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Capt Grey

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Everything posted by Capt Grey

  1. I meant the Buy It Now price. I've seen life/death masks go for several hundred dollars.
  2. I hope this is legitimate because that's a really, really good price for a life cast. I'll have to pass this on to a couple of Johnny Depp fan-girls I know.
  3. Have fun in Burbank tomorrow, ye scurvey bilge-rats. I'll be thinkin' o'ye as I herd me crew through a birthday party tomorrow.
  4. This is considered one of the lamest movies of that decade. I hope you have therapy lined up to help get you through the anguish of watching this move.
  5. I have that pattern stored on my computer but I haven't yet contemplated making one. Yer seamstress did a magnificant job, GoF. And yer website is mighty fine!
  6. I have fabric in that color, Capt. Gary. Just send me a PM or e-mail.
  7. If I don't have no takers by the end of today (Wed 10/20), I be lockin' this thread and offerin' the shirt on another board. Fair warning, mates.
  8. Ah, a fellow dragon-lover (I think). Me oldest cabin boy likes dragons; I may get him the pendant fer Christmas. That I can afford.
  9. Can ye be givin' us the address? I cain't be comin' this Saturday but if I is up in the LA area, I'd love t'stop by.
  10. Aye Charity. Just PM or e-mail me and we'll work out the details.
  11. Oh Redd, I love yer mate's workmanship. I be hankerin' after a tankard from 'im, but I cain't raise the dubloons. Anyhap we can get a "friend of" discount? Thanks fer sharin' wif us.
  12. What color do ya need, laddie? I be trying t'get rid o'some o'me extra fabric. Actually the picture doesn't do the color justice. It's a dark camel-color that looks like silk.
  13. I had this up on e-Bay but it didn't sell. I'm askin' $25 fer it with $4 for Priority Mail shipping. It's a polyester blend fabric that you can wash in the washing machine. It fits a L/XL and is really big and billowy.
  14. That card is awesome! I'll definitely be savin' me dubloons. And 1000 is a really a lot of cards for the money.
  15. The PropStore of London is well-known for their movie collectibles, so it should be authentic. The price is certainly in line with what PSoL charges. (Which means it's waaaaaay out of my reach! )
  16. Thank'ee kindly, Gentleman of Fortune. But this be such an agreeable crew I don't think there will be much fer me t'do. Fer pirates we be a well-behaved lot.
  17. I'm not sure what you're referring to, lass. All I see is the main menu. Is it the CD with the soundtrack from the ride? I got mine from e-Bay.
  18. Aye, they lose them right in the path that yer walkin' in yer bare feet. I gots me a Star Wars Lego collection that me cabin boys cain't touch. :) Pirate Legos sound like a good Christmas gift fer me little scallywags.
  19. That be a fine lookin' coat, mate. Good on ya!
  20. Check out the link in my last post. That is where the majority of this discussion is taking place.
  21. I'm still tryin' t'schedule the oldest cabin boy's birthday and it may fall on that Saturday. The first mate won't work with me on this when I asked if we could schedule it on Sunday or the following Saturday. So at this point I have to bow out on the 23rd. O'course then he'll schedule the party for Sunday and claim he never did nothin' t'spoil me plans. Sometimes I hates the man.
  22. Yes! What Armorist said! I bought a "Cavelier Hat" last year at one of those Halloween Superstores for $12. One side was already pulled up and attached with velcro. I simply pulled up two more sides, stapled them in place and - voila! - instant tricorn. It even came with a red feather but I replaced that with a couple of dyed ostrich feathers. It's not perfect or historically accurate, but it is cheap.
  23. The authors were in Pasadena, CA signing copies of the book a couple of weeks ago. Some friends of mine went and bought them.
  24. Christine, do you want to carpool from Escondido?
  25. Kin I collect some $$ donations from me mates to contribute t'their fine charity? All me Star Wars brethren loves kids' charities.
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