH! for the Royalist and her crew. Long may she sail! Please post pictures ASAP!
  25. Ahoy matey! Be ye comin' t'Comic-Con International this July? I be likin' yer pubs - comics, that is.
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