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Capt Grey

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Everything posted by Capt Grey

  1. Aye, a vast improvement Rumba! Ye done a grand job, lassie.
  2. I finally read a comment by Geoffery Rush about the not-so-nice monkey. Someone asked if there was anyone difficult to work with on PotC and he said the monkey and laughed like it was a joke. But after hearing what Bess said about the creature, I hope it doesn't return; sounds like the owner/trainer needs to be investigated for animal cruelty.
  3. Oh Duchess! I'm not touching that line.
  4. YOW is right! I think 8 is my maximum for a kid party. But ye done well, Pearl. Now pour yerself some rum t'ease the pain.
  5. Well Simplicity isn't known for being historically accurate. I was just impressed that they made the effort to include the front flap breeches. Most of their costume pants are just the elastic waist, pull-on type.
  6. I have the shirt. Have you heard of "Pink Harvest"? I have that shirt too. Horror, Like, Totally Beyond Imagination
  7. The price reflects the fact that she is an award-winning artist and each doll is hand made. Doll-makers have their own section of the collectibles market and yes they are very expensive. There are hundreds of hours invested in each of her re-creations and looking at the face details I would say the price is fair. I can't afford them either but I can appreciate the time and effort that went into creating them. I suspect she only makes a handful of each figure.
  8. Ahoy, AliasGrace! Good t'see yer post. We have had some changes t'the pub but they be all t'the good, lassie. We've a new proprietor (Bloody Buckets) and new moderators but we be havin' the same fun we always have.
  9. Please do, Pearl. I'm thinking of doing a pirate party for my youngest cabin boy in April. I'd like to hear how yours went.
  10. I love the Rex Harrison/Gene Tierney "Ghost and Mrs. Muir" but it would be a little too adult for the age range, I fear. Also, Captain Gregg was not a pirate. "Blackbeard's Ghost" was shown at my original Talk Like A Pirate Day celebration/movie marathon. It's Disney so the little kids will like it.
  11. Ah yes, the live Peter Pan that came out in December 2003; now THERE was a Hook! I would also recommend the Disney movie "Blackbeards Ghost" with Dean Jones and Peter Ustinov. Then there is the 1980 silly take-off of the Pirates of Penzance called "The Pirate Movie" with Christy McNichol.
  12. If this topic is the same as Bess's info on the revised ride, maybe they should be merged together so all the stories are in the same place. So Bess, how soon can I visit the studio?
  13. Shiver me timbers! You look right smart. That be a nice.....um...coat, matey.
  14. I never plan a party without their help. It's a great resource. They even have a "Pirate Theme" page with all their piritical goodies.
  15. They're not changing it, Isabella. They're proposing a new "ride" within the existing one. During the day your boat goes to the right (the normal path); after dark the track switches and you go to the left to see the "dark" ride. I agree with Mr. Hill; I would love to see if they could pull this off. The Haunted Mansion already has the "pop up" zombies/skeletons and I'm sure for the safety of the audio-anamatronics they wouldn't be within reach of the passengers (just image what smart-aleck teenagers would do if they could get their hands on them *shudder*. The poor maintenance crew would be working overtime to keep fixing things.)
  16. *kick* Does that help?
  17. If ye don't mind searchin' fer yer treasure, I found a 300 piece gold button assortment for $3.95 at Oriental Trading Company. Here be the link: 300 gold button assortment
  18. Hmmmm, Pearl sounds like a frisky lass t'me. ARRRGH! Now that be torture, matey!
  19. I don't know how many pirates scour e-Bay for garb. I had four pirate-style shirts up on e-Bay for Halloween, but only two of them sold. Personally I was surprised they all didn't sell. Good luck t'ye, lassie. I hope it finds a good home.
  20. Well said, Duchess. Please stick to the facts in your description of a problem (e.g., seller didn't answser e-mails, late shipping, item didn't fit, item fell apart, etc.). And just remember that old adage when dealing with any costumer/seamstress (myself included): Buyer Beware.
  21. Thank'ee, Bess. At least t'studio brass cain't accuse ye of "spillin' the beans" on this one. [Han Solo]"It's not my fault!"[/Han Solo]
  22. I see you added a choice fer us not-so-authentic types, Patrick. Thank'ee, mate.
  23. When I make Jedi sashes I like to use a long piece that I can fold in half; only three sides to sew that way. Yes, I'm lazy.
  24. AHOY BESS! Glad t'see ye back, lass. I bin thinkin' bout ye a lot over t'holidays. And avast t'all ye rumor-mongers! Afore this internet us swabbies had t'wait patiently fer a movie without all this speculatin'. In 1980 we had t'wait fer 3 YEARS afore we found out what the fate o'Captain Solo in the Star Wars film be!
  25. Now that be the most brilliant charitible idea ever, sez I. A feast what to raise dubloons fer breast cancer. The name be perfect! A salute t'them wenches fer all their good works.
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