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Capt Grey

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Everything posted by Capt Grey

  1. I loved "Pirate Police File". The Wal-Marrrrrrt was funny too.
  2. Thank'ee, lassie. I "stole" the quote from Merrydeath; and I owe her a signature bar in exchange (still on my t'do list). I has another one with Hook what says: I'll probably dust it off sometime soon and use it.
  3. Sorry lass, I don't understand. T'buy online all ye needs is an internet connection. And since ye post here I'm assuming ye has one. Ye just goes t'the site, places yer order, pay fer it, and ye be done. Ye gots every shop in cyberspace t'choose from - which be the advantage when ye lives in a small town without a lot of stores (I grew up in one of those, sos I knows yer pain). If it be credit cards ye don't have, many bank debit cards can be used as a credit card but it gets pulled out of yer checking/savings account. Or ye can get a PayPal account and link it t'yer checking account. Ye gots t'have yer plunder lass. I sez, Go For It!
  4. Yes, premier stuff is always $$ because not many people have them. The stamp on the back has the premier date under the movie title. Very rare item.
  5. And it's only $11.99 if you order from some of the MR dealers on e-Bay. MR is just lining their pockets, mate. Although I shouldn't complain because they gave me a free convention exclusive for some volunteer work I did for them at Comic-Con.
  6. Lady B, t'get what ye wants yer gonna hafta get over yer fear o'the internet. I been cyber-shoppin' fer nigh on 5 years now and ain't never had a problem with reputable companies. Ye can order yer merchandise online from many stores (Hot Topic, Target, Wal-Mart) and choose t'pick it up at the store itself. Fer Aztec gold ye can order right from the Master Replica site.
  7. Harbormaster, those be fine replicas indeed. My friend was casting them in resin to keep the cost down, but yer romagold looks right smart (as does the silver). What be yer askin' prices?
  8. Jenny G., no one were criticizin' no one. We just be pointin' out that "real life" in the old days were a lot different than them books speak o' it. Seems like we hit a nerve, lass. Many people here participate in Ren Faires and other re-enactments. That is why we appreciate being born in this century. Have a pint on me and let's keep this discussion friendly, eh?
  9. The offer was last October when a friend was doing some props. I tried to get a big order from this forum but no one replied. Unfortunately he's not doing this one anymore. You'll have to order one from Master Replica or an MR dealer. I wanted to get a few that were unpainted so I could either spray paint them as gold or silver. Unpainted were $5 each.
  10. It's the hero version. Here be the pic: It's pre-order now with an estimated shipping in January. I've seen dealers taking pre-orders for as low as $11 on e-Bay. And I do have to say that, except for the lightsabers, Master Replicas is usually very accurate.
  11. I stand corrected. Thank you, Pirate Queen. Guess I needs t'be gettin' some specticles sos I kin read.
  12. This is so funny because over a year ago I was offering replicas of the coin on this forum for about $10 each but absolutely no one responded. But now Master Replica has the license so it's safer - and legal - to buy it from them. Just as long as they don't screw up the size like they did with the lightsabers (not the scale models, but the replica ones).
  13. Well part of the interpretation of "do you want to live in the old days" is being historically accurate - which several topics on this site deal with. To be historically accurate you have to include the lice, fleas, dirt, hard work, etc. Now if the question was phrased "Don't you wish you could live the life of a hero/heroine in a romance novel?" then we would know it concerned a fantasy world.
  14. Arrrrr, Firethorn! That be a mighty fine piece o'swag ye got there. Let us knows how it be in person. I've bought several costume knives off e-Bay; very cheap but they served their purpose.
  15. Let's see: - the majority of the population were not the landowners; they worked all their lives for the landowner and had little to show for it - women were chattel and had no rights whatsoever - there was little room for love in a marriage; it was a contract between a man and a woman that granted sex to the man and (hopefully) protection to the woman - women often died in childbirth - children who lived to see their second birthday were about 3 out of 5 - there were measles, mumps, small pox, plague, lice, and fleas (and the illness borne by lice and fleas) - bathing was not routinely done - life was hard and people were considered "old" at 40 Sorry lass, I don't care what they show in the books. I much perfers the 21st century.
  16. Creepy? I was rolling on the floor. I think that animation is hilarious. Well, Jesse Ventura has always creeped me out.
  17. Me natal day be December 5th; same as Walt Disney. In fact I go t'Disneyland every December fer me celebratin'. Forties be fine, ain't they maggie. Course I be takin' more pills than I used to, but it beats havin' a heart attack or a stroke. I gots me cabin boys t'play with, me fine cyber-friends to chat with, and the self-assurance not t'care a lick what other folks think about me. Arrrrr!
  18. It be worth it, mate. Not only does it have the entire soundtrack for the ride, there are different versions of the song (earlier trials) and the music you hear while waiting in line - one for the Disneyland ride and one for the Disneyworld ride.
  19. I be about a month shy o'me 42nd birthday. But I be havin' more fun now than when I was in me 20s.
  20. Is that what they call it nowadays? I be needin' me a proofreader too. And I be sendin' ye an e-mail mate! I been lookin' fer some good readin' material plus I kin sez I knows the writer. Ye be livin' me dream.
  21. Mary Sue, think of a bodice as a WonderBra; it does a lot with a little. Here are a couple of basic patterns I use. The one on the left is a chemise (in two different lengths) and the one on the right is a bodice.
  22. Lady B, check your local Suncoast Video store. They usually carry these kinds of things. I've been buying off the internet for 5 years; when dealing with reputable stores I have never, ever had any problems. And for all my years on e-Bay I've only had 1 seller never deliver after I paid (over 300 transactions).
  23. You can also look on e-Bay for ren-type clothing. Use Ren or SCA in the search; although I'd wait until after Halloween. I have a great Ren dress I bought on e-Bay for $180 that I'm converting for pirate wear. It has a short chemise (like a shirt) and a black underskirt. The outer part is like a jumper with the bodice attached to the overskirt. The overskirt is split so the underskirt shows through. My only modification is to turn the underskirt into slops (pirate pants) and wear boots with the outfit. By adding a pirate hat, pistol, and sword belt I'm ready for adventure on the high seas. Also Claire (Poison Quill) had a thread on a lady who makes great dresses for around $70-$80. I'll see if I can find it for you. Nope, that thread has been automatically deleted. Sorry. You can always send Claire a PM and ask her for the info.
  24. The answers to your questions are No and No. Unfortunately this is a difficult pattern, especially for a beginner. And it took me almost a week to complete mine. However, you can start now for next Halloween.
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